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Posts posted by Vegaskip

  1. 14 hours ago, Mark P said:

    Hi everyone;


    One point that some may not be aware of:  the picture posted by Jud shows what is known as a 'Compass Rose'.  This was the name of the (fictional?) corvette in Nicholas Monserrat's WW11 sea novel,  and it wasn't until many years after I first read it that I realised what the name meant.


    All the best,


    Mark P

    A very clever use of words. Remember Compass Rose was a 'Flower' Class Corvette.


  2. Did this today

    Swordfish about to land on Merchant Aircraft Carrier. Rapana, which has pulled out of the convoy with a Corvette escort to recover her.
    Rapana was an oil tanker fitted with a flight deck. She carried her normal cargo, but had four anti submarine Swordfish to help protect the convoy. Although no a/c fron a MAC ever sank a submarine, no ship was ever sunk from a convoy that had a Mac Ship in it
    16" X 11"



  3. Hi Rob, I'm afraid I can't really help you with my painting techniques. I haven't studied, nor been trained in watercolour painting.  Infact I use the same technique doing the actual painting whether it is watercolours, Acrylic or even Oils. ( although it's been several years since I used oils.).

    Basically, I draw the ships, then colour them in. Unless it is an actual location or event, I paint the sea as I go. No tonal studdies. No thumbnail sketches of composition. No use of warm/cool colours (not intentionally anyway) I see what I want in my minds eye and go for it. I something  start of with the idea of a painting, and by the time I'm finished it has completely changed. 

    Hope this helps 


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