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Marco R

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Posts posted by Marco R

  1. Update- has to return my soma off planetary ropewalk as it had some quality issues. ALexey has been super supportive and so I hope to pick up in a  month or so with trying to make my own rope. I certinaly need to/want to long term for my project.


    however that means in the short term I need to have about 35 meters of tightly 3 strand ecru rope made by someone to about 08.85-1.00mm diameter, to the sort of Syren rope quality (sadly Chuck is already maxed out) so that I can get going.


    I am Unsure who to approach as posting something for sale in the forums requires a significant number of posts to have been completed! Any ideas who could produce this or recommendations on who to approach so I can take delivery within a 2-3 week timeframe?

  2. Thanks again Banyan, for the detailed response about waxing. I will look into the Renaissance conservators wax - and once the beeswax is here see what results I get.

    I still have to perfect the rope - at the moment I am getting it either too loose or too tight (It kinks a bit!) 


    But I am extremely grateful to you for the help and the time you have taken to respond so fully. 

  3. Thank you Banyan and Jud for the detailed replies. I will try your helpful suggestions about tightening and knotting.

    the original full scale drum use a LH cable laid but at miniature scale the lay is less important than the definition and the fuzz free!


    i will continue experimenting with both the DMC making a single rope and with some smaller scale maya to make up a ropes then cable as well as the angle of the lay.i realize there are no short cuts and I am determined to make the rope as it is the only component I have not taught myself to make!!


    Alexey’s planetary rope walk takes a while to understand the configurations, tensions and lay and I will continue to persevre


    I've also got some Besswax on the way to wax the threads/strands..... is it best to do this at the strand stage or at the rope stage?

  4. Newbie (who has already pestered Chuck and Alexy offline!)... My question is about how to "finish" a natural thread rope (I've learned you can't melt it!) so that the ends don't unwind. Apologies it is a long post but the context is a little unusual.


    Full disclosure - The project is not for a model ship but a hand made 3 inch high miniature brass drum where I have made every single component by hand including the tube and painting. All that remains is the rope. (Photo of drum below with horrid fuzzy "off the shelf" rope),. its just that this forum is THE FORUM for rope making so I hope you don't mind the newbie /outsider post


    I've seen Chuck's Syren Ship rope and it is so tight. Amazing. And I immediately thought to buy his rope walk. But constrained space at home means I couldn't have a long rope walk and I as I need to make a batch for each drum that is about 3.5m long. So I've bought a Domanoff Planetary rope walk and having lots of fun (And frustration) trying to make some decent rope.


    I've read lots of really helpful posts about different manufacturers (DMC, Gütenberg), different thread sizes, left lay/right lay, threads/strands/ropes/cables... how it is all about experimentation etc but I am still struggling to make a) tight scaled rope to the size I want and b) how to get a really tight rope that when I cut it does not unwind. its all quite overwhelming as a newbie! I am sure also that much of it is about how I am using the Domanoff (and Alexey has been super helpful but I can't keep pestering him!)


    I am guessing it has to do with either the left/right lay or the speed of the Planetary rope walk but I am struggling. And would be very grateful if anyone out there (especially if using DMC ecru 10 or DMC ecru 20 on a planetary rope walk) could check my logic.



    I want to make a rope about .85mm to 1mm thick, so under Chuck's guidance am experimenting with DMC 10 and DMC 20 crochet thread.


    For 1mm rope, I use DMC 10 Cebelia crochet thread, I mount 3 bobbins on the Domanoff Planetary rope walk (as I want 3 strand rope), and set the control to lay the rope to the right, adjusting the drive, take-up and traverse to try and get as tight a twist as possible.

    Q1. Should this have been to the left, as DMC Cebelia is already laid to the right?


    3.  After passing through the Main components, The Domanoff requires you to wind the 3 threads around the take up spool and then tie it off. This means that the very end of the ropes are not twisted and when you finally unwind the rope you have made to put in on another spool, the rope ends are loose. (see 2 images below)

    Q2. Am I doing something wrong at this stage about how I lay or tie off the thread? How do you "finish" the ends of a rope made from cotton rather than polyester?


    Q3. Would be better off making a Cable? Ie making 3 ropes of 3 strands using a smaller thread size such as 60? (assuming then that I need to alternate the lay  between the strands and then the ropes to get a "Self tightening "twist



    rope sample1.png

    rope sample2.png

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