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  1. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in sloop of war by yamsterman - FINISHED - 1:48 - from Model Boats plan c. 1996   
    hi all
    this will be the last post with regards to this little sloop. its been a fun build and a learning curve. there are still a few things to do namely rope coils for rigging points,and a brass plaque for the pedastal,which has been sent away for engraving. i will start the case next week whilst i have some free time.....no work for a week....yipee!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for all the likes and positive encouragement.

  2. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from jaerschen in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    Hi juergen
    Thank you....its a learning curve all the way. If it turns out a fraction as good as your full triton build, magnificent by the way, I shall be very happy.
    Full hull version of triton is very high on my to do list!
  3. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from Gimo in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    its about time for an update on the cross section progress. 
    unfortunately i got carried away with unbridled enthusiasm and forgot to take any photos of the completed lower deck.
    however some of the work can still be seen, as ive left some deliberate gaps in the planking.
    photos show current state of play , just about to start the gun deck , and this time i will remember to take some photos!
    been busy this morning cutting up some holly and boxwood.
    also purchased a couple of 1mm 3 flute milling cutters. i will need these when i get round to making the ladders, plus they will come in useful generally!
    might just get some in 1.5,2 2.5 and 3mm to cover a few eventualitys
    thats all for now folks

  4. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in sloop of war by yamsterman - FINISHED - 1:48 - from Model Boats plan c. 1996   
    hi all
    the glazing has now been installed in the case and the back panel temporarily placed in position.
     im waiting for a particular item to be delivered from across the pond in order to complete the back panel......all will be revealed in good time.
    since ive got a few days off i shall take some construction photos of the case construction, esp for kees   as he asked , but it may be of interest generally.
    cheers for now.....mick

  5. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from jaerschen in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    its about time for an update on the cross section progress. 
    unfortunately i got carried away with unbridled enthusiasm and forgot to take any photos of the completed lower deck.
    however some of the work can still be seen, as ive left some deliberate gaps in the planking.
    photos show current state of play , just about to start the gun deck , and this time i will remember to take some photos!
    been busy this morning cutting up some holly and boxwood.
    also purchased a couple of 1mm 3 flute milling cutters. i will need these when i get round to making the ladders, plus they will come in useful generally!
    might just get some in 1.5,2 2.5 and 3mm to cover a few eventualitys
    thats all for now folks

  6. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from WackoWolf in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    its about time for an update on the cross section progress. 
    unfortunately i got carried away with unbridled enthusiasm and forgot to take any photos of the completed lower deck.
    however some of the work can still be seen, as ive left some deliberate gaps in the planking.
    photos show current state of play , just about to start the gun deck , and this time i will remember to take some photos!
    been busy this morning cutting up some holly and boxwood.
    also purchased a couple of 1mm 3 flute milling cutters. i will need these when i get round to making the ladders, plus they will come in useful generally!
    might just get some in 1.5,2 2.5 and 3mm to cover a few eventualitys
    thats all for now folks

  7. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from hexnut in sloop of war by yamsterman - FINISHED - 1:48 - from Model Boats plan c. 1996   
    hi all
    the glazing has now been installed in the case and the back panel temporarily placed in position.
     im waiting for a particular item to be delivered from across the pond in order to complete the back panel......all will be revealed in good time.
    since ive got a few days off i shall take some construction photos of the case construction, esp for kees   as he asked , but it may be of interest generally.
    cheers for now.....mick

  8. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from harvey1847 in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    its about time for an update on the cross section progress. 
    unfortunately i got carried away with unbridled enthusiasm and forgot to take any photos of the completed lower deck.
    however some of the work can still be seen, as ive left some deliberate gaps in the planking.
    photos show current state of play , just about to start the gun deck , and this time i will remember to take some photos!
    been busy this morning cutting up some holly and boxwood.
    also purchased a couple of 1mm 3 flute milling cutters. i will need these when i get round to making the ladders, plus they will come in useful generally!
    might just get some in 1.5,2 2.5 and 3mm to cover a few eventualitys
    thats all for now folks

  9. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from Mfelinger in sloop of war by yamsterman - FINISHED - 1:48 - from Model Boats plan c. 1996   
    hi all
    this will be the last post with regards to this little sloop. its been a fun build and a learning curve. there are still a few things to do namely rope coils for rigging points,and a brass plaque for the pedastal,which has been sent away for engraving. i will start the case next week whilst i have some free time.....no work for a week....yipee!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for all the likes and positive encouragement.

  10. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from WackoWolf in Ingomar by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/278 - Hereshoff designed schooner   
    Hi omega
    Fantastic work! Still don't know how you do it in this scale!
  11. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from Omega1234 in Ingomar by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/278 - Hereshoff designed schooner   
    Hi omega
    Fantastic work! Still don't know how you do it in this scale!
  12. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from fatih79 in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    just acouple of photos to show current progress. treenailing of thickstuff and ceiling timbers now done. just started work on lower deck.

