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About Knocklouder

  • Birthday October 4

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  • Location
    Manitoba, Canada
  • Interests
    And being a MSW/NRG member!!!!

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  1. Thank you very much my friend 😊. Man I look back 3 years ago when I started, wow I had to learn lots, beside how to build ship, computer lessons, how to use MSW/NRG, spelling lessons lol 😆. Just like I was in school I never paid attention to the spelling part lol. I still have so much to learn about rigging, and could do better seizing as well, but that's my style 😎. I finally got a chance to go see fellow shipmate, I had asked him to make me dome cannon balls, I want/ need them for my Duchess. They are great, he told me some need a trim but they are great. He also threw in a couple more 14 foot yawls and he knew I was looking for magnification glass so he though in one that he didn't really like. And I ordered these from Amazon to try. So I let you know which one I like best, but not today. So glad I got to know him, lol when I went over I rang the doorbell never heard it ring waited a minute then I Knocklouder lol. I think he was just about to open the door lol. Today was a good day for the most part. I clean up all the holes for the crowsfeet on the main and foremasts. And after going over all my notes I finished the crowsfeet. A little adjustment on the stays lines is needed but I can do that later. So I took a break from building and went and cleaned the snow from the driveway . Half way done and I noticed that the tractor was heating up to much. So I drove it back in the shed and let it cool off a couple of hours then open the radiator no antifreeze where did it go. Lol Got to get some specific antifreeze for diesel engine tomorrow 😅. Buack to the shipyard I ran. And seeing that the crowsfeet were done I was going to start the Bowsprit yard first 😳. But you guessed it lol. I spun the Duchess around and broke it off again. It is a clean break and I can fix it lol. Thank you so much for all the help, we are building a fine ship. We will see what tomorrow brings but yard work is always fun lol. Bob M PFCGP Goober
  2. Good luck on your journey!! Bob M.
  3. Good luck on your journey!!! Bob M.
  4. Well my first attempt of the Crowsfeet, Pile says not bad but you tried it on wrong at the start and at the end. Do it over Please. That was yesterday today I cut it all of and started again. Because this is the first time for crows feet I needed help. So a call @Glenn-UK for help , plus I happened to see @chris watton on line and asked his advice as well. With those two helping it became clearer as I went along. I could not figure out were to tie on the Euphroes. After I recived help it stared to come together. Thank you gentlemen!! Glen recommended that I wax the lines and use a hair dryer to gently melt the wax. So that's what I did . I like this, my first attempt I had it half done and realized I was threading it wrong 😅. Second time I managed to rig it right but was unhappy with the way it was tied on. Like I said this morning I cut it all off and it took 10 minutes to tie it back on , the right way. Thanks . Appreciate it immensely.. So now I have to repeat this two more times, for the main and foremast then it's on to the yards. They are all ready to get installed when the time comes to install them. One thing thought, the plans call for 3 meters of 0.10 line. For the crowsfeet, I thread the first one and found out 3 feet of line is enough lol.yes 3meters back and forth lol. But it was fun. Talk soon, and thanks for the help and the logs for the Duchess. They are coming in real handy. One of them had a diagram for the crowsfeet that I found very useful. But I forgot which one, when I find it again I let you know because it shows you were to start and finish , as well as how to run the line for it. Move in along nicely now, excitement is growing lol. See later my friend's Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  5. Good luck on your journey. Best place ever!! Bob M.
  6. I belive I glued little stips on each side. Then after the sides were planked , I filled in the gaps with plastic wood then sealed it. they were small gaps so I think they turn out ok Bob M.
  7. I don't know the difference between the two, I only have used plates. I installed them two at a time using Super Phatic glue. It was really easy to do. They are still sticking to my Pegasus. Bob M.
  8. Very nice job on the rigging, the seizeing looks so good. I am kicking myself for letting what I did be my final decision but I will live with it. Lol . Glad my pictures were of help. But I won't look to close if I were you lol. Nice work. Bob M.
  9. Precautions have been installed. . But Keith has sent me plans for a more robust is that the right word lol set of plans lol. Bob M.
  10. @Keith Black if I do I couldn't fix it as good as it is now. I tell you this is the last time for a picture of the stren , I almost did. I was just cleaning things up and had to fix just one or two things that needed to be reglued Well . Then I gave the wood a drink of shellac sealer. All the windows look like this and I have them. Rodney's work is amazing stuff. Copper hull looks great to me. All the mast are ready, I had them on and on the work bench but I am so excited about this build. I forgot to take a picture. But I am going to see him soon they have moved him 90 miles away, what can you do. He has the cancer so I am sure big old Knocklouder will have a tear 😢 or two, From time to time. But the work is all his, I only will rig it. Well I might touch up a few things as we go I will try to get as much info on his build that he will let me share, he is a very humble and private man. So now really back to the Duchess, lol. Or painting figures lol bet she wins lol. All I know is this is going to take up my whole display case . Stay tuned as they say, I hope to make it look good for my dear friend Rodney Who will always be the Captain of this ship. ❤️. Knocklouder.
  11. Bob M.
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