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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. Hi,

    Thank you for your visits, comments and likes.


    I decided to fix some blocks to the bowsprit mast.

    I have to smulate rope wrapping. With a 4 mm block it's to difficult to bind a block to the mast as in the real ship...


    I post some photos showing how I try something... :D


    For the first block it' s done with success...




  2. Hi,

    Being sick of doing the same repetitive action, rigging ratlines, I want to touch the wood... Building the crow nest of the bowspirit

    The kit offers a block (black area). I don't want to use the block, I think it must be build in two parts. But I don't know which solution is correct.

    (a) or (b)?

    I need help. (as if -a- chic makes more sense)

    Thank you. 


  3. IMO,

    A thick rope has heavy weight and that weight causes the shroud to hang due to gravity. The problem is at the first shroud (the closest to the mast). It must also have a sag but as same direction of the farthermost shroud (not like a hour glass). Actually full straight shrouds lines are not realistic.

    And ratlines also have to sag due to gravity and after many usage from the crew...

  4. Many thanks for your kind words and support, OC, Hamilton and Mike and for all likes...


    I want to make my own stern lantern, I don't like kit casting example.

    I am confused about whether it was made of wood or metal at Berlin's period 1674.

    I looked at some examples via web but some of them were made of metal and some worked as wood.

    I will thankful for the answers.


  5. Fine work on the painting after a fine work on the planking the hull...

    IMO although painting the ship makes her accurate, nice and more attractive, it is a bit sad because it closes the all wood workmanship. A contradiction?

    But knowing what is under the paint layers is a consolation, a respect to the memory of all that labor on the wood.

    And you and us know that... :)

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