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    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Thank you very much Martin,
    as already mentioned to Bob, there will be a walkbridge between promenade- and forecastle deck. As far as I know this could be used by passengers and crew to move around.....
    In some pics (Norway Heritage, for KWdG) it shows this bridge in simple gangway character, so I`m not sure if not perhaps this position was only the resting place for the ships own gangway during travel.....

    this pic found and  borrowed from the web....

    width 6 mm, railing hight 8 mm

    telescope support for adjusting the correct hight
  2. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    cleats on forecastle deck edge, mounting of spare anchor,  and fastening of five turnbuckle screws per side,  for the shrouds (M1 threads, left / right) and foremast backstays



  3. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    build log part 33
    here is a little update on the forecastle stairways, the cargo hatches, the medium sized cargo derrick and the anchor handling crane........







  4. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Many thanks Ed,
    it`s fun now, doing the little fitting out details. 
    The short "waist" railings are made from brass wire and -pins, have to clean up the solderings a bit. On the sides of the forecastle deck are now the the swanneck-vents of the sanitary stations below

    this short railing is only 8 mm high and has to fit in the appropriate space

    .... needs touch up and cleaning

    swanneck vents



  5. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    thank you all so much.....
    Denis, Martin, David, Bob, Michael
    and all the "likes"
    here a little update....
    I`ve been at the lantern making this morning. I knew that I still had some clear PVC tube (for medical hospital oxygen masks) 
    Together with with diam. 4 x 3 mm brass tube a square window was filed into the brass tube, and then the PVC tube was pushed into the framing lantern housings. There where the PVC tube passed the window it was bulbed out a bit, resembling the shape of the "glass"

    filed a window into the brass tube

    push a clear PVC tube into the brass tube


    cut the tubes to length and fitted a concentric mounting pin

    The lanterns are fixed with a drop of CA (ca`nt solder here because of PVC). The overstanding holding pins will be clipped off to the right length


    watchout on station....
  6. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Build log part 32
    Building the foremast with attachment stations for the two derrick booms with double pivot joints to the mast, and several eyelets for fastening blocks, stays and flaglines. The spreader for the  shrouds is fixed already, Ladder, crows nest, flag-boom and lantern brackets are still missing

    rigging of derrick booms

    elevation stages of the mast

    joints with double pivots for the derrick cargo booms

    the rake of the foremast will be same as the funnels later on
  7. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    Thank you Mark, Marcus and Omega and all the others for hiiting the like-button.
    I made some blocks again, 12 this time. They are blocks with 3 rollers. Here a few pictures of how I worked.

  8. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    Building more blocks.

    Groetjes, Kees
  9. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    Photos removed

    Slowly we come further.
  10. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for your compliment and your good wishes...... My health is improving now day by day, and I`m very happy and grateful with that. Today started a slight carry on with the work again and cut and soldered the the brass tube-bits of the tapered foremast together.
    I saw in your signiture that you`ve taken over The "HMY Royal Caroline" from our freind Greg. (the peg leg sailor) Please pass on good wishes and all the best to him.
    The R.C. with open port side, showing all decks and in 1:32 "super scale" sounds a great project ! Is it a kit or scratch build ? Will you be starting a build log here.... ?

    bottom diam. 6,5 mm, tapered in 5 steps to top 2 mm, length 330 mm
  11. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    Thank You all for your response and hitting the Like-button
    Ik started building the mast of the ship (In Holland we call it the voor(front)portaal but I dont know how it's called in English). I had some very good drawings whitch were printed out (very kindly by the guy who gave me the drawings) in scale 1/75. At first sight I thought it wouldn't be a lot of work and my plan was to post the mast here totally finished but I found out it was loads of work so I make an update to show how far I am now.
    I started gluing some styreen together and soon ther was a nice mast born at the attick.

    The masts are not ready but I hope to show them finished in my new update.
    Kind regards en Hartelijke groeten uit Nederland,
  12. Like
    Oystein reacted to UdoK in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Well done Dave, a clear and nice run of the wales!
  13. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    6 cargo "steam" winches (1:144 ) now complete








  14. Like
    Oystein reacted to twintrow in How best to cut out bulkheads?   
    Thank you all for your suggestions.  I think the coping saw may be the way to go.  At the time the kit was made that was probably the intent.
    Has anyone used spiral blades??  How well do they work.  The concept seems firm but only applying it will tell.
  15. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    For the trawler I needed a propellor and usually I buy these at the hobbystore but this time I couldnt find what I was looking for and the props I found were expensive (around 15-20 euro's). I need three so it would be a very big gap in my budget.

    I looked on the internet for pictures of propellors but there were mostly beautiful new and shiny and thats not the way I wanted them.

