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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Well, I was at the museum yesterday and the Stag was sitting on the desk in front of me, but very little happened.


    Firstly, there was a conference on in the next gallery and every time they had a break the delegates would come over for a chat to fill in time.


    Secondly, I decided to do a bit of extra work on the sheet bitts as I wasn't really satisfied with them.  The first thing I did with them was to break one side off while trying to drill a hole for a dowell to make them stronger (looks like that dowell was needed).  Then I carefully placed the broken piece on the desk so it would be safe and it promptly disappeared - completey - without trace!  How that can happen on a clean and clutter free desk I don't know, but it did.


    Next, I decided to try making a few blocks.  I only need one treble block for the Stag, so after completing it I carefully placed it on a piece of white paper on the cutting mat so it wouldn't get lost - and it too disappeared!!!!


    At that stage I thought a cup of coffee was a good idea!


    During the rest of the day I only managed to get a few blocks made, but at least I'm progressing.




    The few blocks made during the day.



    And a few photos showing the ridiculaous spread of the fore and aft spars.  Only the bowsprit is permanently fitted at the moment, but just placing the spars in their positions gives a good idea of the size of the rig.







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