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popeye the sailor

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  1. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mobbsie in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Sjors! she looks superb, and you even added the subtle detail of not having all of them open the same height! nice work!
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Jim Lad in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    Arr, gee fellas - now I'm getting embarassed - I'm just having fun!
    B.E. - The kids love it.  One of the other model makers who I see quite a bit has exactly the same experiences with the kids.  The really interesting thing is the number of teenagers who say things like, "That's so cool."
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Blue Ensign in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    There's hope for the future of the hobby John if you are surrounded by a mob of interested kids. I am prepared to bet that your exquisite little cutter will stick in the minds of at least one or two, and some way down the road, they will appear on MSW influenced by the beauty of what they saw in 2013.
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Jim Lad in Stag by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - English Revenue Cutter of 1827   
    Well, an update on the Stag at last.  I didn't get a lot done yesterday as we are in the middle of school holidays at the moment and the museum was crowded with families - always fun when you're surrounded by a mob of kids asking questions about your model.  At one stage I dropped a needle on the floor and had a group of kids crawling around the floor searching for it for me (they found it, too)!
    I've finally started rigging.  The standing rigging of the bowsprit it done and I've made up the sets of shrouds ready for seizing in the deadeyes.  The lower mast is also permanently fitted now awaiting shrouds.
     It's usually at about this time in a build that I get really paranoid - always thinking that I might have forgotten to rig something essential before going on to the next stage, but even so I love rigging - even ratlines.
    I remembered that Pat had asked for a photo with a ruler against the model, so one of the photos shows my trusty six inch rule against the base.

  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Bummer! in Le Mirage by Sjors - FINISHED - Corel - Wood - 1:75   
    Cause loosing all the stuff from the forum was a Bummer!!!

  6. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Thanks Popeye.....glad to see you aboard....any comments are always welcome......
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    you had to do it huh..........Sjors did it,  and now you.........SALUTE!!!  couldn't have happened to a better guy 
    I'll look forward in seeing the start of your project Tex! 
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to RadMan in USS United States by popeye the sailor - Revell - 1/96 - PLASTIC - bash   
    Ok, I admit, a drunken hungover guy with an x-acto knife is bad, and painting with your hungover shaky hand is worse... but the Tamiya masking tape is so good that... nevermind...
    How can you have so many builds going simultaneously? (i.e builds on "table" on "hold".  I bet you must have a nice workshop!  
    In any case, I am patient and look forward to you finishing your United States build among others.  Thanks for you kind comments on my blog, its appreciated.
  9. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to riverboat in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    Hi Popeye.... don't think I've seen this one before.... great looking build you've got going.... next time you color some rope try using a small
    top of something like a medicine bottle or anything that will hold your coloring media. grab one end with your tweezers and use a stick to hold the rope down in the liquid then pull it thru .,don't put all the rope in the liquid leave it out side of the liquid then pull it thru as you hold it down with the stick ..... let it end up on a pc. of paper towel pat it dry then you can roll 'er up!! you might want to try some water based  flat paint for your coloring. Make a wash or thin accordingly Thats all I use , works good for me. weathering powders work well too, thats what I used on my sails.   Good Sailing !!....
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Jim Lad in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    Do you have a decent sewing store anywhere around you?  You can usually pick up commercial threads in different sizes fairly easily.  You could also try a shore repair place or an upholsterer's workshop for thicker linen thread.
  11. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to realworkingsailor in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I think we need a new topic in the general discussion page....
    MSW's WIndbag of the Week Award
    Given out to the person with the most posts over the course of one calendar week
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to texxn5 in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    OK, I think I got it up....no pun intended...but the link should be:
    "C.W. Morgan - by - Texxn5 JohnF - MS - 1:64 Kit"
    Pictures to hopefully follow as progress begins.....Let the Games Begin"
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Foremast in Hanseatic Ship c. 1470 by Foremast - 1:50 scale   
    Hi mates,
    a little step: foredeck. This is a test, the lower part - the fore area of the main deck - still lacks of its supporting elements. I thought that making the deck first, then beams, could help me to collocate upper elements (foremast, bitts) but it hasn't been a good idea. Difficulties have been, instead, more: the easier drilling of deck's holes is nothing in comparision with the difficulty to bend properly the deck.

