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    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Superman said with great power come great responsibilities.
    The modeler says with a large model comes  a lot of dust,  it is part of the game.
    Druxey,  you are right, plus the 3 feet  belt sander  can change the color of  floor in few minutes. 
    It is a robust tool (no distortion in the sanding angle) built to sand metal , knife maker use it to give edges very rapidly.
  2. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    I added a new item in the personal protection department. I began with a pair of earmuff, a respirator with cartridges, a head gear to install  on a construction hat,  a 3M full facepiece.
    I will begin soon  extensive  hull sanding and I wanted  a lungs protection easier to wear than  the respirator with cartridges.
    The next step will be in the protection equipment PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator).   The best equipment I found on Internet is the 3M Versaflo but it is expensive and you need to wear a belt for battery, motor and fan.
     Another solution at ¼ the price of that unit is the Trend AirShield Pro.  Wood turner use this gears. This head protection gear can replace all the previous gears I had. It is a hard hat with a face shield made of plastic and cloth. Under the hat are incorporated a fan motor, battery  and filters. Performance is surprisingly good. The head is enclosed in a mask with positive pressure so wood dust does not enter. Even if there is an air cleaning system, alone it does not filter the air fast enough.

  3. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Still some frames are missing at the extreme fore and aft.
    Fore ones are now cut.
    On the last picture, a wide angle lens was used at 12 mm. This lens lenses allows the camera to get very close to a subject! It is a powerful tool for exaggerating depth.

  4. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Chris,
    For the last weeks, 128 frames were fitted to the keel, this means a lot of manipulation.
    There is only 1 advantage this way, it is easier to manipulate, scale is not a major factor in this case.
  5. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Before  the frames assembly is glued,  I could choose to stop the build and recycle the frames in a coniferous tree.

  6. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    -When preparing dry assemblies, if I need it to hold parts together, brass wire is used.
    -I wanted a good file, but it was too large so I cut it.
    -Lemineur and Boudriot drawings cannot be mix together because there are many variations in the drawings.  

  7. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Michael
    Don't thank me, thank HJX, he has a very good visualisation of the assemblies.
    Hi Vossiwulf,
    There is an easy way to calculate  precisely the wood volume:  put the model in a water thank: the difference of volume will be  the answer.
    Even with this volume, the answer would be incomplete, because to get there I would have started from 2 by 10 inches planks to go to 2 by 10 millimeters.
    I would to add to this final volume  at least 60% for milling and cutting  for the wood preparation
  8. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Carabrente,
    There are many ways to add a riser for the column. I choose to do the riser in 4 aluminium parts 1,000 inch thick.
    the first is screwed to the column
    the second and the third are in sandwiched between the first and forth
    the forth one ties all the 4 blocks together
    Last the base is screwed to the column

  9. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Pete,
    If I understand well the thickness of the plank is the thickness of a half frame, it was about 1/2 inch.
    I guess you would like to know the size of all the bundle as in the picture.
    It is not a good idea, for many reasons, and these 2 specifically:
    stack of plank was for frames only and to add planking  and decks is difficult to calculate, especially the loss when cutting. Iy is not an exact science, guess is even a stronger way to be closer to what you need.
    a 74 guns at 1/48 is roughly: 1 foot by 4 feet by 1,5 foot: 6 cubic feet
    a 74 guns at 1/24 is roughly: 2 feet by 8 feet by 3 feet: and it is more than the 2X
    Nevertheless, here is what I usually do to estimate the quantity: I buy a quantity of wood which is between 1 and 2 times the volume of the model: a 74 at 1/48 would be 6  cubic feet.
    Every time I tried to calculate a wood quantity to buy, I had to go back later to buy some more.
    So If I need 6 cubic feet, I would buy the double, this way I am sure not to arrive short and if there is too much, I will have some for the next one.

  10. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Pete,
    I will be more than happy to answer your questions if I can.
    I see 2 questions :  
    Let us know the sheet dimensions in your photo?
    what you think you will need to complete the hull and deck planking?
    The sheet comes from a 2 feet wide roll and it is about a square sheet.
    Estimating a quantity is difficult because many variables are present. If you buy  planks like 2 by 10 inches you will loose more than the half. If you buy planks of good size, there should a lot less to loose.
    Guess is the best choice and add a security factor.
  11. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi HJX,
    Milling both ends of the keel is not the easiest job but it is possible.
    Theoretically it is very easy, it is the planking arriving flush with the thickness of the keel. Practically it is harder to trace where these lines are.
    I do not always follow the plans at 100%. I like to play to the builder.  When the marine engineer gave the set of plans to the builder, I think that the builder often did some modifications for the ''better''.
    I like to play this game. I do not claim these changes are good but to the best of my knowledge. As an example, the line between frames and keel at the stern follows the shape of the keel and is in round.
    It is  already difficult to fix a frame on the keel at 90 degrees, why increase the difficulty by assembling the frame on the keel at an angle? Same idea at the other end.
    For the rest, all the remaining frames assemble at 90 degrees. For the simplicity of the process, I choose to try to assemble all the frames at 90 degrees. I am actually in the process and I am not convinced that it is the best way to go. I have to pay attention not to cut too much wood to weaken the assembly. Advantage to assemble at angle could be that it helps to save more wood.
  12. Like
    42rocker reacted to Jack H in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hello Gaetan
    Good start and a excellent ship model.
    It is  difficult to use the milling machine by hand to process this part of keel.

