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    gieb8688 reacted to Robert29 in HMS Victory by paulb - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Nice mast details Paul.  Sometimes it is very frustrating when looking for details and you end up finding conflicting  answers and you never know which is the right one.  You end up with more questions than answers. The only thing I can say is that when I visited the Victory at Portsmouth the Mizzen mast had no rubbing paunch on it.
    If you enlarge this photo that I had taken, you will notice that there is a rubbing paunch on the fore and main mast but there isn't any on the Mizzen mast.  If there was one and at some time it had been removed I wouldn't know.  In my build I decided to leave it without the rubbing paunch. 

  2. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Kevin in HMS Victory by paulb - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    very nice indeed Paul, i have put all my Victory books away for now, so i dont know if Longridge had a answer to your question
  3. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to paulb in HMS Victory by paulb - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Thank for the replies, Ted and Kevin.
    I think you're right Ted. 
    Longridge says "no rubbing paunch on the mizzen mast", and I think he's right, as far as the present built shows, which Robert demonstrated so beautifully.
    I am waiting for 1x1mm styrene, so I decided to do the yards and booms.
    Got myself the cheapest (and loudest) lathe available, but with ear protection and patience I got the job done.
    Some yards and booms still have a thick end, to connect it to the lathe. I will leave that until painted, or remove it if it's in the way.
  4. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Papa in Charles W Morgan by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th scale   
    Getting caught up on the whale boats.

  5. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to John Ruy in Charles W Morgan by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th scale   
    Ron, I mounted the boats on the davits ready to be launched. The rudder is pulled up on the side. This is how they would have  been on the whaling grounds. Sorry about the rework, but I understand details are important. 👍

  6. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Papa in Charles W Morgan by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th scale   
    1 step forward 5 steps backwards😫.  this is what happens when one fails to make careful measurements.  Had to rip out the guts and start over. The stern is more or less correct.  Some more detail needs to be added.  Would the whale boats have been hung on the davits with the tiller and rudder in place?

  7. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Papa in Charles W Morgan by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th scale   
    Whale boat progress. 

  8. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Papa in Charles W Morgan by Papa - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64th scale   
    Here are 4 whale boats at various stages of completion. 

  9. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to DanB in Norwegian Sailing Pram by DanB - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:12   
    This will be my second model. I built the Lowell Grand Banks Dory First. I have not built any models in many years and wanted to start with something simple. The instructions for the Dory were great. i hope it goes as well for the Pram.

    Every thing was present on an inventory of the Kit.  It was a bit difficult sanding the bevels on the different edges (faces? or some other term I don't know)  of the bow transom. The pictures in the manual show the transom being sanded with a big fat sanding stick. That did not work so well as each edge is pretty small. I made some thin ones-- and that worked much better. The scribed  lines are thin and the edges are pretty small. I found it much easier to see what I was doing with some head mounted magnifiers that were left over from soldering surface mount electronic components in the past. These things are  are my new best friends!
     Building the board for the molds was straight forward. The tabs on them need a bit of sanding to be fully seated int the slots. 
    I tried to use steam to bend the keel plank but it did not seem to work.  I am not sure how long you hold the plank  over the steam to get it to bend. The manual says its possible to use a thermostatically controlled soldering iron. I have one of those but was not sure how hot it should be and I was afraid to use it. I finally  used the same technique that worked well on the Dory and just soaked it in hot water for 5 minutes and used rubber bands to gently bend the plank  to the molds.  I am going to let it dry out and rest overnight. 

    Apologies for my photography, and any mistakes uploading the images, This is my first time trying this and I'm not sure I am doing it correctly
  10. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Some progress on the rigging.

    In this session I'm making some fiddle blocks. Here are the parts made with the laser from 1/32 cherry.
    I borrowed the build method from Chuck..  I really like the blocks Chuck makes, but if I can make them myself, I can save a little expense, particularly when I mess up one or more trying to finish them.

    Here are the pieces glued up.

    The little tab is handy for holding it while finishing it up..  The cherry doesn't finish as fine as boxwood, but I like the color of the cherry and
    it's really my go-to wood for this project.

