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Rik Thistle

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Posts posted by Rik Thistle

  1. Welfalck,


    Yes, a boring bar is my go-to tool for straight holes.


    But with the hole diameter being quite small - 5/16" (8 mm),  I didn't have a stiff boring bar small enough to fit inside that diameter.


    I do have some very small diameter home-made boring bars (eg 1/8" dia) but I felt the hole was too deep so the bar would flex, and the Bronze material was already proving quite tough to machine.


    Yes, it's a fun project and, as you note, enhanced by the generous side-discussions 🙂




  2. Mark,


    Thanks also to you and EG.


    You both got me reading up on pulleys and belts and I now know interesting and useful new stuff I didn't know a few days ago 😉


    It is quite a fascinating subject, simple as it may appear on the surface....curvatures/angles, belt materials, distance between pulleys, which pulley drives, efficiency etc etc .


    For example -  https://www.plantengineering.com/articles/basics-of-belt-drives/



  3. EG,


    Thanks for all that ...interesting.


    Yes, my rounding might be a bit excessive. I can tweak it later.


    I have a Stuart drive belt and plan to connect the lathe to my Stuart 10V engine and run the two. I'll watch how the belt performs.


    I think when I was happily filing the curves on my pulley I had a mental picture of my belt linisher's curved pulley ...as I recalled it had quite a curvature but memory plays funny tricks.


    Thanks again,



  4. Hi Mark,


    Yes, the Pulley has the diameters rounded - I believe this is to help the belt self centre. 


    I rounded the surfaces with careful use of a smooth file and some emery cloth.



    The pulley on a belt linisher has the same type of curvature.






    Edit: Mark, you got me to go and read up on this. So I've learned something new. thanks.


    It seems that the edge of the belt closest to the crown of the pulley is stretched tighter than the other (slacker) side of the belt. So being tighter bulges towards the crown and therefore pulls itself back to the middle.


    An explanation with diagrams here .... https://www.tec-science.com/mechanical-power-transmission/belt-drive/why-do-crowned-pulleys-keep-a-flat-belt-on-track/


    Any further insights welcome.


  5. Hi all,


    After roughing out the cast iron lathe bed and it's 'legs', it was time to have a look at the lathe's cast iron Headstock and Tailstock.


    Basically, the headstock clamps and rotates the workpiece, whilst the tailstock mostly provides a means of accurately supporting longer workpieces and drilling down the centreline of the workpiece. 




    The headstock is fixed at the left end of the lathe (where it is attached  to the motor or belt drive) whilst the tailstock can be slid and clamped at a chosen position along the length of the bed.


    Below shows an exploded view of the main parts of the headstock. Item 7, the headstock body was first in the queue.



    So I started with the headstock body itself (7). It is a casting and has no square surfaces. I had to decide what I would use as the reference plane/dimension. This is important since the large holes through the two lobes of the headstock must end up the same height above the lathe bed, parallel with the bed centreline and coaxial with the tailstock. Since there seemed plenty meat on the base of the headstock I decided to machine that first, and if I later found the coaxial holes were too high, say, I could machine more meat of the bottom face.


    I filed the two longer bottom edges as parallel as I could and then clamped those edges in the vice to mill the tongue that slides in the bed slot.  I formed the tailstock tongue the same way.



    I then gripped that tongue in the end of the vice.  Note: The tailstock, with the same width of tongue, is clamped (out of picture) in the other side of the vice to ensure the vice jaws clamp squarely.


    Above, whilst machining the tongue and it's adjacent faces I also took a light skim off the tops of the two lobes to make the lobe tops parallel with the bottom surface....this allowed me to use a set square to make sure the headstock was at 90 deg to the mill table.


    Below. I then, after drilling a 6mm hole in both lobes using a stub drill, opened up the lobe holes to finished size using a series of end mills of increasing diameter.


    Above, I was wary that the mill would exert a strong downward force so packed out the underside of the headstock.


