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    Ray1981 got a reaction from Elijah in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Thanks Mark, I hope you were talking about the first picture because the second picture is how the kit came. Only the lower gun deck doesnt have any planking so I tried to made them for myself. But I was affraid I would destroy the whole deck so I stopped after a couple of planks.
  2. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Weathering a copper hull   
    Hi Folks
    I've been trying some things regarding this weathering of a copper hull. I've done 3 tests.
    1) Using the Humbrol Chrome Oxide with a gloss verniz. The result is vissible on th etop right of the test plate I used. As you can see this is a dissaster.
    2) I used the Humbrol Chrome Oxide with Decal soft from Revell so you get a wash effect. The procedure works better but it is not the right color (Chrome has a different color while oxidized as Copper so makes sense). Result is vissible on the right bottom side.
    3) I took a turquoise enamel paint and applied the dry brush technique. This result is visible on the left side.
    I think I will go for option 3 even though I really would like to use these powders as I have seen nice results but for this purpose I think it doesnt work. The turquoise has a much more realistic color for copper oxide.

    But if anybody has other opinions or ideas feel free to give them.
    Grtz Ray
  3. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to URO in VASA by URO - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:75   
    Fellow Shipbuilders: The following is my Build Log for the Vasa. This was my first experience with a  wood kit  model and as I built the Vasa I referred to a few of your Vasa ship build logs which greatly helped me. I particularly used the site by Vasa by Karleop , Ulyses Victoria, and Markitiedens. Since Karleop was a Billings build it was extremely helpful. I'm very appreciative of these sites and those who took the time to do them. Since the Billings instructions are so poor these sites were a great resource. I also used the Vasa museum site with photos of their model as a paint reference. I had the privilege of visiting Stockholm a few years ago and marvelled at seeing the Vasa in person.
         My experience as a ship model builder is fairly limited. When I was a youngster I built a number of plastic ship models and as an eighth grader I built a wood model of the French galley La Reale from a picture in a book, which I still have in a glass case. I am now 60 and will be getting back into this wonderful hobby and this is my first experience since my younger years. It has been very interesting learning from your sites and doing research on the internet to finish this ship.  I am a surgeon which might have helped with some of the fine work, but not much . Even so, it took me two years to build Vasa because of my limited time. I modified the model by using the ships original color of red instead of the Billings blue, adding the long boat, and by adding  crew figures that I bought from an internet site. I hope you enjoy my endeavor. I know I did. 







  4. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from coxswain in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Hi All,
    Yesterday arrived this nice kit and I thought let make a build log from my progress. I havent seen this kit here on the forum yet so maybe it fun for other to see how much I'll struggle to get this job done. And maybe others will give me some ideas and recommendations.
    It is my 3rd kit that im going to build and seems pretty difficult. And most probably its going to be more difficult when I will start with the rigging as far as I can see I will have to make some modifications to get that job done. I think I will order a dremel or such thing to drill some holes where needed, but thats for later. In the next couple of days I will start with some primer on the decks and hull and start painting the canons (there are 74). I will try (as I im trying to do with my Revell Bounty kit as well) to make the ship look like its used.
    The kit the Heller develloped is the Le Glorieux at the time it was still from the French. This ship has been in a war in the Caribean during the time that the French and Spanish tried to conquerer Jamaica. But the English won and took the Le Glorieux in the fleet (so far about the hostory of this ship)
    He some pictures of the kit:

    The box

    The hull






    The sails, I'm not sure if I will use these. I like to make real sails but this kit is from plastic and I dont know if the masts can handle the weight of real sails. 