    Here is one of the backstays with the fiddle tackle.  Cheerful builders will find this familiar looking.

    Close up of one of the fiddles..
    Thanks for looking in..
  11. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Small update..  Fiddly stuff..

    Some pumps I can live with..  Pretty simple.. Basic design from the Cheerful plans.

    Broke a few of these before I got two I could use..

    Ladder going up to the quarterdeck.  Plan on a few more details there, like a railing of some sort..

    Working on some rigging off the ship..  Shrouds and Burton pendants with tackle..

    Another view of my little off-the-ship rigging jig.
  12. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to RichardG in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Much better 👍
  13. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    A few more details..

    I added the channels .  ( Ignore the topsy turvy cannon in the background..  The armorers  are still mucking about..)

    I turned some typical commercial belaying pins into something a little more  presentable..

    Added the main pin rails.

    Some pin rails in the bow.

    The kit provided swivel guns are not bad,  The mounts shown on the plans are fairly benign, and not much more than strip wood.

    I proceeded to jazz them up a bit, and drew upon the look of various  swivel mounts seen here at MSW.
    There are going to be 16 total, but I am going to hold off mounting them until most of the rigging is done.
    My main go to pic was from a build of HMS Fly by Bill Maxwell over at Admiralty Models
    Thats it for now..
  14. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Fiddle and Faddle..    Who are those guys, anyway?
    Capstan revisited.

    This is my earlier capstan which I think could have done well in this model, with the final effort in mind being a deco piece..
    However, as I go along I'm finding this project to be so many mini-projects. 
    Learning how to use my laser; 2d and 3d software, and making something I can feel satisfied with.
    There is also the issue of so many challenging efforts here at MSW and all the " OMG! I wish I had thought of that ! " moments.

    Anyway, I made a new capstan.  This is a modified capstan kit from the Winchelsea project..  
    More fiddle and faddle coming up...
  15. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Guns all done.
    I'm leaning toward not rigging the guns..  Still have time to decide..  I went ahead with the eyebolts.  I needed the practice.
  16. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    It's been a while since my last update and I am close to start rigging, but I have been spending a lot of time 'playing' with my laser and learning some new software.
    Over a year ago when I started this build I was talking about the guns early on. They turned out to be a mini project on their own,  and a real exercise in using my laser.

    Here is a flashback to my early gun experiment.   The walnut is definitely not a good choice.

    I decided to go with cherry.   Here is a sheet with the carriage parts fresh out of the laser.

    My mini kit is a hybrid of different kits I have seen.

    It goes together tightly without a jig.   ( Glue not dry.  It practically disappears when fully cured. )

    I use a brass collet in a small rotary tool to round off the axles.
    .. another rotary tool to clean the char off the trucks..

    The camera picks up more grain detail, than is apparent in person.  The color tends toward a pinkish, not unlike pear, that really doesn't show well here.
    There is some WOP in my future..  I'll  be getting back with a finished gun soon..
    Maybe even later today.
  17. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Not a lot of obvious progress, I'm sure many here know that designing and fabricating your own parts can eat up the clock..
    I used to think to myself, when I bought those cool mini kits from Chuck, " If I only had my own laser ", without realizing what it takes to turn an idea into a part you can be happy with.
    For a little perspective, here is part of the window frame in my quarter badge..


    Here is a little bit of my adventures in laser land.. 
    In making the window frames for my transom, this is an example of some of the considerations one has to go through.  I'm sure there are a lot of CAD gurus out there who can draw things precisely, send them to the laser and end up with perfect parts.  However, I'm stuck with 2D drawing apps that I am still learning how to use.  Then, you have to factor in things like laser power, speed, focus and the kind of wood you are using
    Anyway, the picture above shows I'm getting pretty close .  The transom facade is 1/16 cherry, and my intention was to create a 1/32 recess on which the 1/32 frame would rest.  I miscalculated in cutting out the opening, and you can also see the frame is not symmetrical.

    Rather than re cut the transom, I made an insert for the frame to rest on..