    Below, that looks like the job is done...so on to the next items, the Bronze bearings 🙂



    There are two pieces of (Phosphor) Bronze bushes supplied with the kit. These fit in the lobes of the headstock and allow the headstock Spindle to rotate freely. The raw bush material is not long enough to be supported in a chuck whilst all maching is done, so a 5/16" dia mandrel had to be made.


    Below. Firstly, a new 6 mm stub drill was gently drilled through each bush, without issue. But once I started to drill close to the finished diameter using normal twist drills they started grabbing the inside of the bush.


    I wasn't sure what was going on...I tried some lubricant, slowed the drill speed and lowered the force and eventually got through but it was a chore. I believe the Bronze may have been heating up and grapping the drill tip ...also there may have been some galling and burnishing going on inside the hole.


    Strangely, after the hole was drilled, the 5/16" twist drill could be hand fed through the hole but a 5/16" rod couldn't...I eventually realised the hole was slightly bent in both bushes. The (long awaited) 5/16" reamer eventually arrived and that allowed me to straighten out the holes....and then the 5/16" rod ran smoothly in the holes....phew.



    Below. Cleaning up the bush exterior faces on the mandrel using a HSS tool without issue. The bush is 'glued' to the mandrel using green thread locker.





    Above. Using Acetone to get the mandrel out of the bush, once machining was completed. Sometimes a 15 min dip in Acetone is sufficient, sometimes 30 mins in the oven at a high setting is required. I think it depends on the amount of threadlocker applied and the area it covers. It seems a bit of a black art.


    Below, the Bronze bushes now sitting happily in the headstock and well aligned with the tailstock.



    Now on to the headstock Pulley - the pulley connects via belt drive to a ceiling mounted, powered pulley.. Again, this is another cast iron part.


    Below, the pulley is being cleaned up to diameter and length...it had to be turned around and re-clamped in the 3" chuck jaws to complete this machining.



    There are four stepped diameters on the pulley, to give different belt drive speeds. The picture shows the hole (for the Spindle) being drilled.



    Again, a mandrel was required to complete the machining.



    I was probably a bit too generous with the threadlocker this time since (once the machining was finished) I spent about a day trying to get the darned pulley off the mandrel...eventually i put it in the kitchen electric fan oven for 30 mins on a high setting ...it then came off relatively easily. Below, still on the mandrel, waiting for the kitchen oven to warm up.



    Unfortunately, when removing the well cooked pulley from the well cooked mandrel, the largest pulley diameter got a bit marked...no big deal...I attached it to a makeshift mandrel, then a light filing + emery cloth and all was good.



    Now the heastock Spindle ie the shaft that runs in the bronze bushes and supports the chucks and faceplate. It was machined in steps, since it is long and spindly.



    Then held in the lathe's live centre for a final light cut to size.



    Below, the results of the (few) days efforts ...all keen to be assembled.



    And a free running headstock assembly is achieved. Still lots of cleaning up of cast surfaces to do but the main machining features are now in place.



    Yup, there's more 😉  ...the Tailstock.



    The tailstock followed a similar machining process to the headstock.


    I've still to put the 3/8" counterbore in the right-hand end .... and I'm not 100% sure how to do that since the barrel of the cast tailstock was way off centre and filing it back central has removed a lot of meat, meaning 3/8" is now too large.So I may have to drop the 3/8" dia to 9mm (...end mill on order).



    Below, we see the tongue of the tailstock being machined...I tend to use a strip of paper on the clamped surfaces to help even out any surface irregularities.



    And turned 90 deg to get the through hole milled, similar to the headstock. Shown below is the faces being cleaned up before the holes were added.



    Almost there 😉


    The tailstock is held in position on the lathe bed by a T Clamp..


    The first clamp  I made was to the drawing dimensions but turned out way too short ...so here I am making anothe clamp with an 1/8" longer threaded portion. And the old T Clamp sitting atop about to be launched into orbit.



