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Posts posted by glbarlow

  1. On 9/18/2022 at 9:42 AM, chris watton said:

    quite a few emails recommending books

    And here we thought you just made this stuff up as you went along 😂🤣😂 

    I am quite confident both yours and Chuck’s designs are throughly researched and fully historically accurate.  It cracks me up when some question some minute detail. 

    It is of course worth noting, again, your business model to create models everyone can build requires some compromise, @glennard2523 is a good example of out of the box building. None of the compromises can’t be undone by skilled modelers, look no further than @Blue Ensign or @DelF  with their approach to Vanguard models. 

    You’re doing great Chris, thanks for upping the quality of ship model design. 

  2. Thanks for the linked reference. 

    Pre-bending is essential, in my experience Chuck’s heating technique, which I use exclusively noe, is the way to go. 

    In my opinion and experience CA is the most effective and reliable adhesive for planking. Not all CA is created equal, I use Smith Industries medium. Applied correctly it work great. As noted I do my best to describe all this in both my Cheerful and Winchelsea logs, both single planked ships, no pin holes needed. 

  3. As a suggestion the plank joints should follow a consistent pattern that would always end on a bulkhead. The plans show this above the wales. I extrapolated a pattern from those and kept track of it as I planked the hull. 

    Another of Chucks suggestions is to print out the bow cap rail templates from Chapter ten and match your bow to those now while it’s easier to make adjustments if needed

    Nice work, you’re very thorough.

  4. As Chris points out, his kits are designed for a broad range of skills to build. Tapering of the stem could lead a modeler to far more problems that it’s worth. I’m not sure the worth of frequently pointing out small variances in a kit that make little difference to most. It’s perfectly understandable why the instructions would not suggest this modification.


    I have completed the hull for Chris’ Flirt and in fact I did taper the stem, because I was reasonably comfortable doing it. At this scale, unlike the stem on my Winchelsea, it’s barely noticeable. 

    Let kits be kits.

  5. Allow me to offer my expert opinion on the topic, based on my extraordinarily deep experience and expertise in building wooden models from a multiple manufacturers, expertise that is known far and wide throughout the modeling industry and is an unquestioned source, though I don't have a cool name like 'stargazer'


    Cool, it looks nice.



  6. Finished up the port gallery, other than the singled roof which comes next. Replaced all the column caps on the starboard side with slightly wider ones like these. Forgot to get a photo with the female figure, she fits without needing extra shoulder room. I did however, with due apologies to her, have to sand a bit of her butt to get a nice fit into the overhang. Sorry lady.


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