    I printed some drawings in A1 format for a nice reference
    Well I hope everybody will enjoy following this log. I will try to show the first progress soon.
    Grtz Ray
  5. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to Cathead in 18th Century Longboat by Cathead - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Ahoy, it's yet another longboat! Last fall, looking ahead to the completion of my steamboat Bertrand scratchbuild, I wanted my next project to fulfill three goals: have good instructions to give my brain a rest, let me develop & practice skills like planking & rigging before tackling a larger ship project, and not be too large.
    I settled on this little model back in September, when Model Expo had their special offer to buy any kit 50% off, then send them photos of the completed model within a year to get the other 50% in store credit. I bought the two naval cannon kits and this one, figured that I'd have Bertrand done by the end of the year, and should be able knock those three out in the remaining nine months. Well, here it is about March, and the two cannons are done with the longboat underway. So in effect, this is a "free" kit if I can finish it by September. I think that's plenty doable.
    Here's the kit laid out on my reasonably organized workspace, a plastic "market" table set into a cedar frame I built from the abundant red cedar we log & mill on our farm.

    My mind doesn't think easily in small fractions of an inch, so I took a pencil and labelled the end of each wood strip or bundle as I worked out its identity on the parts list. This way, every time I want a piece, I won't have to measure a bunch of different strips to figure out which one I want. Light pencil is easy to remove as needed.

    We're about to head down and visit the Arkansas in-laws, so not much more will get done in the next week, but I'm too excited to get started not to at least post the log. This will be a fun change of pace from the Bertrand, and will be a nice complement to the MS Bounty Launch I built before that; there's even a space on a bookshelf reserved for the finished model.
    Thanks in advance to any of you who tune in; I hope I can add something to the collected knowledge of this great kit.
  6. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to Cathead in 18th Century Longboat by Cathead - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:48   
    Here's the completed hull, for comment and critique. The flaws I see include some divots (resulting from clamping wet & soft wood while bending), and some plank edges that don't quite line up due to my less-than-perfect bending. What do you see?
    After a first sanding, it's reasonably smooth and seems like the faults will fade with painting and finishing. I think the port side is better than the starboard side; the strakes are more evenly spaced. I'd like to do a better job on my next planking task, but feel that this is acceptable as a learning experience.
    Also, after being so careful not to break the stem throughout the planking, I snapped it off while sanding the hull. Figures.
  7. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to mtaylor in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Nice work on the deck..  the scribing looks good.  And you cannon turned out great.
  8. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from Elijah in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Another proof that this forum is valuable
  9. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from Elijah in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Thanks Lukas, it worked in one time thanks to your log
  10. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from docidle in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Well today I started with painting the guns for the lower gun deck and it was experimenting to get those eyelets into the gun-carriage. This was very very cool to do and for the first time ever dooingsomething like this im not dissapointed in the result. Here the prototype:


    So tomorrow I will do the same for the other 27 guns.
  11. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from docidle in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Hello all,
    I was able to makea little bit of progress yesterday. And one thing was a dissaster. I started withthe lower gundeck because this deck will not be vissible this deck doesnt show any planking so I thought lets try to do this for myself hmmmm that was a bad idea. I used a exacto knife and started to make planks it doesnt came out as I wished to be. Further Iused some light wood color paints and when this was dry I painted over it with dark brown oil paint. 

    The lower gun deck
    Further I started with priming the second deck and the hull.