    Finally, a sub-assembly of where I am so far. A lathe shape is beginning to vaguely emerge.



    Thanks for bearing with me :-.)  


    In spite of some of the issues I encountered, I actually enjoy this stuff....happy days.






  6. Hi all,


    This summer I bought the 'Stuart Models Engineering Lathe - unmachined' as a short project to tide me through to winter .... https://www.stuartmodels.com/product/stuart-engineering-lathe-unmachined/


    I started on it a few weeks ago so haven't yet completed it and will post updates as I pass the build milestones.  Not surprisingly I'm using a lathe to build the lathe, and a milling machine.


    Below is the lathe's exploded diagram supplied as part of the instruction set.  At first look it seems a bit simpler than the Stuart Beam Steam Engine build, say, but it isn't without it's own challenges and head-scratching moments.



    Below - As usual, everything arrives in the rigid Stuart cardboard box.



    And here is a quick 'lathe assembly' of the larger parts, next to the other materials and the instruction sheet. The big square metal lump sitting in the middle of the lathe bed is Item 16, the lathe Saddle ... I'm guessing it will mostly end up as a slim elegant item and a big pile of swarf!



    Above. As usual, the larger parts are made of cast iron so will require grinding/filing to remove the casting flash and to introduce the beginnings of 'squareness'. Squareness will be quite important since it has a direct effect on 'work holding' in the mill vice or lathe chuck(s).  And, as also usual with these items, the question of what surface(s) to use as the initial reference plane raises it's head. I'm not sure if there is a definitive answer to that one since it can depend on the machinist's ability and the machinery available.


    Anyway, my strategy with these builds tends to be to rough out the larger parts first and take it from there.


    Below, the lathe bed sitting on Headstock Base and Tailstock Foot. The bed had had it's top and bottom surfaces milled flat using a 10mm diameter cutter. This involved a lot of winding the mill bed backwards and forwards - there must be a better way 😉



    Below, the Tailstock Foot being clamped to the mill bed - this surface would then be used to reference the bottom surface from so that both were square and parallel.



    Below, and the milling begins. I'd Blue'd the surface to give me a sanity check on how much material I needed to remove.



    And talking of sanity, I thought (for a tiny fraction of a second) that this 'work holding' might work to allow me to mill the top face. It did allow me to use the bottom face as a reference but there wasn't too much else to be said of that idea.



    So back to clamping on the mill bed. Setting up the squareness was a bit more difficult but clamping was way more secure and safe.



    Once both the Tailstock Foot and Headstock Base had had their two main surfaces milled flat and parallel to each other, it was on to drilling holes for attaching to the lathe bed and a clearance hole for the Tailstock Clamp (Item 41).





    After having wound the mill table up and down countless times on these sort of projects I knew it really was time for me to buy a Flycutter. As opposed to an end mill, a flycutter is a single point cutting tool but covers a much wider swathe. The finish was quite rough - I was moving the table too quickly and taking too deep a cut - but I later smoothed the lathe bed top surface to a better finish using a draw file and emery on a surface plate.



    Now to cut the central slot in the lathe bed that the Headstock and Tailstock will locate in to. This was reasonably straight forward.



    However, as I cut the slot deeper it dawned on me that I was removing the material that the vice was clamping against. I needed to put in a temporary spacer to stop the vice pressure collapsing the sides of the lathe bed. The stiffening block spacer was held in position with a strip of double-sided sticky tape.



    Top view of the lathe bed and the stiffening block.



    Now on to some fun stuff. The lathe bed has a T-slot cut in it to accommodate the Clamp for the Tailstock, and the slot runs the full length of the lathe bed. Sourcing a cost effective (ie cheap) T-slot cutter wasn't straightforward - good quality ones of the exact size seem to start at around £40  and head upwards rapidly. I eventually managed to find two cheaper ones of different sizes, the smaller size to rough out the slot and the larger diameter one to finish the slot off.