  13. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from fatih79 in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    with thanks to pete 38 for pointing me in the right direction , ive been experimenting with a few different wood species primarily for the waterways and bulwark planking.
    seems to boil down to about three species. chakte kok (redheart) , satine bloodwood and the lovely pink ivory.
    ive uploaded a few photos for your appreciation. all timber is cut from pen blanks on the bandsaw ( apart from boxwood and ebony) and is still a little on the rough side.
    all comments welcome.
    photo 1 l to r  ebony,european box , pink ivory , satine bloodwood
    photo 2  as photo 1 but with flash.
    photo 3  satine bloodwood  and redheart
    photo 4 ebony and european box
    photo 4 pink ivory .
    photo 5 satine bloodwood
    photo 6 redheart.
    photo 7  close up of photo 1.
    im seriously tempted to use the pink ivory!

  14. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from dgbot in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    bit more progress to report. ceiling work finished up to first deck level.....preparing to treenail.
    pulled some 1mm sqaure pear thru a byrnes drawplate down to no 29  , which appears to correspond to 0.7mm. done a couple a trial fittings and all looks ok.
    first two deck beams cut to size.....thats it for tonight.

  15. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from dgbot in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    back home after a couple of days chillin (rock beer and curry!) serious abuse of ones ears and digestive system. marvellous!!
    just a few more photos of the cross section,been sneaking a bit of time in whilst finishing the sloop model off.
    frames faired, i hope. wale strakes fitted in ebony.
    limber boards and strakes fitted just working my way round the various ceiling timbers.
    have cut some forms for the deck beams will be soaking some pear later and clamping everything up for later.
    will now be working on triton section more or less full time,whilst i do some planning for the next full hull build.
    cheers for now.

  16. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from dgbot in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    just a quick update.frames are now done and raised on the keel.ive used some fillers to brace the frames. these will be covered by the planking at a later date.the one thing i forgot to do was take some photos of the frames in the jig. i didnt make anything special as far as the jig was concerned just asimple right angle arrangement with frame c as a reference point.all frames aligned with frame c and braced and glued one at a time. all held together with a heath robinson contraption of clamps and elastic bands.
    this will probably be the last post for a couple of weeks or so as im waiting for my new brynes saw to arrive.exciting!!!
    i will need this to cut the planking and decking accurately.

  17. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from dgbot in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all 
    today is a day of firsts.the first frames have been made. yipee!!!!!!
    bit rough at the moment but we will sort the fiddly stuff out once all the frames are made.
    more frames tomorrow.

  18. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from dgbot in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    photos of keel assembly now reworked in pear.will start making frames tomorrow.

  19. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from fatih79 in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    just a quick update on progress so far.
    false  keel attached with paper tarring.
    components are over length at the moment.
    first couple of pics show keel assembly.
    ive included some pics of tools used.primarily a crown miniature cutting gauge used to deliniate the upper and lower edges of the rebate.the blade is then turned to use as a scraper,after centering the point on the rebate , and the rebate is then cut.the blade is not quite the right shape so finished the cut with a 2nd cut triangular file.
    boxwood stash i shall be using for this build. i have also just aquired a nice supply of english holly. i brought it from a chap who was using it to restore a riva aqaumarina. it was a very modest price but VERY rough sawn. a local timber shop planned it all down to 8mm thickness. i shall use some of this as decking on the cross section model. also slowly but surely collecting a supply of pear wood.

  20. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from fatih79 in hms triton; first attempt at plank on frame   
    hi all
    decided to bite the bullet and have a go at hms triton cross section as a first attempt at true plank on frame, rather than go all out on a full hull.
    downloaded the keel and keelson drawing ........and wood has been cut...sawdust has been produced!!
    permission to come aboard and embark on the next stage!
    i have chosen to do the majority of the construction in pyrennian boxwood,deck planking in holly and external planking in pear (wales)  and boxwood. i may throw in a couple of other species apple and sycamore for other fittings.

  21. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from NMBROOK in The use of Applewood in modelling?   
    Hi Nigel
    Glad to be of some help. Great work on the royal William. Reminds me of Bernard frolichs approach.
  22. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from NMBROOK in The use of Applewood in modelling?   
    Hi Nigel
    Try the stiles and bates website. They sell apple timber as blanks for turning spindles bowls and pens, along with a few other interesting timbers.
  23. Like
    yamsterman reacted to jaerschen in HMS Triton 1773, 1/48, POF by Juergen   
    Hello Guys
    Here's a little update of my build. I install the aft Cant-Frames at the moment. You can see my practice of the following photos. I hate it to do the same for several hours. That's why I decided to produce a Frame, install it and than produce the next Frame and so on. At this way I had a bit of change.

    To saw out the parts I use a band-saw with a special saw band for slightly curves.


    I hope that the next update is showing the finish of the frame build.
  24. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from kees de mol in Propitious (FR-927) by kees de mol - FINISHED - 1/26 Scale - 10 m Fishing Trawler   
    Hi kees
    Very , very impressive! Looks like she's just done a winters fishing in the north Atlantic!
    P.s. I will get round to taking some photos of the case construction for you, I haven't forgotten!
  25. Like
    yamsterman got a reaction from Chuck in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by Chuck - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - kit prototype   
    Hi chuck
    Looking good....as usual! Guess I'm going to have to wait a little longer for the plans but looking forward to your practicum on the rest of the hull build. Don't have access to a laser cutter or scroll saw so will be cutting the frames by hand! I plan to build j boudroits le cerf 1779-80 at some point which is clinker planked and French, so a carvel planked English cutter should be an interesting contrast.
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