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Posts posted by Baker

  1. This time an update without a  misstep.;).   Everything went according to plan :Whew:


    The bulwark (frames) of the upper deck  

    Logically speaking and thinking.  This bulwark is constructed with partial planking and shields. In accordance with the waist, where there are also partly shields, why should all frames reach the top? If their only purpose is to hold up a beam with shields hanging from it?
    Therefore, the height of the majority of frames is only up to the planking. And some go higher, the distance between these frames is approximately in accordance with that of the waist.


    Saw the frames to height


    And then narrow them to the 3mm


    Then a beam is glued above the clinker planking. The connections are only to maintain sufficient strength on the model.


    A new "frame" is placed  And the longest frames are narrowed. and to 3mm.
    The height is speculative, the shortest frame was the size.



    Starboard is ready, just a small beam needs to be attached at the top. Some extra planking is done (arrow)20240628_193347_1280.jpg.78a46e8e1c3edf21656d7d49edab504c.jpg20240628_193404_1280.jpg.5e0a776ad3016576088169f7048b2ea9.jpg

    Thanks for following, likes and comments.

  2. 21 hours ago, druxey said:

    Threaded rods are a much better option! And I don't recall that the original ship had permanent clamps....


    25 minutes ago, Veszett Roka said:

    Thats a boomer :) I think a few minutes how would i recover the clamp

    Good news. The clamp has been surgically removed and repaired.
    Model and clamp are doing well after this medical surgery. :Whew:

  3. Thank you for the nice comments.
    In the meantime, I've had a moment where you say to yourself "kieke" Flemish for "chicken".

    A fun way to say stupid 🤣
    The plank is clamped and the clamp is now blocked



    And the iron wire, which kept the sides of the rear castle at the right width, and on which I have already cut my fingers a few times. has been replaced by a pair of threaded rods.
    Safety first at the shipyard 👍


  4. 6 minutes ago, Scottish Guy said:


    This is a piece of art what he archived there but sometimes I ask myself, should it really look like that? Did the real ships and boats really look that acurate and neat or were they just work items and no one spent so much attention to the details as we do in our models?


    Don´t get me wrong here, I really like the build he did, I like this build here and I like being as neat, acurate and perfect as my skills allow me but sometimes I really ask myself if this would be authentic? Just buy a new car, even Mercedes or Rolls Royce have a clearance between their adjacent parts which is not always acurate (especiall Mercedes recently has massive quality issues with that) and that with computers and quality control mechanisms in place which definitely not existed in the early 20th century and definitely not earlier.


    My humble 2c to this topic...



    His model participates in competitions, the aim is to follow the plans you have as faithfully as possible.
    He succeeds well in this and has already won several prizes.

    No one knows whether the model is completely historically correct, no detailed construction drawings were made during the era of 16th century period.

  5. With the beam for the swivels on the port side also installed and the frames made thinner, time to continue working on the transom.
    The clinker planking that was previously installed has been removed. And the intention is to install two stern chasers here, the openings of the swivels will then remain empty.


    Applying the same number of cannons as the Anthony drawing is not feasible. A nice drawing to show to a king, but not a practical design in reality.

    Several attempts...


    And after three attempts it became this.


    Finish the holes for the swivels with a beam on top
    First i make grooves. This is more work, but positioning the beam correctly is much easier.


    And above this beam back to clinker planking. This will provide more strength when the frames are made thinner later.


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