    Finally another cutter was procured to cut the 60 degree angle of the sides of the lathe bed. That worked OK.  A keen eye will notice that the T-slot has a small step on it's top surface ... the mill operator wasn't paying attention! This can be remedied at his leisure 🙂



    Well, I think that's it for today.


    The Stuart lathe has been a good buy, with the usual caveats eg the cast iron parts still suffer from glass hard corners and surfaces where rapid cooling occurred, and some cast items are almost at their finished dimension even before machining has started, but all-in-all I'm pretty happy so far.


    See you soon.










  7. Hi all,


    A couple of final pics to close off the build thread.


    I've added the Governor mechanism, lagged the cylinder and attached copper (Inlet and Exhaust) pipe work.  But still in the process of setting the timing etc.




    The Governor build went reasonably well, although with hindsight I may have built some of the parts differently from the Drawings...next time!


    The Governor connects, via a linkage, to the Inlet at the front of the Cylinder and controls flow by a throttle type flap. There is some debate as to whether these governors actually work properly at model level, and even at full size level where they may in fact only be a safety feature in case the belt drive snaps.... any thoughts welcome.


    The cladding, like the fluting on the column, IMO adds that bit extra to the build. I used spare wood from one of my model ships and brass banding from a UK supplier.



    If anyone fancies building one of these steam engines feel free to ask me any questions here. And/or visit https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/forums/, https://www.modelenginemaker.com/  etc for great examples on top notch steam engine builds.


    I'm not sure what my next build will be - steam engine, model ship or HMS Flirt 😉 ...time will tell.


    See you all soon,




    [Edit: Timing is sorted so the Beam Engine now runs very smoothly and peacefully ;-).

    I've also bought the Stuart Engineering Lathe model as my next project.... watch this space]

  8. Woodepgh,


    I wish you luck !


    As I mentioned in the thread there were a couple of decades between me starting the Dallas build (completing the hull, deck etc) ...and then digging it out of the attic and completing the ship (masts, rigging etc) ... this seems to be a fairly common phenomenon 😉


    When restarting, it took me a few weeks to get up to speed again with the instructions ... which, as you say, aren't the clearest. The drawings were OK though, but sometimes did require close examination with a loupe to eke out the tiny details.





  9. wefalck,


    Thank you for the detailed insight. It's an interesting subject in it's own right.


    I remember the London workshop I did my training in during the 1970s having a 'paint weekend' where all the machines were to be given a fresh coat of paint - volunteers required. There was some debate leading up to this weekend regarding sourcing the paint and colour choice. It had been a number of years since they were last painted so availability and fashions had changed.


    IIRC, we ended up using a Sky Blue paint with a hint of green in it  ... this may have been similar to the Sea Foam Green referred to in the above link. After thoroughly cleaning the machines down and disassembling some, a (very ) thick coat was applied.




  10. Wefalck got me thinking and then reading about paint colours for machinery.


    It may be that 19th century Beam engines were originally painted black, and as time went by and new colours became available (as well as the machinery needing a fresh coat due to wear) other colours were painted over the original black.


    This American forum thread has a number of interesting opinions on the subject ...

    'Any idea of original factory colors of machines?' - https://www.practicalmachinist.com/forum/threads/any-idea-of-original-factory-colors-of-machines.279746/


    Extract - The development of paints had some bearing on the colors machine tools were painted. In the late 1800's-early 1900's, a lot of paint was hand mixed by the person doing the painting. Linseed oil, Japan drier, and a pigment, perhaps thinned with turpentine. House paint was pigmented with white lead. Black paint got lamp black for pigment. Not too many color choices, as it were. Colors varied slightly from one batch of paint to the next. Black was predictable, while gray was going to vary from one batch to the next. I think that battleship gray came into use when it became commercially available in consistent color from one batch to the next. Battleship gray probably came into use as it made for a lighter shop in an era when shops were notoriously dark. Relying on natural light filtered through a jungle of belts, with dirty window panes and minimal artificial lighting, and dirt and grunge from the lineshafting (leather particles mixed with oil from the lineshaft hanger boxes got all over the shop), and black machine tools, the shops were dark places. Battleship gray paint had a psychological edge to it, as it was the era of the Dreadnought or the heavy battleships. I am guessing the gray paint took over some time around WWI.



