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Posts posted by ckcarr

  1. A very nice welcome, thank you.


    Like many of you, when I started considering building wooden model ships, I did a lot of Googling.  Posts from this forum would often be the most informative...in a good way.


    Now that I've committed to starting this hobby, becoming a part of this forum seems like a no-brainer.  I do hope to learn and I hope to share.


    In addition to the welcome, thanks for the advice on what and where to start. I will certainly give the Model Shipways series a good look. And I was unaware of the local SIG, which, in after-thought, seems a natural, given our area's geography and history, and the number of skilled workmen who live here.  I'll look them up as well.


    Lastly, I did not know that the Nautical Research Guild offered a planking kit.  Intrigued, I tried my best to read through the associated thread.  Something else to consider, thank you.


    Well, I'm off kit hunting.  🙂

  2. Happy 4th.  Today's high here is 67 F...


    My name is Chris.  I'm a former engineer, recently retired from a "small" local airplane company located in the greater Seattle area.   In retirement I find myself squandering about doing the frivolous, yet desirable, activities that I did not have time for while "growing up".  One of those activities is the construction of model kits.


    I have some experience building plastic kits, planes, tanks, vehicles, and ship.  New to me, this era of model building brings with it the added bonus of delving into history and research, something I really enjoy. 


    I'm new to building wooden model ships.  I've always had the desire to start, but am afraid I may not possess sufficient forbearance, endurance, or skill(s).  I'm counting on my prior model building experience to help tether my expectations and foster my patience. 


    My plan is to start slow, cautiously and small.  I've watched a number of YouTube builds, so I get it, it's hard.  But it's doable; come up with a feasible plan, expect and allow for complications, learn and hone new skills, uncover the details and the history, and enjoy the journey.


    ...and so it begins.

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