    Soon more guys.
    Grtz Ray
  12. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from mtaylor in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Another proof that this forum is valuable
  13. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from WackoWolf in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Another proof that this forum is valuable
  14. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to flying_dutchman2 in 17th Century Dutch Merchant Ships   
    The bottom picture is what all the boats look like if you build them.
    Also, the three Fluits go from Large, medium and small. The largest being used for Oceans and the smaller ones for European waters. The Zeehaen - fluit
    (A. Tasman) which is also in the book of Abel Tasman has 16 plans. Very elaborate.
    The folder that holds the plans is about 3 times thicker than the book itself and the 1:48 plans make for a substantial size boat, so many details can be added.
  15. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to flying_dutchman2 in 17th Century Dutch Merchant Ships   
    I have decided to do a serious review on this book and the plans and here it is. (avsjerome2003) just mentioned the book and nothing else.
    17th century Dutch Merchant Ships
    Text, Photos and Plans for the Ship Modeler.
    By A. J. Hoving
    Plans by C. Emke
    Models by H. Tomesn
    Graphics by E. Hoving
    Publisher: SeaWatch Books, LLC
    Case Bound, Full Color, Dust Jacket
    Year: 2014
    Large 8.5x11 format
    Pages: 152 and 24 sets of plans from 10 merchant ship types in the scale of 1-48 and 1-96.
    ISBN: 978-0-9904041-1-8
    With this book all the plans modelers may need to recreate a whole range of vessels from the Dutch Golden Age. The plans are on thick stock (paper) and the ships areas follows”
    Seagoing Vessels:
    Pinas Witsen – scale 1-96 – 4 sheets of plans.
    Fluit “Langewijk” – scale 1-96 – 3 sheets of plans.
    Fluit “Zeehaen” (Able Tasman) – scale 1-96 – 3 sheets of plans.
    Fluit “Roode Leeuw” – scale 1-96 – 2 sheets of plans.
    Cat “Peacock” – scale 1-96 – 1 sheet of plans.
    Coastal Trade:
    Boyer 86ft – scale 1-48 – 3 sheets of plans.
    Galliot – scale 1-48 – 2 sheets of plans.
    The Narrow- & Wide-ship – scale 1-48 – 2 sheets of plans.
    Kaag – scale- 1-48 – 1 sheet of plans.
    Fishermen as Traders:
    Buss 1598 – scale 1-96 – 1 sheets of plans.
    Hooker – scale 1-96 – 1 sheets of plans.
    Pink – scale 1-48 – 1 sheet of plans.
    ISBN: 978-0-9904041-2-5
    Note: Three Fluits is one ship type.
    Summary of the people that created this book.
    Ab Hoving: Worked as the chief model restorer in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Studied the technique of Dutch ship building in the 17th and 18th century. He has written numerous books, articles in several magazines and given lectures. He has been involved in major replica building projects, such as Duyfken (West Australia, Statenjacht (Utrecht) and others.
    Cor Emke: After he retired as a manager from an American Co. in forklifts Cor dedicated his life in building ship models of Dutch vessels from the 17th century. In cooperation with Ab Hoving he produced many AutoCAD drawings of ships, thus filling the gap in the availability of such draughts. Together with Ab he has been involved in several replica projects, like the Statenjacht Utrecht and De 7 Provincien.
    Herbert Tomesen: Herbert runs a company in Amsterdam, Holland, Artitec (www.artitec.nl), which produces architectural models. He produced large scenery models of ancient cities in many museums in Holland. He built a huge diorama of Roadstead of Texel in the 17th century containing over a hundred ships. The models in this book are by him.
    Emiel Hoving: Ab’s son Emiel studied art in Groningen and has been a graphic designer for almost 20 years. He works for Artitec and did the design for Ab’s first book, Message in a model and Statenjacht Utrecht. For the pictures in this book he took photgraphs of Herberts models and used PhotShop to create images of what Dutch maritime world looked like in the 17th century.
    The book is well written with numerous pictures, beautiful maritime paintings, copies of old building plans, hull renderings and many ship models. Well documented historical information to give the reader a good picture of what type of ships were used in the 17th century Dutch trade.
    There is a detailed chapter of what items the Dutch traded in Europe and Russia and one can see that their wealth was first of all connected with their trading position Europe and that is what created their prosperity. The Dutch were Europe’s main freighters.
    Another detailed chapter discusses how the ships were built. What measurements and ratios were used to produce a type of ship. In the back of the book there is a comparison chart of Witsen and Van Yk’s shipbuilding Formula’s. Several detailed renderings how the Dutch build there ships, “shell first”.
    The chapters after that gives the reader detailed descriptions of the type of ship described which include close-ups from ship models, paintings and realistic Photoshop images.