  11. Thanks Rob,


    It was a bit of a retrospective build log since I already had all the pictures taken and the build complete. I'm now realising it is simpler posting each stage of a build as it happens, rather than trying to construct a timeline after the build is complete 😉


    I did keep regular downloads of the pics in dated folders on my computer and written notes, but it's surprising how much I rely on using fresh memories to make sure I don't miss something when doing an actual 'live build' as opposed to this build.






    Edit: And thanks Wefalck ...I could have easily doubled the length of the build, but at the back of mind always was 'remember, this is a model ship building forum' so didn't want to overdo it.


    Good point about the darker colours. Also, I think I read somewhere that 'green' was the more easily available colour in those days, for what ever reason.


  12. Hi Ian,


    Thank you.


    Yes the Clyde was at one time a hot bed of ship building and other industries. Yarrow still does work there, I believe ... I've been on a number of their frigates around the world, but not as a service person.


    And a toolmaking apprenticeship at RR would be a feather in one's cap...still is.



    Back in the day 'engineering' may have been seen as a less promising career by those who didn't know it, but in my book it is the prosperous foundation on which most of a country is built. These days engineering, like most prefessions, relies heavily on computers etc .... but there is absolutely no substitute for hands-on experience to complement the 'higher-tech' skills. 



  13. Final assembly, test and painting.


    The engine was piece-meal assembled as finished parts became available. Once enough were available I connected a cordless drill to the end of the crankshaft and powered it up to get a general feel for how well it would (or wouldn't) function - all seemed OK.


    Before painting I did a full assembly, had an initial attempt at setting the timing and then applied compressed air to the Steam-In port on the front of the Cylinder. There was little or no movement, so I tweaked the timing...now it moved hesitantly but required about 40 psi - far too much! After a day or more of further tweaking I could get the engine to run very smoothly at 1 psi, according to the pressure gauge. These gauges are not accurate on the first 15-20 % of their scales so I'll call it 5psi and a very satisfactory result.


    Whilst I had been building the Beam engine I had been researching other's build and the paint schemes they chose.


    Traditionally the full sized engines were painted mainly green with red highlights. I wasn't too keen on that scheme since, although accurate, I felt something a bit 'different' but still industrial looking was required. So I ended up choosing  PlastiKote Satin Black and Satin Warm Grey - results below.


    The current wooden base is only temporary. I may add a Stuart models Engineering lathe (https://www.stuartmodels.com/product/stuart-engineering-lathe-unmachined/ )  so a larger piece of wood will be required. (Edit: On 2nd thoughts a lathe would be inappropriate for a Beam engine - it would be more suited for the 10V).






    View from the other side.



    Finally, my 6" high Stuart 10V with a 3" diameter flywheel next to the Beam engine with it's 7" flywheel.



    It was a fun build with a good bit of puzzle solving helping keep the grey matter in shape. I started it in April and finished towards the end of July, doing a little bit most days.


    I'm currently building the Governor for the Beam engine so will add a picture of that on the Beam when the time comes.


    Thanks for all the Likes etc and the interesting side-discussions on related topics 😉


    All for now,



  14. Mark, Egilman,


    Interesting stuff, thanks.


    downforce created actually slows the car by about 20%

    I always wondered what the actual effect of downforce was on all-out speed. From the little I know about F1 design I believe that downforce pays dividends in cornering ability though.


