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Posts posted by wernerweiss

  1. Hello modelers,


    with this post I continue the gallery with the latest pictures, but first some remarks:

    1. Even if you build very carefully, for example the bow curve of the finished hull may differ from that of the prototype. Due to the bow curve of my model I had to make the shown adjustments with the cheeks to fit on the bow curve. The laser cut cheeks turned out to be too straight, so I hat to reshape them with a rounder curve to fit to the hull.

    2. Regrettably the cast trailboards were not inversely equal. The starboard trailboard was a bit longer, thicker and wider than the port one. This is not what I would call high quality.

    3. My next step will be the installation of the main head rails. Between them runs the so-called head beam, and sheet one shows two knees connecting this beam to the main head rails. These knees are not mentioned in the instructions, so I have to decide whether to omit them or not.

    4. At the end of chapter 15 on page 134 it is suggested that the catheads are glued in place. I would suggest not to do so at this time. In the next chapter the main head rails are installed and for that purpose an appropriate angle has to be sanded at the corners of the beakhead bulkhead showing towards the stem. This is much easier without the catheads as an obstacle for the sanding tool.

    See yourself, questions and remarks welcome.

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  2. Hello Harshil, 

    Congratulations on this progress, excellent work as always!


    Yes, you have to be very careful not to spoil the great cabin' s deck with its pattern.....but so it is with the much bigger area of the gun deck, the basswood is very soft and does not forgive tools falling on it, but, as modelers we ARE careful..


    I am going to update my Confederacy build log soon showing the progress of the forecastle deck and the bow stem




  3. 5 hours ago, WalrusGuy said:

    Thank you, Werner! 


    Yes, printed directly on card stock and glued to to a thin sheet of wood. And yes, I did mean the self-adhesive paper. Is the surface of the self-adhesive paper similar to normal paper? 



    Yes, it is. Exactly, I had the pattern printed on a normal A4 paper sheet with a peelable back in a copyshop so I could glue the pattern on a piece of ca. 1,5 mm thick card. So I did not use a wood layer and glued the card directly on the false deck.

  4. Hello Harshil, 

    regarding the gluing of the hatch coamings and the brick platform on the false deck I would highly recommend not to follow the instructions and plank the gun deck first.

    This makes it much easier to sand the gun deck all over its length because then there are no obstacles for your sanding tool....but maybe you already thought about it.

  5. Hello Harshil,

    again, very clean woodwork...did you use the provided basswood or another kind of wood, e.g. beech?


    I cast the "bricks" with moulding cement and cut/sanded it to shape to fit in the wooden frame. Then I painted it red to resemble "brick". Afterwards I painted it all over with grey (not too thick) to fill the grooves and immediately dabbed the grey paint off the "brick" surfaces leaving a rest of grey paint....I think this method should also work on your wooden "bricks"


    (As the height of the cast didn´t match the height of the frame, I glued the cast on a piece of thick card)



  6. Hello Harshil,


    some remarks on the brick platform for the stove.


    In the building instructions it is made of provided wood strips which are grooved, glued together and painted to resemble bricks.....I didn´t like that at all and looked for an alternative. I found a silicone casting mould for brick walls for rail modelling. The "bricks" cover an area of 72 x 49 mm and imo meet the size, so I made a cast and was content with the result. The rest was cutting to length and width, painting red and "washing" with grey.....




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  7. 16 hours ago, mtaylor said:

    Do you have a Windows PC  by perchance?  If so, download the photos to that and then use Paint (part of the Windows OS) to rotate, crop, etc.  There might be something similar to Paint in the Apple world but I don't have any knowledge of those machines.

    Hello Mark, thank you very much for your comment......meanwhile I could fix the problem. Yesterday I found a post in this forum (see below); I rotated the pictures four times as described there and it worked!



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  8. Hello Robert,

    thank you very much!

    Fact is that however I hold the smartphone, all pictures in the smartphone file and later on my laptop - via e-mail - have the normal orientation, and rotating them left or right is intentionally. The problem came with the upload to the forum, when to my surprise some pictures appeared upside down. What I tried was to rotate these pictures before uploading hoping they would then appear normal, but that was not helpful....

    What  I must say is that in another forum the upload of these pictures is not at all a problem....



  9. Hello at all, 

    meanwhile I got the answer to my problem. I learned that the reason why pictures which appear upside down when posted is that these pictures were taken with the smartphone held upside down.....it is a matter of the rotation data.

    But what I also learned in this context is that in another forum in which I am registered all pictures are uploaded and posted unrotated.........


    The solution for my problem I finally found in this post here in the forum:



    Screenshot (467).png

  10. Hello at all,

    perhaps somenone can help me with a problem that occured today. I had already written a few words and uploaded the next pictures of the Confederacy, but before submitting the post I saw that a few pictures appeared turned upside down. I don´t have any idea why; in my general Confederacy file they do not appear "overhead", so what shall/must I do? Strangely in other forums this does not happen......


    Greetings Werner

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