  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to DSiemens in Mercury by DSiemens - FINISHED - BOTTLE   
    More pictures!!!  I decided to try and scribe the planking.  My thought is I can scribe it and if it's awful I can plank over it.  

    The deck planking came out well.  I'm very happy with it.  


    The rest is so so.  From far away it's ok since it's such a small ship but up close it looks like it was planked by the three stooges.  I'm still in debate about it for a few reasons.  It isn't as well done as I would like but I do like the look.  I'm thinking though that with it in the bottle and with some channels going on as well as other fittings they won't be noticeable   So in effect it may work just fine.  

    Also I'm adding the sealer,forgot the actual name, on the bottom which covers a lot of the planking lines.  Most of this will be under the ocean but I like having it.  
    I am planning on building two or three of these so I may just keep this one as the practice ship and turn over the better ones to the pirates.  
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to riverboat in HMAT Supply by Kiwiron - FINISHED - Caldercraft 1/64   
    Hi Ron..... looks like you'er ready to do some rigging!!...... Make sure you ck all the plan sheets for block installation on the masts and deck, Now is the time to attach them when nothing is in your way. It's looking good , now the fun starts!!!
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to slagoon in Harriet Lane 1857 by slagoon - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:144 - steam paddle cutter   
    I've been so busy playing with my ship that I've not updated my log for awhile.  Lets start with the IOU's
    Wayne, here is a photo of the dead eyes going into the sponsons....

    Keith - here is the penny with a completed ratline for persepective

    When making the ratlines I used this cardstock comb that I made to keep the lines separated.

    Ok, so I finished the 4 sets of ratlines.


    Now that I've finished the ratlines (phew) I'm on to my next challenge, furled sails. Thanks to everyone who sent me photos of furled sails -that helped a bunch. The local club gave me some silkspan to use (which is lucky since the sail cloth I'd bought from ME was way too heavy for furled sails.) and I cut and died it with earl grey. 
    I found that wetting the silkspan gave it a more realistic weight so I furled them while they were still wet and they held that shape when they dried. I'm going for the look that they've just been temporarily tied up, not the fully stowed perfect bundle that they do when they are fully storing the sails. 




    I am working on running rigging tonight
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I'm sure there are many accounts.   we will never know what was done in the heat of battle.   decisions had to be made......whether it was to drop and fix the tiller lines,  moving the aft most guns to the stern.......or if guns were even mounted there at all.   from the different accounts found in books,  to the model manufacturers adding them in to make the kit more interesting........we build as we see them.
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I'm sure there are many accounts.   we will never know what was done in the heat of battle.   decisions had to be made......whether it was to drop and fix the tiller lines,  moving the aft most guns to the stern.......or if guns were even mounted there at all.   from the different accounts found in books,  to the model manufacturers adding them in to make the kit more interesting........we build as we see them.
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sjors in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    I was right!!!!   that looks awesome all framed out!    splendid job Sherry!   you can see the love and effort in it.....a simply superb job!
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to lb0190 in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Thanks Popeye. The framing looks a bit rough, but I need to keep in mind it will be covered by planking.
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from kiwiron in HMAT Supply by Kiwiron - FINISHED - Caldercraft 1/64   
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from kiwiron in HMAT Supply by Kiwiron - FINISHED - Caldercraft 1/64   
    looking forward in seeing your progress Ron 
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to michael mott in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    The Gammon Iron was mounted today and a saddle carved for the bowsprit along with finishing cleaning up the bowsprit end cap. I will need to make a protective metal saddle for the anchor on the opposite side of the Gammon Iron and also the winch for the anchor chain.
    I'm beginning to see why these models take a while.


    I put 4 screws to hold the cap to the bowsprit.


    The next items are the jib traveler for the bowsprit and the bob stay fitting on the stem.
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Bummer! in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    oh my goodness!..........so sorry,  I had no Idea.   I'm putting them to good use!  well, I'm glad you found the log......I'll be getting back to her shortly......I hope you'll follow along 
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Bummer! in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    Yes, I'm the one who sent you all the pictures last year. Then my username was SeaSick.
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