    From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Motor_Carriage_Company  it would seem that the Stanley brothers eventually had an unbeatable competitor at 25% of the price and with instant start.





  15. I'll make this post the second to last on the build.


    Today I'm looking at the Conrod, and the Eccentric Sheave parts.


    First the Connecting Rod (Conrod). It started life as a plain length of rectangular section mild steel. It would require turning and milling. As can be seen on the drawing extract below it required fishbelly'ing.



    Below, held in the 4 jaw at one end, live centre at the other. Being turned down to size before it the fishbelly profile was added. This is basically a double taper that was then 'curved' using files and emery cloth.



    And off to the mill for the end fixing regions to be shaped.

    5 IMG_20220612_161922876.jpg


    Below, the Crank which is pinned on to the Crankshaft and pivoted on the end of the Conrod. The Crank has a Phosphor Bronze bush that is a press fit in the end of the Conrod.



    Below a part assembly showing  the Conrod connecting the Beam to Crankshaft.





    Now on to the Eccentric Sheave parts. The Eccentric Sheave (Pt 44) is enclosed in the two halves of the Eccentric Strap (Pts 99 & 102). The sheave sits eccentrically on the crankshaft and is connected by a rod (Pt 96) to the valve mechanism. The sheave is held on to the crankshaft by a grubscrew (Pt 45) so can be adjusted to give the optimal valve timing.



    The sheave is restrained within the strap by a raised ring of metal ...this sits in a corresponding groove in the strap. It was 1/32" x 1/32" in size, which I felt was a bit small but I did get it to work smoothly.



    Another pic showing the boss that the crankshaft runs through, being machined.



    Below, the sheave (which arrived as a single piece gun metal casting) being drilled for two clamping bolts. It would then be slpit into two halves.



    One of the split halves having the inside clamping face cleaned up to size.



    Now in the lathe, ready to be bored out to size (for the eccentric) and to have the 1/32" x 1/32" groove cut.



    The finished eccentric assembly. L>R, the sheave inside the strap which is then bolted to the rod, and then the other end of the rod meets the valve mechanism.



    Well, that's it for the parts manufacture. I've missed out quite a few parts but hopefully included enough to give a flavour of what the build entails and maybe encouraged some other curious folks to have a go at 'steam engines' ;-).


    The final post will be painting, assembly and test.






  16. Hi all,


    Today I'll post some pictures and thoughts on the tapered Column manufacture.


    The Column supports the Beam itself. I believe that full sized columns were made as hollow castings.


    As with most of the larger parts for Stuart's model kits the column is supplied as a cast iron casting. It wasn't that rough around the edges regarding casting artefacts so less filing was required.



    I firstly mounted the column in the lathe to clean up the base's outer face ie the surface the column sits upon. I didn't notice at the time but the tapered part was oval in section and about 1 mm off centre from the square ends, which meant that if I had finished machined the square ends I would have later found there was not enough meat on the column to keep it co-axial with the ends. I did notice this issue in time, as it was being set up on the mill but I needed to do a bit of backtracking since I had already drilled a centre hole on the lathe in one of the square ends - I managed to fudge my way through that.



    Cleaning up and squaring the ends of the column on the mill.



    Now to taper the column on the lathe - it is held in the 4 jaw at one end and a live centre at the other.  Again, because the lathe is on the smaller side of things, I needed to do the tapering in two steps since the cutting tool wasn't able to traverse the full length of the taper without clashing with the chuck. This meant the toolpost being reoriented along with the tool.



    Tapering pretty much finished and with a reasonable finish. Emery cloth brought a nice sheen to it.



    Profiling the curved lines of the ends of the column. I pecked away at this with the tool and then finished the curves off with a round file and Emery cloth.



    OK, now to the fun stuff - adding flutes to the column 🙂 The Stuart drawing doesn't ask for this but Beam models I have seen with fluting look that bit better. 