    I haven't studied the structure of 74 gun's yet,perhaps such a structure would be more reasonable?

    And whether it is the structure of the stern?

  13. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    all kinds, HSS and up
    there are no needs to use  high performance bits
    it is only wood
  14. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Greg,
    Believe it or not it is an easy curve to go with the milling machine because it is an easy movement to decompose.
    It is much more difficult when it is a perfect circle because you have to go X and Y axes at the same time.
    When it is a softer  arc, you can go 1 axe at the time; you move forward and you move close to the edge, and on you go.

  15. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    The keel is now in 4  or 5 parts and extensive milling has been worked almost completely.
    Both extremities are taper but only at the height of the frames to allow the external planking to fit flush with the keel.
    The keel beams are not tapered they remain full.
    I am beginning to fit the ''lock beam'' above the frames.
    When this part will be completed, beams will be assembled.
    The fitting of the beams on the keel is done at this stage because it is easier to manipulate just a part of the frame instead of the entire frame.

  16. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Hi Rick,
    just facing Levis, 1757,  René Nicolas Levasseur built some ships and few 74
    one of them l' Orignal when put to water came down a ramp, a bit too fast, and opened and sank right there.
  17. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Thank you Rob,
    Frames assembly on the keel is made in 3 stages: middle, front and back
    Mainly to cut the notches in the frames for the assembly
    Before doing front and back keel tapering must be done

  18. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Thank you Mauricio,
    Finally the setup to begin to fit the frames to the keel is ready

  19. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    You are right Mike: Proxxon MF70, a good vice for our activity, mainly for the variable speed  up to 20,000 rpm, a speed that a metal one cannot achieve at 3000 rpm
    To add a decent vice, the column had to be  raised. 4 X 1 inch aluminium plates were added.

  20. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    The jig is needed no more. It did what it had to do: 200 notches.
    The idea was not to have to turn the handle of the milling machine because after a couple thousand turns of this small handle, it hurts the wrist.

  21. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Mauricio you asked for it;
    1st time trying this kind of thing
  22. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Mike, I was thinking something in that direction, minimizing the planking, optimizing the framing.
    Druxey, spacing goes by  groups of 3 with a reset at each group made possible.
    If both frames would add together with an equal spacer between each space it would be like a sandwich at the end with plus or minus the good length.
    The beauty of this assembly is that each spacer is part of the keel. For each group of 2 frames, it is possible to adjust the thickness of the spacer if necessary thus eliminating the effect of the cumulative addition. 
    Also, extra care must be used for precise marking not with a ruler but I used a sheet of paper with 5 group of appropriate markings and after I divided each group (1 space, 2 frames).
  23. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    L. H.
    Under the table, there is a large groove
    left side of the groove is the guide for 1 end and right side of the groove  guide for the right end of the groove
    if I want to do the left limit the square guide rest on the left side of the groove
    if I want to do the right side the square rest on the right side of the groove
    I begin with the 2 limits
    then the middle is done freely
  24. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Here is my latest jig.
    Until I saw it in my head’ I could not do it but I saw it so I did it.
    The problem : I have to do grooves at regular intervals. It is done in the idea as the gratings are done but with an additional difficulty the width  is larger than the tool.
    1-    the guide fix the left and right limit of the groove
    2-    the guide for the spacing of the grooves
    3-    the table slides on the guide rail 1

  25. Like
    42rocker reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in 74-gun ship by Gaetan Bordeleau - 1:24   
    Rob, when I do miniature carving, I do not watch tv, because I really need to focus on the movement of the tool.
    Since I was  very young, when I wanted to study, I turned tv on... like this, I controlled the sound I heard, and  this way I did not hear other sound by other people.
    It is not all tasks which needs 100%  of focus.
    I guess it is like the new thermostat for heating, it does not always heat at 100% to keep the temperature stable.
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