    Ooops.   I forgot to correct the asymmetry with the sides of my frame..  Back to my computer and checking where I went wrong..

    Ka ching!  Oh no!   My camera tells me I need to square up the inside of the lower corners of those frames..    Never mind that they will never be visible from a foot away..
  18. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    I also talked about using the Chapelle drawings to fabricate a quarter badge vs the kit version.

    Here's my effort so far.  Just temporarily  stuck in place for the picture..   Will add some glazing and do a little more refining.
  19. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Getting some of the deck fittings done.


    Recalling the kit plans called for a windless which I replaced with a capstan.  I have a couple more grates in place along with the companion.
    The plans also show some bitts with a pin rail behind the mast.

    I just placed some riding bitts there, the cutter rigging doesn't need those belaying points.

    In place of the windless I added some bowsprit bitts..
    That's all for now.
  20. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Gregory in HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett ) by Gregory - Corel - Scale 1:50   
    Been a while since an update, but I have been slowly going forward with rigging..

    A lot of hooks blocks and tackles.  Not really tying anything off at this point.  Yards are made, but not ready for prime time yet.
  21. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Jorge_Goncalves in L'Ambitieux by Jorge_Goncalves - De Agostini - 1:59   
    This is my second ship build (after NRP Sagres). I started in the middle of summer and I went to the 50th issue where I finished the first planking.
    Unfortunately, I don't have photos of the beginning, so I'll put some photos of the current state below. I promise to update whenever I make progress in construction.
    Ready to start first planking…

    First planking completed





    Deck stained with bitumen of judea



    After sanding




    With the bulwarks painted red

    And that's it for now!
  22. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to AJohnson in Nisha by AJohnson - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Brixham 'Mumble-Bee'   
    And we are off!
    Done a few of the initial stages, approx steps 1 to 16 in the instructions.  Easy to follow and no fit problems at all, some of the bulkheads just slipped into place and some just need a light squeeze to get to sit snuggly.  Sanded the leading and trailing bulkheads using the marker lines as a guide on the bulkheads that needed it used my Dremel and my mask as this was a dusty operation.
    Will leave it there for tonight, had my Covid booster yesterday and starting to feel the effects a bit. 

  23. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to AJohnson in Nisha by AJohnson - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Brixham 'Mumble-Bee'   
    Next a few pictures of the wooden parts:
    I've not used a laser etched deck before, so that will be interesting, but before I do anything to it, it does look better than any planking I could do! 😆
    Oh and the smell of wood and the char from the laser cutting is lovely coming out of the box.  All parts seem clean and well defined, only one coming loose when I first handled then, but the connection tabs seems clear and think will cut easily with a sharp craft knife.

  24. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to AJohnson in Nisha by AJohnson - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Brixham 'Mumble-Bee'   
    Hello all,
    This is the start of a new build log for me and my first kit from Vanguard models, I won't go into the background of the vessel as @James H has already done that here only recently:-  
    But as this is my first Vanguard kit, I thought I would post up a few pictures for the box opening ceremony and my initial thoughts.  First the kit came well protected, the "Finished" box was inside a stiff brown cardboard box and that was itself was inside the courier box, so well protected for transport 👍 A smallish box but stuffed to the lid with goodies; firstly the weighty "tome" of the building manual, 58 pages, many of which you will see from James's prototype build log and you can download that from the website. Then there was a pack of 10 "Plan sheets", clearly printed and in what initially seems a clear order from parts call out to hull build then masts, rigging and sail plans.  A few sample pictures of those, not forgetting the nice touch of the coaster to rest my tea on! 😀
    Next up the wood parts...

  25. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Kevin in U552 by Kevin - Trumpeter - 1/48 - PLASTIC - German U-boat - Started November 2021   
    good morning everyone
    the torpedo lifting gear is better now having got rid of the kit bits, i left the chains long to help putting the deck head on

    lighting i need to put an inline dimmer and these new 3mm lights are getting quite warm
    i think the chain looks out of scale
    for now i will be leaving this compartment like this as i am still unsure of the diorama setting and possiblty rethink the lighting

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