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About archjofo

  • Birthday 03/17/1958

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    Germany, Münchsmünster

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  1. I've just indulged myself browsing your build of La Creole including the ships boats. WOW. man you're just crazy! Top of my list of modelling Gods in ANY genre. Surely the German state should give you a pension for life, for services rendered to your country.

    Question:- everywhere I look the only plans of ships boats longer than my thumb are in the Anatomy of the Ship series of books. Please tell me where it's possible to get decent sized drawings of these boats. Or is the photocopier the way to go?

    I'm getting a little old for Hero's. You're an exception.

    My regards.

    1. archjofo


      in advance I would like to thank you for the nice words.
      I am very happy about that, thank you.
      The 1:48 scale plans for the boats of La Creole were drawn by Jean Boudriot.
      If you want it, I can give you these as PDF's.


      Best regards


    2. jimvanlan99



      I don't know if Shipman requested the PDF of your ships' boats.  But I would certainly appreciate receiving them.  I am sure I cannot replicate your skill on them, but I would like to give it a try.  Could you send to jimvanlan99@me.com?


      I certainly appreciate it.


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