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Posts posted by marktiedens

  1. Hi everyone,a little update. I thought I would tackle the mast tops next.First I built some new platforms out of some 2 by 6mm strips. Then I cot out the lowest wide rail out of a sheet of basswood. Then the hard part - I made the brackets using an x-acto knife & some files,80 of them to be exact :o . The upper rails were then made from the same brass bar that I used for the hand rail. After some fine tuning I got one assembled. The top on the left side of the second picture is the kit version. I`m pretty happy how mine turned out. Now I just need to make five more for the other masts.









  2. Frank,


    My thought process is not always correct,but I didn`t want to try installing them  after the rigging. My thought is since they are made of metal they would better survive a bump or two even though the posts are wood & only 1.5 by 1.5mm. If they were wood I may have waited until at least some of the rigging was done. I think I would be more likely to snag some of the rigging trying to get my hands around the shrouds & other lines. Thanks for your nice comment also.



  3. Alittle progress - made the odd looking pulleys that mount to the front of the mizzen chain whale.




    Also installed the catheads - I`m not going to try and make the little guy in the cage that sits under the catheads. Also made & installed the upper hand rail - I made them from some .8 by 1.5mm brass bar bought from my local hobby shop. Now I will have to be careful not to break them off :o. Also got the rest of the figures installed.









  4. A little more progress - chainplates mounted. The kit deadeye strops were made from wire bot the strops on the real ship are flat bars so I modified them. I filled the gap with epoxy & then filed it smooth to look like a flat bar. I must thank Michael (md1400cs) for this idea. I think they came out pretty good.








    Thanks for all the looks & likes / Mark

  5. Nice work Frank. I have always done the shrouds before fastening the yards but your way may be a little easier.I am now trying to decide whether to add belaying pins to the crossbars between the bitts next to the main & fore masts. Someone on the Vasa forum said these crossbars did not have belaying pins. I don`t know how they would belay the lines without them :huh:.



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