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    bhermann reacted to ndeconte in Orca by ndeconte - FINISHED - 35" movie replica   
    I made the Pulpit Rail out 3/64" brass rod. It's been super glued together, think it hold up the best this way. Still need to build the brackets to mount it to the pulpit and deck.




    Once finished it will be painted and wrapped with thread to duplicate what was on the actual boat, here's a quick sample I did to make sure I was going to like the final result.

  2. Like
    bhermann reacted to rvchima in US Brig Syren by rvchima - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Belaying Lines in Yellowstone
    If you've ever been to Yellowstone National Park, you know that the first time you see a bison (buffalo,) you stop along with 50 other cars for that perfect photo, and create a huge traffic jam in the process. After several days you've seen dozens of bison and just want to yell "Get out of the way so I can get to the lodge for a bison burger!"
    That's what belaying lines to pin racks is like. You do the first pin perfectly. Down to the left, up to the right, repeat, make a twist, over the top, add a rope coil. On the last pin there are 10 lines in the way and you think "Ill just glue this string to anything that doesn't move."

  3. Like
    bhermann reacted to realworkingsailor in HMS Pegasus by realworkingsailor - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Ok.. for Mr Super-Impatient-Sjors (and all the rest of you kind folks) some photos...
    Been working away at the main shrouds, one more pair to go on each side. Edging my way slowly towards a bout of rattling... I figure when I get the lower standing rigging done, I'll have a shot at getting the lower shrouds taken care of.
    Also made a brief stop over under the bowsprit. got the inner bobstay collar done to my liking. Made an attempt at the inner bobstay. It is supposed to be doubled and served all over, but I had issues getting a stong enough splice... I may yet revisit that bit again before this is over....

  4. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Farbror Fartyg in Wreck Diorama by Farbror Fartyg - The wreck of an old wooden ship   
    This is going to be fun.  I will be watching with great interest.   Thanks for thinking "Outside (or inside, in this case) the box" and sharing your ideas with us.
  5. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Jbldso in How to sew sails on your wifes sewing machine   
    Nil - I am doing the 1:64 Model Shipways kit - looking forward to you restarting your Billings build.  So far all trials are going on in my head - when I get to the point where I am actually doing something, I will document in the log.  BTW, I am enjoying your Pegasus build immensely.
  6. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Mirabell61 in How to sew sails on your wifes sewing machine   
    Thank you for sharing your experience and techniques on this, Nils.  Your sails (like the rest of your work) are an excellent addition to your models.  I have been mulling over possible ways of doing sails for Bluenose for a while now and hope to get moving on it soon.  All input in this area is appreciated!
  7. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Bluenose by bhermann - Model Shipways 2130 - 1:64   
    Next up - a section of the cap rail is shaped and added.
    The piece to be used for this section.

    First I shaped the scarphs to match either end.

    Then I pinned the piece to the rail to trace the curve of the hull on it.

    Here is the piece with the line drawn of it.  I cut off some excess and sand down to the line and check fit.

    Then the outside curve is copied to the inside edge and the inside curve is formed.  I simply used a pencil, controlling the spacing by hand.

    Finally after all the rails are done, here is the final result.

  8. Like
    bhermann reacted to fnkershner in How best to cut out small, laser cut parts from the sheet?   
    Richard - It is just my opinion, but I think a build log helps keep you going. You have a huge wealth of support. While it is true build logs get abandoned. I believe more get finished because of the log. I am sure you have seen all the praise and suggestions that come with each post. We all know the effort behind each step. Of all the groups I want to think well of my efforts, this one means the most to me.
    I know I have said it before, and probably it was in this forum. But I have at least 3 kits that met a Viking burial. The cause of this was Frustration. Failure, and not knowing what to do or how to do it. This has changed because of 2 things. One is this forum and 2 is my local club. My skills have changed immensely because of this. I still have much to learn. Frankly I have only finished 1 real ship. But now I know I will finish my current project. Because I have a group of friends on this forum to turn to for support and guidance.
    The best example of this I can offer is the current discussion on my Harvey log. I had what for me was a disastrous event. I had no idea how I would recover. I had put the model away and resisted the urge to give up and burn it. I confessed my fears at a local club meeting. And I will let you read my log to see the results. I am now excited to try the new solution and move forward. I also know now that I should have confessed my worries on this forum sooner.
    I should also tell you of the wonderful friends I have met in person because of this forum. Not sure I would have had the experiences I have had without being encouraged to do a build log. Besides the subtle pressure to post something and show progress makes up for the brief time away from building it takes to be on this forum.
    Ok, I know I have laid it on pretty thick and I hope you will forgive me for it. But it is all true. We have an incredibly impressive group here. I enjoy every min of the time I spend with these people both virtually and in person.
  9. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Welcome, Nils.  This is an interesting project you have started.  I will be following along as you go.
    When you are writing a post, do you see a button labeled "More Reply Options" next to the "Post" button?  Clicking that will open the full editor and allow you to move pictures around in the post and get them next to the text.
    If you don't see that button, we'll have to wait for someone with more experience than me to come in and explain what is going on .
  10. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Bluenose by bhermann - Model Shipways 2130 - 1:64   
    After the topmasts were prepared, the mast caps needed to be made and lots of hardware attached.
    I start by making a  couple of bands with tails.