    It is too bad the book does not include a CD-Rom with the plans on it like the book from Abel Tasman. The advantage of this would be that you could view, zoom and pan the drawings on the computer monitor and print them to scale different from those that are supplied with the book.
  16. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to Lukasvdb in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I recognized the setup from somewhere happy my log helped you!
  17. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from Elijah in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Well today I started with painting the guns for the lower gun deck and it was experimenting to get those eyelets into the gun-carriage. This was very very cool to do and for the first time ever dooingsomething like this im not dissapointed in the result. Here the prototype:


    So tomorrow I will do the same for the other 27 guns.
  18. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory 1805 by Robert29 - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72   
    What a wonderfull job!
    I was thinking maybe I will do a wooden kit as next project but when i see this kind of work and the amount of tools im not sure if i will do that. It looks so difficult but again very very nice.
    Grtz Ray
  19. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to Lukasvdb in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Looking good!
  20. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from mtaylor in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Well today I started with painting the guns for the lower gun deck and it was experimenting to get those eyelets into the gun-carriage. This was very very cool to do and for the first time ever dooingsomething like this im not dissapointed in the result. Here the prototype:


    So tomorrow I will do the same for the other 27 guns.
  21. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from WackoWolf in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Well today I started with painting the guns for the lower gun deck and it was experimenting to get those eyelets into the gun-carriage. This was very very cool to do and for the first time ever dooingsomething like this im not dissapointed in the result. Here the prototype:


    So tomorrow I will do the same for the other 27 guns.
  22. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from Elijah in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Hello all,
    I was able to makea little bit of progress yesterday. And one thing was a dissaster. I started withthe lower gundeck because this deck will not be vissible this deck doesnt show any planking so I thought lets try to do this for myself hmmmm that was a bad idea. I used a exacto knife and started to make planks it doesnt came out as I wished to be. Further Iused some light wood color paints and when this was dry I painted over it with dark brown oil paint. 

    The lower gun deck
    Further I started with priming the second deck and the hull.


    Soon more guys.
    Grtz Ray
  23. Like
    Ray1981 reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Update time... Things have not been quiet in the shipyard.
    I laminated the plans to some MDF and attached a strip of wood at the reference line.  Also attached the stern framing to this so as not to mis-read any critical dimension.

    The strip allows me to use the Ed Tool without any induced errors from having it canted slightly.

    I've marked all the plans with appropriate reference marks and rescanned them all.  Also broke up Version 1.0 in order salvage certain bits..  like everything along the centerline... bitts, grates, pin rails, pumps, capstan, etc., some or all of the deck beams but none of the deck planking.   Also salvaged the mast steps and the stern framing.  I'll use the stern framing for some references.

    I'm currently cutting out with as much precision as I can muster, a new build board.  I noted that on the old one, there were some frame notches that we either too deep or not deep enough.  Stupidity on my part.  I'll be re-using the previous version of the frame squaring jig (on the right in the picture).

    Hopefully, in the next week or so, I can start cutting the keel, deadwood, and stem.  Since the wood for framing won't be here until early May, I'm planning on building some sub-assemblies such as most of the deck furniture.   I've located a local source of good birch plywood,  and am considering Woodcraft or the local source for masting materials and some other items.
  24. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from mtaylor in Le Glorieux by Ray1981 - Heller - 1:150 - PLASTIC   
    Hello all,
    I was able to makea little bit of progress yesterday. And one thing was a dissaster. I started withthe lower gundeck because this deck will not be vissible this deck doesnt show any planking so I thought lets try to do this for myself hmmmm that was a bad idea. I used a exacto knife and started to make planks it doesnt came out as I wished to be. Further Iused some light wood color paints and when this was dry I painted over it with dark brown oil paint. 

    The lower gun deck
    Further I started with priming the second deck and the hull.


    Soon more guys.
    Grtz Ray
  25. Like
    Ray1981 got a reaction from Canute in Masking Problem   
    Who would want to cover a wood grain. I there is something i like to see is a beautifull wood grain. I use one thin layer of primer (but this is not always needed) that I think the paint and do 1 or 2 layers. This without loosing the wood grain.
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