    It's been decades since I used a Rotary Table (RT) so forgive me if my set up isn't traditional. I needed to get the top surface of the taper to line up horizontal, to match the cutting path of the 3mm round end cutting tool as it passed by. To do this I tilted the RT upwards. Unfortunately the RT Tailstock (although it has height adjustment) couldn't quite get it's nose up that high...so I tilted it upwards. This meant that the conical end of the dead centre in the tailstock was not sitting fully home in the centre drilled hole on the end of the the column - I got away with that, almost. The obvious thing to do would have been to raise the height of the tailstock and then point it downwards ...20:20 hindsight!



    I had calculated that I could make about 14 flutes at around 30 thou" (0.75mm) deep. It took 3 passes of the cutter to achieve the depth and then I indexed to the next flute position. All was going well until I was about 3/4 of the way around the column and I noticed the gap between the last two flutes was larger than expected. Something had changed....what I believe happened was that the tailstock dead centre had resettled into a different 'happy position' in the end of the column's centre. This was disappointing, but there was nothing I could do so, after a bit of recalculation of the indexing required, I continued on my way. My reasoning was, that from a distance and providing there were no Flute Inspectors around, no one would notice 😉



    Below, the column sitting happily on the base. I think it looks acceptable.



    That's it for today, so catch you soon,



  17. Hi all,


    Today a short post about the Stuart Beam engine Flywheel manufacture. 


    The flywheel stores energy from the engine and that helps smooth out the pulses from the cylinder, and also encourages the crankshaft to continue in the same rotational direction when TDC and BDC are reached.


    The Stuart models cast iron flywheel arrives with a reasonable amount of casting artefacts and needs cleaning up before being mounted on the lathe. The lathe, a Sieg SC2, can accommodate a maximum diameter of 180mm ...the raw casting was larger than that. It's finished machined diameter is 177.8 mm (7"). After being cleaned up on the linishing belt there was about 0.5mm clearance from the bed of the lathe, which was fine.



    For a finished flywheel to appear to run smoothly to the eye one should carefully file the inner face of the rim since that cannot be machined. I also spent a good bit of time on the linishing belt trying to clear off the hard outer perimeter of the casting...I got most of it off but there were still some patches that gave my Carbide tipped tool a few moments.


    Below, the flywheel is mounted in approximate position on the faceplate, and away from the lathe to avoid a fight with gravity.



    Final alignment of the flywheel on the lathe was greatly aided by my trusty die holder which fortunately had the same end diameter as the boss on the flywheel. The four clamps were equi-spaced and didn't create much, if any, of an imbalance at the turning speed.



    Below, skimming the outer perimeter of the flywheel. Try as I may, I could never get the tool tip to cover the full width of the flywheel from one side - I resigned myself to having to finish that job by turning the flywheel over.



    Below, after part turning the outer surface and cleaning up the wheel face, I bored out the hole (7/16") for the crank shaft. I did need to buy a smaller boring bar than the ones I already had. The white dot was a rough indicator for when the tool was through the flywheel. Once done the crankshaft was a good sliding fit. You can also see the step on the outer surface of the rim which was as far as I could sensibly go - to finish it off the flywheel was turned over and re-clamped.



    Below, the finished wheel. It cleaned up nicely once I got the Emery cloth on it 🙂



    The flywheel, and a few of the other rotating items are clamped to their axles by slotted-head grub screws. I don't feel this is entirely suitable for a number of reasons. The slotted head gets disfigured quickly (a socket key head is better), the axle gets marked (a flat needs to be added to the axle) and the grub screw can slip against the axle (again a flat will help prevent this). There are changes I plan to do.


    Catch you all soon,



  18. fishbelly-shape

    Euler strut theory - I should have recalled that.



    Some of the pin material came as 1/8" stainless steel rod, so those I left alone, apart from adding threads on the end.  Not being ground stock the stainless, IIRC, was not 0.125" but closer to 0.123"... but good enough for this job.

