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    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Back home from the eclipse data collecting trip. If interested, feel free to peruse my blog on this and other topics: http://www.regulusastro.com/ 
    - And now to work... and to work on the Sopwith. Not much to report. Status:
    - Working on all the cockpit connections for air, oil and fuel lines. It is a rather convoluted bit of artistry with little in the way of help in mapping it all out. I have been trying to rely on various images and plans found online and in books, but a good set of blueprints would be best.  
    Images attached:   The makings of the instrument panel, the interior of the cockpit looking down and from the side, and the finished panel. You'll see the throttle assembly and the control "stick" assembly are now in place. 

  2. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Thanks, Mike. It is a fun model. The kit? Well, it has its good points and its not so good points, like all kits, I imagine. Like ship building, I have found that reading ahead really helps! I am also not such a fan of Britannia castings.... With some effort, filing, cutting, drilling and sanding, then some primer and paint, it can look pretty good. 
    Continued progress on the front end of the Sopwith. The engine mount is in place along with the rear supports and engine accessories. On many modern planes, this stuff is in front of the firewall with the engine, but not here. Behind the firewall is the carburetor, the magnetos, the starter (manual), and pumps. The brass tubing going out to both sides of the fuselage are air intakes that go right to the carburetor. THAT assembly literally rests right at the pilot's legs, just in front of the control stick. Talking about exposed!... a fuel tank behind you, and the engine right in front....

  3. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    The fuselage is complete: phew!  The front gun mount is in place (the rear mount waits until the engine accessories are installed). The seat and gas tank support rails are also installed. 
    Now onto the engine accessories before tackling the cockpit, panel and controls. 
    The hangar and shipyard will have to close for the upcoming eclipse: headed out to see mom in Denver then onto Wyoming for the eclipse itself. I'll post some pics assuming we have clear skies. 

  4. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Serious headway made on the fuselage these past couple of days. The port and starboard sides were done first, and triple checked for alignment. They were then joined at the nose with what will become the engine mount later on in the build. Horizontal formers were then placed on the top and bottom along the length of the fuselage. This will end tomorrow with the joining of the two fuselage sides at the tail. Note the little metal tensioner eyes in the corners. Wires and turnbuckles will go in there. Along the top will be run a series of stringers from the tail to the back side of the cockpit. Such fun keeping this all aligned!  I had better finish this soon so I can catch up with the other Syren builds!  ;-)  

  5. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Wings, top and bottom, completed. Dihedral added to the lower wing. Hinges added to the ailerons.  Now working on the empennage (elevator first). Lots of metal bending going on ;-) 

  6. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to reklein in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Cutting free ailerons ,would be nice to have a hand operated laser burner so one could cut without pressure on the material. Probably also be a dandy way to set ones shop on fire.
    Nice work BTW.
  7. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Top and bottom wing now have tensioners. The trailing wing edge has been added. Ailerons have been separated from the wings (using a small XActo saw... very nerve wracking). Now to hinge the ailerons and then move onto the fuselage. 

  8. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    These are made to fly, so I plan to do that.
    These planes are made of foam, not highly detailed models, but they look pretty good also.
  9. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to Robin Lous in Greek Bireme by Robin Lous - FINISHED - Dusek - Scale 1:72 - First wooden ship build   
    Even though I had this little monster sitting in front of me for ages...I never took notice of how small the ram actually is.
    It's just 3 centimeters long! 

    So I grossly overcomplicated my ram construction plan. What I had in mind is plain silly for this tiny little ram!
    Yesterday I ordered a sheet of 0,2 mm thick bronze to replace the copper I have now.
    When I get it I cut a strip that goes over the ram from the bow to the keel and I'll clad the sides with it...that's it.
    Folding the edges...I skip that idea...the thing is just too small for that.
    I also ordered ammonium chloride to get that typical weathered bronze green patina, but maybe it's nicer to leave the bronze as it is.
    To be decided.
    So still nothing to show, but I found the missing photo's, so the topic is now tidy again. 
  10. Like
    Torbogdan reacted to Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    I love this build!...and this plane...and biplanes in general!
    I'm seriously thinking about this (RC ultralite) one....
    Micro Aces D.VII
  11. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Nirvana in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  12. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    A quick update. A two metal sheets mounted in place. Third one waiting. Building is still going a bit slow, I´m not getting "quality time" building just minutes here and there. Enough to test fit and att one part during an entire day or something like that. So I´m just posting so you know I´m still building