  16. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Ed,
    thanks for looking in and for your nice compliment. I was stuck a bit in the winch fabrication, lifeboats and vents, and sorting out the related design, so there is not much progress on the basic model, but following your wish, I`m happy to show the present state (pics taken  this afternoon )






  17. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    the winches are coming together quite well. Have meantime made out another two slightly different (narrower) looking winches on the boats deck, of which I unfortunately do`nt know the function....and there are only two of them on the entire boatsdeck
    The status of the 6 cargo winches....


    this pic is borrowed from the St. Petersberger "Qvartett KWdG"
    Perhaps they have some relation in order to hoist the lifeboat lines or so..... Does anybody know ?
  18. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    fitting out the forecastle deck.....
    now the capstans, the chain slideways, some bollards, anchors, etc.  ......  have been fitted, and some painting is done.The breakwaters are permanently mounted



  19. Like
    Oystein reacted to kees de mol in Pelikaan 1999 by kees de mol - FINISHED - scale 1/75 - Dutch Beamtrawler   
    Thank you all for the motivations
    Today I finished the Self Inflatable Liferafts. I remeber my father (who was a fisherman) called them dinkys. It has two plastic shells which are bond together and in between is the liferaft. The liferaft is stored in a steel cage which can be tilted over to release the raft in the sea. In the water the  raft inflates and a rope keeps the raft close to the ship.

    Kind Regards, Kees
  20. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    am now making the breakwaters. These have to be cut from two / four brass  halves due to placing the railings on to early. Trust this is a good solution
    There where the parts penetrate the railings I put on some small metal reinforcements to the railing. The shapes of the breakwater halves are made from card templates.  I hope to get the metal work on the forecastle deck done by end of this week. The stud-link chain parts are allready blackened and look good





  21. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    I`m planing the arrangement for the staggered two breakwater barriers, the the elevated guide / slide rails for the heavy anchor stud link chains, the two large forecastle capstan winches with incorporated horizontal turning chain sprocket wheels. These wheels will get a 180° wrap angle, before the chains are led down through the deck into the chain hold.
    Thanks to Peter (Mr. Hollom) there is a lovely photo of this detail on the actual ship, also showing the outcuts for the chain guide rails in the upper section of the second breakwater, next to the mighty capstans in the background.
    The chain sprocket grooves ought to be made from castings, but because that is beyond my capability, I made a dummy from a wooden dowel, in order to determine the geometrie, of diameter, groove size, etc. to close fit the chain links well in a 180° wrap. The chain is also a dummy, until I receive the ordered stud link chain in same dimensions
    An earlier little failure in planing caused quite a lot of fiddily recovering work : the forecastle railings should have been mounted after the two breakwaters are fixed in place. Now I ca`nt make them in one piece, I just do`nt get them stuck in and through the railing (now made in two halves....., wich ca`nt be soldered sufficiently without damaging the deck. Have to find a solution on this feature later on






  22. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Martin and Michael,
    and the "likes"...
    many thanks for your kind comments.....
    the solution with the breakwaters is under way
    it was of no use to use a dummy chain, today I received the actual stud-link chain and it did`nt fit the trial gypsy, so the gypsies had to be done over again. All OK now. It`s really amazing how the slightest variation in chain dimension fouls the fit. Also made a trial to chemical blacken the new brass chain. That worked out well at first try.

  23. Like
    Oystein reacted to BNoah in Fram by BNoah - FINISHED - Scale 1:100 - as she appeared for Amundsen's 1910-1912 South Pole Expedition   
    COMPLETE but not DONE
    February 9, 2016
    I've completed the build!  
    The standing and running rigging has been completed and the ship's boats have been slung.  The Norwegian flag has been raised so it must be complete.  But she isn't really done until I've prepared the display stand.  I'll turn my attention to that next.

  24. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Thank you Dirk,
    do you perhaps have a pic as an example, how you do it (would like to see how others do it in 1:144)
    Thank you Pete,
    it was an idea of doing it that way, in order to get enough stability into it
  25. Like
    Oystein reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Build log part 30
    today I`m starting with the forecastle railing, 8mm high in scale 1:144.
    Base for soldering on is a L-shape brass profile, the railing is from 0,3 mm thick photoetched copper, the soldering is done with the small gas tourch, electronic solder and paste-typ flux
    The brass L-profile is gently bent to follow the rim of the deck planking

    L-type profile

    0,3 mm photoetched copper railing

    Shaping / bending the L-profile


    positioning for to solder, little bits of solder every 15 mm appart

    carefuly handling the heat flow.....

    soldering done, and primercoat applied

    the aft side (forecastle) still needs to be dressed

      trust this shall be a sufficient way of fastening the railing  

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