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Posts posted by Keith_W

  1. Congratulations, DORIS. Your model is a real stunner. Like I said many pages back - I have seen many Royal Carolines, but yours is the most Royal of them all. Until I saw your model, it was my intention to build a RC. Not any more - I can't possibly do a better job than you, and I doubt if many people on this website (which is already full of talented people!) would be able to do it either. 

  2. I am intrigued by this Krylon stuff, so I googled it. At the moment I use Vallejo gold with satisfactory results, but it is nowhere near as fine grained as Krylon appears to be. You can still see flecks of gold with the Vallejo paint, whereas Krylon painted models (on Google, at least) look as if it has been electroplated. Does anyone have any links for further info? How do you use it? 

  3. Vince, this is the order that I did it. 


    1. Mark in pencil the line of the wales, and where you think the parts 54 and 55 should sit on your ship. Take note in particular of where parts 54 and 55 terminate with relation to the gunports, AND the correct inclination of the transom (remember, these follow the curve of the wales!). 


    2. Cut the inside contour to fit the ship. Due to differences in planking between my ship and yours, you can not use the same dimensions that I came up with. Also note that adjustment in the future will be necessary after you fit the wales. 


    3. Dry fit both parts 54 and 55 to ensure that the inside contour is correct. Drill two holes through both parts and secure with dowels to ensure a consistent reference. 


    3. Mark the lower transom piece (part 55) with the correct lines for the OUTSIDE contour. The lower section is referenced against the mahogany ply piece (part 56), and the upper section against part 54. You SHOULD end up with a shape similar to what I obtained here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/7195-hms-royal-william-by-keithw-euromodel-172/?p=285618(note that I have also taken reference off Pete's I-I from the Euromodel website, my piece looks a lot like his!). Carve it using whatever tools you have - if you don't own a disc sander as I do, I would suggest a Dremel for rough shaping followed by files and sandpaper. Make the piece oversize, so you can adjust the shape later. 

    4. Mark the upper transom piece (part 54). The lower part is referenced against the transom piece below it (part 55). The upper half of this part is VITALLY IMPORTANT. It MUST follow the same curvature as all the decks above it, and project rearwards in a way that maintains a straight line when referenced against the line of the transom (I drew a straight line down from the poop, quarterdeck, etc). In my build, these do not yet exist (which allows me flexibility to adjust the length of these later). You have already built your poop deck, so you MUST reference against it. Now carve part 54. 

    5. You will note from my log that both part 54 and 55 need to be curved with a deflection of 2mm in the center with respect to the sides. I found it impossible to bend these pieces, so I shimmed them. If you can't bend them, shim them. 


    6. Using a photocopy of the metal decorations, adjust the concave feature on both parts 54 and 55 so that the metal pieces will fit later. 


    7. Carve a channel to fit the metal decoration pieces (note that in my build, I replaced these with scratchbuilt decorations). 


    8. Glue the lower transom (part 55) piece to the hull. Adjust the shape of the transom support (part 56) and glue that in place. Leave part 54 unglued until you decide on the shape of the deck above it. This will allow you to make final adjustments to its shape and inclination if necessary. 

  4. Hi Vince, looks to me as if you're not planning to paint the lower hull white? 

    My lower hull is painted white. Because of this ... it only took me 3 days to do all the treenails :) 

    You might also be able to save yourself some time by drawing in where the side decorations and wales will be. Once you add these, any treenails under it will be hidden. 

  5. Thanks guys.  Will search for these loopers.


    BTW, is there something amiss with the notification system -- regarding builds or threads we want to "follow?"  I've had no notices via email for weeks but when I look at My Content I find replies to lots of things I'm supposed to be following?  Also, the private email system seems not to be functioning either.  Any knowledge of those issues?


    Take a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9808-no-mails-for-me-robin-b/

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