  13. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    After very slow progress during summer (which is good) I started a bit today. I´ve had some trouble attaching the landing gear to the fuselage. The fit was a bit too tight for the pegs on the landing gear to fit into the slots on the fuselage. After some extra sanding, bending and generally forcing things into place it finally fitted!
    Now it looks like it could actually take off. Well apart from no engine and an assortment of other things
    From next week there will be more regular updates. Then everything will be back to normal.

  14. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from ScottRC in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Some pictures finally! They are not that good but ok. I took them fairly quick just to get some pictures up.
    Some more vacation coming up so no time to build or update for a few weeks. But these are hopefully better than nothing.
    So whats left? Well attaching the upper wing, attaching the landing gear (which is causing some trouble as the space between the wings and the body is too tight for the landing gear struts to fit. Will have to do some thinking there. I got a nice tight fit between the lower wing and body only to find out that it is too tight for the landing gear...)
    Then there is some covers over the "engine compartment" and attaching the wires for the ailerons. Oh, must not forget the raison etre for a fighter, getting the Spandaus in place!
    Then it should, more or less, be finished. So maybe some time in October

  15. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Richard Griffith in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  16. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The engine cowling is preshaped! It comes in the kit just like you see it. The flat part you refer to might be the firewall between the engine and the rest of the aircraft? You should have had the engine cowl in the kit. If it is not there you should ask for a replacement. 
    Thanks for your kind words😀
  17. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  18. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from jablackwell in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  19. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Canute in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The engine cowling is preshaped! It comes in the kit just like you see it. The flat part you refer to might be the firewall between the engine and the rest of the aircraft? You should have had the engine cowl in the kit. If it is not there you should ask for a replacement. 
    Thanks for your kind words😀
  20. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  21. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  22. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Tom E in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The only reason for a fighter to exist is to shoot down enemy aircraft. So now finally it is a fighter! To quote the man himself: "Find the enemy and shoot him down, anything else is nonsense".
    So the MG:s are installed. The fit was ok but they do not line up perfectly with either the ammo chutes or the spent cartridge collectors. I will either have to bend these parts a bit or add some small parts in-between the chutes and MG:s.
    In this picture the engine cowling is installed but I just jury fit it. I have not decided if I should have on, in which case it will cover most of the engine or leave it off so to show off the work on the engine. Also I don´t know if I should paint it red. I like the look of the aluminum and it might be a bit difficult to get it covered with a nice even coat of red but red would certainly also look very very nice... Tough choices

  23. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Slowly each piece is assembled. This is the right plywood "cheek" it did not hold the bend after soaking it and letting it dry taped to a bottle, so I glued two ribs to the inside. This worked fine. I used the same method for the part behind the cockpit. I will only put on right side "cheek" in place. I´ll leave the left side open to show the interior. After this I´ll mount the machine guns. Right now building is slow as the pieces need to be put in place and glued and then the glue needs to set before I can go on. So it is basically ten minutes of work and a few hours of drying time. 

  24. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Landrotten Highlander in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Slowly each piece is assembled. This is the right plywood "cheek" it did not hold the bend after soaking it and letting it dry taped to a bottle, so I glued two ribs to the inside. This worked fine. I used the same method for the part behind the cockpit. I will only put on right side "cheek" in place. I´ll leave the left side open to show the interior. After this I´ll mount the machine guns. Right now building is slow as the pieces need to be put in place and glued and then the glue needs to set before I can go on. So it is basically ten minutes of work and a few hours of drying time. 

  25. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from Robin Lous in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Slowly each piece is assembled. This is the right plywood "cheek" it did not hold the bend after soaking it and letting it dry taped to a bottle, so I glued two ribs to the inside. This worked fine. I used the same method for the part behind the cockpit. I will only put on right side "cheek" in place. I´ll leave the left side open to show the interior. After this I´ll mount the machine guns. Right now building is slow as the pieces need to be put in place and glued and then the glue needs to set before I can go on. So it is basically ten minutes of work and a few hours of drying time. 

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