    Some of the other pins had stepped diameters ... the one shown in the pic with the 4 mm collet is 5/32" rod, with it's ends being turned down to 1/8"

    I should have mentioned I not only drilled the holes but did also ream them to size.



    Yes, I tried using that method also when I first got that mill (SX2P), but the head has a bad habit of suddenly dropping if the clamping is a bit off. I also use the smaller taps in a pin vice held slightly loosely in the drill chuck. The pin vice knurling gives enough purchase to hand turn the (small) tap.


    Thanks for the inputs.





  19. Hi all,


    Today, a short post on the Watt linkages, and the Valve Chest linkages.


    James Watt, regarding his linkage idea, wrote in 1784 ...


    I have got a glimpse of a method of causing a piston rod to move up and down perpendicularly by only fixing it to a piece of iron upon the beam, without chains or perpendicular guides [...] and one of the most ingenious simple pieces of mechanics I have invented.  .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt's_linkage


    There were  8 off Watt links to make, plus two off Valve chest links. The Links are used in pairs. 


    The linkages are usually given a fishbelly profile. I suspect this is done for looks, but any advice on that welcome. The fishbelly (on models) is achieved by mounting each linkage between centres in the lathe which allows an elegant shape that tapers from the middle to each end.  I had a long thought about doing that but decided on a simpler process - use the mill to taper the links in one plane.


    Here is the pair of valve links in the mill vice, aligned with a pair of 1/8" pins.



    Below, to get a suitable taper angle I calculated that clamping the links at a 4.3 degrees slope was ideal. My Wixey digital angle gauge helped accurately set the angle.



    Below, the 8 off Watt links get the fishbelly treatment, again held in line with 1/8" pins.



    Reset the links and angle, and the other side is done.



    All 8 off Watt links almost completed. The ends of some need a bit of trimming, but since they were all to have their ends rounded anyway a file took care of that.



    The Valve Levers having slots cut in them.



    And then the Lever grub screw holes tapped. I tend to use my flat bar tap wrenches for most tapping jobs. But small taps don't have a guide hole in their end - I recently acquired a Starrett T Bar tap wrench which has a guide hole in its end so ensures vertically tapped holes - I think I'll be using it a lot more in the future. The Sterrett also feels extremly well made - the only drawback is that the wrench's cross-bar is much higher than the flat-bar one so has a higher wobble factor (assuming it isn't supported by the guide hole).



    One of the many 1/8" diameter pivot pins that the linkages use, being turned up in the lathe.



    Now a couple of pics of the cast iron Valve Chest. It's very similar to the 10V chest. It required mostly milling work.



    And a little 4 jaw chuck lathe work to round off the Valve rod dome - the tail of the valve rod always sits within the internal hole drilled in the dome.



    Using the cast iron Valve Chest Cover to spot fixing holes through onto the Cylinder itself.



    There are a number of brass glands required, for guiding steam in and out, and also for guiding the piston rod. For these Stuart supplies a length of brass extrusion that is turned to shape in the lathe, central hole drilled, parted off and then fixing holes added.



    Finally, we see the Watt linkages hanging from their bearing points on the main beam and entablature arms- the arms were still hanging loose at this point. Also the two Valve links are in place, connected to their levers which in turn are worked by the eccentric sheave on the crankshaft.



    Up next, in a day or two, should be the Flywheel 🙂











  20. Roger,


    surfaces were often coated with Prussian Blue


    Yes, from what I've read recently there was quite a bit of fettling required to get a good rotating fit.


    Once electric motors became available I can see why they quickly replaced steam engines in many applications ie less maintenance and manpower required and overall, cheaper to run. Follow the money, as usual.


    I find steam engines fascinating and it is a shame they are no longer a part of our daily lives. However, nuclear power stations still heat water to produce steam so it could be argued that steam power is still very much with us.




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