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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Thank you all for your encouragement!  I have to say it wasn't a nice feeling to see that pair of deadeyes just dangling in the air!  The situation wasn't helped by one of the security blokes wandering past while I was trying to fix it and having a look.  "What's happening?"  "The pin somehow came out of this deadeye strap."  "Hmmm.  Obviously a totally incompetent model maker."  Grins and walks off while contemplate the penalties for 'securitycide'. :)



  2. Oops!  First thing I did this morning when I got the Stag out at the museum was to start 'sweating up' the shrouds prior to finally securing them.  Blow me down if the lower deadeye strap pin on number two starboard didn't carry away when I put a bit of pressure on it! :o  :(




    I've no real idea what happened as it was fine last time I touched it, and when I went to try and drill the old pin out of the upper end of the chainplate there didn't seem to be a pin in there.  Very strange!! :huh:


    Oh, well!  A bit of fiddling with some copper wire for a strap and another piece for a pin and I was back in business.




    A little black paint and all was well again - just don't tell the foreman rigger or there'll be hell to pay! ;)




    Once the shroud was back on and they were all tensioned correctly on both sides, I put in some time making a start on the ratlines.  Hopefully I can finish them off next time I'm in.








  3. While photographing the Sirius, I was also able to take a few photos of the Finecraft Models Pty Ltd model of Endeavour, which is also in storage at Castle Hill and rarely available for viewing.


    I thought some photos of this model would give Endeavour builders another perspective on this famous ship.


    The same conditions of very poor light and hence slow shutter speeds also applied to this model.













  4. As the Sirius is now available in kit form and is being built (or planned) by some of our members, I thought these photos may be of interest.


    The Ingleton model of the Sirius is in storage at the Powerhouse Museum's storage faciliy at Castle Hill (Sydney).  I was able to visit the storage area this morning and take a few photos.  Some of the photos aren't great as the light was pretty poor and no flash was permitted, but I thought they may be helpful for anyone building or researching the Sirius.


    First, some photos of the hull and deck.












  5. I've been quiet here for a bit as working is stytene is ouitside my experience, but I think I have to agree with Tom that the windows are flat.  I think the reflection in the windows of the sunken ferry are creating an illusion of a bent window.  On a purely practical note, I think windows other than flat would be very rare indeed on this type of craft - but maybe in America they built ferrys like that?



  6. A late entrant into the 'full nine yards' controversy.


    A Vickers machine gun ammunition belt held 250 rounds and was 20 feet long when empty (shorter when loaded) and so was 7 feet short of nine yards.  The U.S. Browning .50 machine gun however, had a metal link belt of 350 rounds which, at 13 rounds per foot, gives 351 rounds exactly for nine yards.


    Make of it what you will! :)




    PS. Nice masts, Andy!

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