    The pieces are then soldered together to finish the cap.

    The mast top gets a shoulder filed and the cap is test fitted.

    Various links and bails are fabricated and attached to the the mast caps,  First the spring stay bail:


    and a link to attach the pullback stay


    The starboard side is attached first.

    And the completed hardware for the mainmast.

  11. Like
    bhermann reacted to TK1 in Squaring Mini Drillpress to Work?   
    One way I check my drill press is square is by bending a piece of wire or paperclip into a "Z" shape (but approximately 90 degree bends).  Then with the drill press set up, insert one end into the collet and tighten. 
    You should have one end held in the jaws, a length coming out at approximately right angles to the centreline of the collet, and the other end pointing down to the table. Bend wire down so the tip is touching the table at some point
    Then rotate the collet/drill by hand, and check the other end of the wire (pointing at the table) contacts the table all the way through a 360 degree rotation.  If it does, then you're square.  if not, adjust the angle of the drill so it does touch all the way around.
    Remove wire and insert drill bit without upsetting the drill alignment, and you have it aligned at 90 degrees to the table.
    Hope the above makes sense...if the wire touches all the way around, the cetral point of the wire (in the collet) will be at 90 degrees to the table.
  12. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    John -
    Instead of dry transfer letters, have you considered creating decals for the name?  I went that route for the nameboards on Bluenose and am pleased with the result.  You can find a short description on the first page of my log - just scroll down to post #10.
    I have been quietly enjoying your log - Morgan is one of those ships that holds a special place for me.  I think I was about 13 the first time I visited her, and I get back to Mystic whenever I get the chance.  Keep up the good work - I'll be following along.
  13. Like
    bhermann reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    21:00 And first hand of first phase of first side of hull planking is finally over.
    Why it is impossible to attach files from android with Opera app. ? With froyo 2.1. fabric inteerenet app it is slow slow slow
    Sorry, pictures will be shown later when family battle for laptop finish. What do you think: who will be a winner of that battle? And most important question : when ? And another question : how much computers are enough for four members family? Ahh ... never ending story of our life.
    23:00  Laptop is fortunately captured, pictures successfully transferred  from FB and here is today progress vrom different angle view.
    Obviously. there is much work left to do with sanding and filling to get proper shape, especially in transition area between hull and the plank. But first, to finish another side of ship at same way. I think this is important to achieve symmetry as much is possible 
    But she began to look powerfull ( or dreaming ?)
    side wiew

    front wiew

    from down

    and the nicest view - from up

  14. Like
    bhermann reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Thank you, dear friends, I am pleased and appreciate your comments and congratulations a lot.
    I am also glad and honoured, you like my work on Royal Caroline. I love sailing ships and that´s the reason why i like making their models.
    When I have more free time I would like to create here at MSW another build log with my Royal William scratch build, that´s also a card model. Hope, you will enjoy it as well.

    Oh, I have just remembered, there is a birthday party on Royal William, so who wants to join? Now there are only a few officers, but at night the fun begins.....

    Kind regards,
  15. Like
    bhermann reacted to texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Here's a couple of more for reference

