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Everything posted by sandorm

  1. Hello Denis very great class, your Norden, the details are absolutely beautiful made by you This inspires me to finally finish my kit -- you'll hear from me cheers Steffen
  2. And now -- a little milestone- for me - arranging drivers cabin etc. on the deck - it fits !! cheers Steffen
  3. Deck ist finshed , Dont look at the cutting mistakes The surface is finally only sanded and finished wit satin clear coat- I did not stain the deck -- "calc" effect looks not so bad i think
  4. Hi popey - I'm happy to hear from you - after all these years - hope you will enyoy your kit greets Steffen
  5. Today , started planking the deck I want to use some black twine to put between the planks - for gaining some "calk" effect hope it works .... The best way to get a nice curve on the edges of the planks near bow and stern is to cut and taper before glueing ! Cheers Steffen
  6. Hi guys roundabout after 3 years , I'm back to continue and hope I will finsih the project in 2017 Everything else would be a pitty Merry christmas and happy new year to all
  7. Hi popeye , Yes I started the log before the crash and posted ia 2nd time , cheers Steffen
  8. Detail view - Working on window frames .... The painting of the cabin didn't work quite adequate for me and I had to put some glue to the left cabin edge at a certain point after painting as well I should have been waiting longer until the drying process has completely finished , because this made the paint to scrape off Now I take the the best of it -- looks like corrosion -- Vintage, eldered Cheers
  9. Cabin ! To avoid the problem finding the correct angle of the cabin front I used an easy "helping construction " - not included in the kit @Alex -- thank you for the hint in your log
  10. After a break of six weeks , and spring will still not really come out - work on the Norden has made small progress Deck - Buildings and Companion
  11. Hi Alex no break after the finsihing the Norden ? I hope you enjoy your new project Working with generalized Instructions will effort your Creativity - cheers Steffen
  12. Hi Alex Congratulations to your build -- Your are a great sail-tailor She looks very very pretty -- nice details cheers Steffen
  13. For a correct water "line" more than a water "wave" i used this simple construction ....
  14. After sanding the entire hull I began painting , an of course I forgot to fix the rubbing strakes before
  15. Thank you Hakan for your offer - I count on you Working with painting last week -- taken pictures - but the board was down Wanted to continue today but I thougt rebuilding the logs - asap is more important - for the community and for the board Now working with cabin etc. Cheers Steffen
  16. ---------------------- private " Recovery" of build log finished --------------------------
  17. Now putting the halfs together Sometimes while struggling with the planking -- I thougt about a plastic Hull for the next time But know I am happy that I did it with wood !
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