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    Doreltomin reacted to druxey in Frégate d'18 par Sané , la Cornélie   
    Looking more and more respectable each time, John. Bien fait, monsieur!
  2. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to mtaylor in Frégate d'18 par Sané , la Cornélie   
    We all poke each other with that Sharpie.  I'm covered in polka dots.
  3. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to reklein in Avocado wood   
    Hee Hee, apparently Avacado wood is not hard to come by in Hawaii. Fun.  Don, looks like you are the first to give it a serious effort. You could build a series of models and call it your Guacamole fleet. Be interested to find out how it works out. What is the color, does it mill nicely? Does it sand smoothly?. What is the hardness ,say compared to pine ,or maple? Fun stuff.         Bill in Idaho, where Avacado is a house plant.
  4. Like
    Doreltomin got a reaction from docidle in Le Superbe by Lukasvdb - Heller - 1/150 - PLASTIC - First ship of the line ever built   
    Hello Lukas,
    Congratulations, that's a very nice model indeed. Heller plastic kits can make into very interesting models, only you have to be patient and careful with them. It seems to me that you are not certainly a novice, it's a clear thing that you know what you are doing up there! I particularly like the colour of the deck. In the first pictures it looked a bit too gray, yet in the latter you added some lighter coloured strakes... is that all paint over plastic or you remade the deck in wood? Looks very authentic, anyway! This on the light side.
    Now on the dark side, it seems your masts are a bit curved, you must take your time to correct this. Either trying to straighten them (generally speaking I used a recipient filled with hot boiling water and a pair of pliers to make them straight, check first the correct temperature with a piece of plastic) or replace them in wood if you are not sure about straightening them in hot water.
    Keep up the good work,. have fun and cheers!
  5. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to druxey in Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey - FINISHED - 1:48 scale   
    Next is to cut stock a scale ¾" square. This is next to impossible without a zero-clearance table and a slitting saw blade. So I made an insert of aluminum sheet and raised the saw blade through this, as shown (upper left). Note that, on this saw, I have an Accuriser II fence. I attached a secondary scale measuring in inches at 1/48 scale. This avoids having to translate from thousandths of an inch (actual) to scale inches.
    I cut several sheets of 1/64" Castello stock and rubber cemented them to a sacrificial piece of softwood. In this case it was simply a paint stir-stick (upper right). This was then run through the saw and the pieces separated and cleaned up, giving the 1/64" square section required for the frames (below).

  6. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to druxey in Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey - FINISHED - 1:48 scale   
    Started bending in the frames today. They are spaced at 18" intervals and, as previously mentioned, are ¾" square. In the real boat, there were floors and futtocks united by a side overlap. However, as this will be completely invisible in the finished boat, I will omit this detail.
    As I have other work on hand, the next update will be a few days away.

  7. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to Jolley Roger in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    I learn something new everyday....
  8. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    A small detail, very often seen in dutch drawings, here analog the ones in the stern ...

    ... also to be found on the heads.
    Also Colbert shows something alike:

    I just do not know if this was still in use with the Royal Navy or if a bucket and a wet finger was meant to do the job.
    @Jason: I remember an order for the constitution that the pi**ing in the hold and other areas was meant to be stopped. I do not remember the source or details.
  9. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to amateur in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    But perhaps the english are more efficient?
  10. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Just wanted to remind you at the calculation that I already made earlier about the average stay time there and at my prove, that this was a mere leisure event :-)
    #5589 I cite myself:
    Some small thoughts ...
    ... with 800 men crew and 6 seats we get this optimized calculation:    800 men (NCO) / 6 seats gives 133 men/seat    In a optimized 24 hours use using all seats we get the following numbers:    24 hours = 1440 minutes    1440 minutes / 133 men = 10,5 minutes/man per day. This means no second wasted and the next user always stand by.    If you take account of that not the whole day it is possible to have this steady usage because of time, scedules and weather, the usage time per person sinks dramatically. If I remember well, constipation was widely spread, which leads to longer men mean residence time.    So the conclusion is, that the heads, regarding the weather, daytime and service schedule, could possibly be a quite crowded place at certain moments.    This account only includes the "big business". There still would be some persons too to be expected at the heads for the "small business", if they are not preferring hanging out in the shrouds (leewards): One hand for the ship and one hand for yourself - now that line is finally understood.    A quick research in German Law and regulations indicates the following:    Puplic Law of the State of lower Saxony says for a leisure event of 800 visitors the calculation should be:  800:100 x 0,8 = 7 seated toilets and 800:100 x 1,2 = 10 urinals (always rounded)    The Law of Working Spaces "Arbeitsstätten-Richtlinie, ArbStätt 5.037.1, vom 26. Juni 1976 (ArbSch. 9/1976 S. 322)"  for 250 employes one needs 10 seated toilets and 10 urinals, that means more than double for 800 employees.    In a converse argument that leads to the conclusion:  For a working place the ship should have 5 times more seated toilets and this leads to - that by the number of seats - the ship must be a leisure event - Join the Navy - see the better world!    Sehr geehrter Gruß, Ihr treuergebener Diener most sincerely, your humble servant,   dafi
  11. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    We are in a calm***, that is why two guys dare taking both hands for themselves :-)
    ***                                          #1                         
  12. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Yes eagle eyed Jan, there should be :-)
    But that was to small for the wood I used ...
    The waterway is about 2 mm wide.
  13. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to amateur in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Btw shouldn't that be a hook joint in the waterway of that deck?
  14. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Thank you guys :-)
    And yes popeye, those gents were a bit cross - someone stole the Hustler, the whiskey and the cigars from the loo ...
  15. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Keep teasing me Dirk, keep teasing me ;-)
    And now we come to the topics, that the dafi most enjoys!
      If someone gets pissed by this sh*tty topic - no worry, that is life ;-)   First the press gang was send out.     Then I realised, that a quarter drop of superglue can replace some tweezers ...     ... and as usual, there was some serious cutting, bending and reassembling of limbs and wings ...     ... and out came some characters that were a highest delight to create - including some bare bums :-)   And here the gents are already doing their business, tight fit starboard ...     ... everybody just one hole, the stressed faces are easing off ...     ... as everybody eases off, at port a space is free ...     ... but the gent in the red head already comes rushing in with urgent business ...      ... while those sailors in  the corners ...     ... can ease off in peace and quiet ...     ... while the double stools in the front ...     ... are more cosy :-)     The inside of the starboard roundhouse was for the lower officers that could follow the rush outside by the small window ...     ... while as far as I know the one on port was also used by the sickbay.     So that is the way that they are busily sailing towards victory ...     ... but still have to check if the loo paper was used that way hanging into the water to give it always an appearance of clean fresh spring  ;-)     XXXDan
  16. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to popeye2sea in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Planning on adding pi** dales, Dafi?
  17. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    I think he's taking the **** Mark.........
  18. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to mtaylor in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    You're not thinking of pissoir are you?  Not exactly a swimming pool....     
  19. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to druxey in Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey - FINISHED - 1:48 scale   
    After some re-working of the planking runs, I've devised a scheme for the shift of the butts and marked these on the plug.
    Now that the 'non-boat' work is almost complete, it's time to get back to the actual model. I needed to devise a method of keeping the keel straight on the plug. If not stabilized, it will deflect as I fit the garboard strake. My solution is to drill small holes at intervals along the plug, then set sharp-ended pieces of hard brass wire, points uppermost. The keel will be pressed down onto these points. The resulting holes will be hidden under the keelson later on.

  20. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to druxey in Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey - FINISHED - 1:48 scale   
    Well, some progress. The first photo looks confusing, but what i've done is rubber cement on the offcuts to the assembled lifts in order to be able to scroll-saw the profile of the boat. The second photo shows the profile cut into the starboard half-hull. The third shows both half-hulls cut and ready to shape. The last photo shows the central spine elements laid out for cutting. (The elements of this were not delineated on the original draught, so I had to be my own master shipwright.)
    More anon. Thanks for the 'likes' and comments.

  21. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to kpnuts in Soleil Royal by kpnuts - Heller - 1/100 - 17th Century ship of the line   
    Hi all well it's amazing the effect threatening to sue, not just for the cost of the kit but also compensation can have. Special delivery today the hull half arrived(no letter of apology or even a note just the box with the hull in it)
    So looks like it's back on then.
  22. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to kpnuts in Soleil Royal by kpnuts - Heller - 1/100 - 17th Century ship of the line   
    Hi all I've finished one of the rear gallerys so I thought a lot of the detail was hidden so added an oil wash to them







  23. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to kpnuts in Soleil Royal by kpnuts - Heller - 1/100 - 17th Century ship of the line   
    here's tonight's update 






  24. Like
    Doreltomin reacted to Chuck in Is it possible to download an entire build log?   
    If it wasnt for the good folks who managed to copy my logs from version 1 of this site...They would be lost forever.  I dont however know any way that it can be done easily.  But yes....you should ask permission first.  My gues is that many have already done this without asking...but it is better to ask first.
  25. Like
    Doreltomin got a reaction from mtaylor in Livre Collection de plans ou Dessins de navires et de bateaux anciens et modernes   
    Excellent resource, Admiral Paris is one of the classics... thank you very much grsjax and all!
    Just in case, for all the non French-speakers which have difficulties to download the resource:  to download you must first check the box which says En cochant cette caisse, je recconais avoir pris... etc.
    It is just a check  that you agree with the terms and conditions on which you have to click first, otherwise the download does not happen!
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