  16. Like
    bhermann reacted to mobbsie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for looking in and the good words and encouragement given, it does really help.
    A quick progress on the coppering, IT'S FINISHED, the port side took me about 25hrs to do with a few fopars along the way.  
    The last couple of days have been almost a nightmare for me, I've had the droppsies which, when you think about it doesn't seem so bad, a bit frustrating perhaps, but I'm talking blades here, I have picked up a few cuts along the way, nothing serious, some I didn't know I had, a bit scary though when you see a craft knife falling and heading for the bulbous belly, this happened a few times, picked up a few puncture wounds with that.     
    Tweezers with very sharp points sticking in the palms of my hands, my thoughts at that time were similar to " blast that really shouldn't be happening ".
    The final straw was the Aggy falling from it's foam matt onto the floor, not too much damage though, just a little crushing of the stern post and a few popped plates, the stern post just needed to be trimmed and the plates stuck back on.  
    I had to pull a few plates of the bow as they were not following the correct line, the old glue then had to be scrapped of and the plates replaced.
    The rest was pretty well straight forward with no major problems.
    I have learned one lesson though, when I next plate a ship I will be overlapping slightly, Caldercraft plates have rounded corners and as you can imagine these leave an unsightly gap.
    OK I have a few pics.
    The offending area that needed stripping and replating

    Stern view.

    Portside view

    Now the fun begins, cutting in the waterline

    More cutting in

    The finish




    So there we have it, all done.
    Next step is to place the rest of the trim on and complete painting her.
  17. Like
    bhermann reacted to newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    It would seem that I am easily distracted on this build.    I ended up doing a little side project that was not originally on my agenda.
    I wondered earlier where the great cabin would be on a ship like this. Thanks to all the responses I was able to confirm the location.....in my mind the next logical step was to "dress it up" a little. I started with a walnut table/desk and just got carried away from there. The goblet and jug are wood as well. The Captain/Admiral's bed was a perfect fit.
    I'm currently figuring out the best way to have some of this room visible and I have a couple of ideas.




  18. Like
    bhermann reacted to realworkingsailor in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    For a second there was a glimmer of hope...... some progress... and then....
    Back to CTD status...
    (CTD: Circling The Drain)
  19. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from augie in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Hey!  Someone snuck in here and uploaded pictures of a ship model - kind of breaks the flow of things, don't you think?  The gallery is looking good, as is the transom.  Keep up the good work, Sjors.
    Now back to the topic at hand - is this the song you are talking about?
    Let me tell ya a story about a boll weevil
    Now, some of you may not know
    But a boll weevil is an insect
    And he's found mostly where cotton grows
    Now, where he comes from, hm, nobody really knows
    But this is the way the story goes...
  20. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from Script in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Hey!  Someone snuck in here and uploaded pictures of a ship model - kind of breaks the flow of things, don't you think?  The gallery is looking good, as is the transom.  Keep up the good work, Sjors.
    Now back to the topic at hand - is this the song you are talking about?
    Let me tell ya a story about a boll weevil
    Now, some of you may not know
    But a boll weevil is an insect
    And he's found mostly where cotton grows
    Now, where he comes from, hm, nobody really knows
    But this is the way the story goes...
  21. Like
    bhermann reacted to Script in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Does anyone know where I can find the site about ship modeling?  I think it's called MSW 2 or something like that.  I think that is where build logs are posted and pictures of ships can be found...... :P :P :D :D :D :D
    It seems I've lost my way.....

  22. Like
    bhermann reacted to russ in Biloxi schooner by Russ - FINISHED - 1/48 scale - POB   
    I managed to get a little work done this weekend. I managed to finish installing the port side bulwarks stanchions. The large cleats on the stanchions are next.

  23. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    Welcome to MSW, Nenad.  Cutty Sark is on my list of "someday" models, so I will be watching your process with great interest.
    Your life story sounds familiar, so many things to get between a modeler and his build.  I'm glad you are able to find some time now to pick up on it.
    Wow, that is a lot of deadeyes for setting up a single mast  - I forget how complex these beasts can be.  Enjoy the process and please share your progress!
  24. Like
    bhermann got a reaction from DBorgens in Bluenose by LMDAVE - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Dave - that's the way I understand it - take a deep breath, drill pilot holes up through the keel, and then send the screws through the pedestals and into the pilot holes... I am feeling better and better about putting mine on a cradle
    I guess this is something a lot of us newbies miss - better to drill the holes at the beginning of the build.  I know I missed the implication of trying to do it later.
  25. Like
    bhermann reacted to Modeler12 in Storing all those lines and ropes   
    While rigging all those lines and ropes for stays, shrouds and running lines, I had a tangled mess of different pieces lying around. After staining I had some that were coiled and stored in envelopes while others were wound on wooden scraps. Finally I decided to make a little gismo to store them.

    I took some one inch dowel, drilled holes and made the frame you see below. The spools can be taken off and others put in place. One section is for sewing thread I use for whipping. Little tags on the bottom keep track of what I have. There is still more but I decided to only keep the ones I use most often on this rack. The whole thing is about seven inches long. It is not pretty, but effective.
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