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    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    the last 24 hours has been a steep learning curve, learnin to spraypaint, stayed up all night try to get it right, a combination os using a very cheap gun, and the incorrect thinners for the type of paint i am using,also not knowing what im doing hasnt helped, but at last i think i am getting somewhere
    Lawrence, my reason is that by the time i get to the hull, i might have learnt how to paint

  2. Like
    channell got a reaction from muzzleloader in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Off topic but shooting flintlock longrifles is my second favorite hobby.

    There is nothing like the smell of burning black powder in the morning! And yes, they are deadly accurate... just as good as any modern firearm at a couple hundred yards (though you can't shoot as far, of course ).
  3. Like
    channell got a reaction from Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Kevin, that looks MUCH better!
  4. Like
    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    anyway i have taken the criticism like a man, well whimp and done something about it, to me it's better than it was, i removed the front HMS Victory waterway replaced it with 1mm copper wire, 
    the guards look bigger in the photo, i think the shadow is catching them as they dont look quite so big in the side elevation

  5. Like
    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    yep you win, i will endevour to try again this evening, but i will keep the back lift support in place
    i just found this photo

  6. Like
    channell got a reaction from Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    It's going good Kevin!
    If I can offer a bit of constructive criticism... that vertical pipe is a bit too thick. Is it too late to swap it out for something thinner?
    I completely ignored all those pipes on my build but I want to add them on Bissy #2. I'm watching and learning...
  7. Like
    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    hello everyone it's me again


    spent 10 hours on the build today, lol i expected to have 1/2 finished the whole lot by now, not still putting pipe work on the smoke stack


    why oh why can they not get some things right, where the white boxes are that i have put in, they sit above a platform, there is meant to be a lift there, that goes up to the search light platform, dam it was to late for me to rectify it, even the PE kit does not detail it, so the Bismarck wont be sailing with it

    Tomorrow i will try to have this area finished, up to the stage of attaching the two small hangers 

  8. Like
    channell got a reaction from mtaylor in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Well, you're getting a lot more done on the beast than me lately... I've been sadly short of free time for my (now 2) Bismarcks.
    Just my $.02 but it may help to change strategies... instead of taking the "shotgun approach", divide the ship up into sub-assemblies that you complete entirely 1 by one before going on to the next section... think of them as little complete models of the Bismarck's turret Cesar, funnel or admiral's staff quarters, ect.  that go together as a diorama which happens to be the complete ship. Luckily, Trumpeter's kit engineering makes this fairly easy. When one section is done, celebrate... call it finished and put it up on a display shelf or somewhere safe and move on to the next section.
    I say that because you WILL get overwhelmed eventually... a fully detailed 1/200  battleship isn't that far below a full-rigged wooden man o' war in difficulty or frustration potential. Don't forget to give yourself some victories along the way to keep the flame alive!
  9. Like
    channell got a reaction from JPett in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Well, you're getting a lot more done on the beast than me lately... I've been sadly short of free time for my (now 2) Bismarcks.
    Just my $.02 but it may help to change strategies... instead of taking the "shotgun approach", divide the ship up into sub-assemblies that you complete entirely 1 by one before going on to the next section... think of them as little complete models of the Bismarck's turret Cesar, funnel or admiral's staff quarters, ect.  that go together as a diorama which happens to be the complete ship. Luckily, Trumpeter's kit engineering makes this fairly easy. When one section is done, celebrate... call it finished and put it up on a display shelf or somewhere safe and move on to the next section.
    I say that because you WILL get overwhelmed eventually... a fully detailed 1/200  battleship isn't that far below a full-rigged wooden man o' war in difficulty or frustration potential. Don't forget to give yourself some victories along the way to keep the flame alive!
  10. Like
    channell got a reaction from gjdale in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Well, you're getting a lot more done on the beast than me lately... I've been sadly short of free time for my (now 2) Bismarcks.
    Just my $.02 but it may help to change strategies... instead of taking the "shotgun approach", divide the ship up into sub-assemblies that you complete entirely 1 by one before going on to the next section... think of them as little complete models of the Bismarck's turret Cesar, funnel or admiral's staff quarters, ect.  that go together as a diorama which happens to be the complete ship. Luckily, Trumpeter's kit engineering makes this fairly easy. When one section is done, celebrate... call it finished and put it up on a display shelf or somewhere safe and move on to the next section.
    I say that because you WILL get overwhelmed eventually... a fully detailed 1/200  battleship isn't that far below a full-rigged wooden man o' war in difficulty or frustration potential. Don't forget to give yourself some victories along the way to keep the flame alive!
  11. Like
    channell got a reaction from egkb in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Well, you're getting a lot more done on the beast than me lately... I've been sadly short of free time for my (now 2) Bismarcks.
    Just my $.02 but it may help to change strategies... instead of taking the "shotgun approach", divide the ship up into sub-assemblies that you complete entirely 1 by one before going on to the next section... think of them as little complete models of the Bismarck's turret Cesar, funnel or admiral's staff quarters, ect.  that go together as a diorama which happens to be the complete ship. Luckily, Trumpeter's kit engineering makes this fairly easy. When one section is done, celebrate... call it finished and put it up on a display shelf or somewhere safe and move on to the next section.
    I say that because you WILL get overwhelmed eventually... a fully detailed 1/200  battleship isn't that far below a full-rigged wooden man o' war in difficulty or frustration potential. Don't forget to give yourself some victories along the way to keep the flame alive!
  12. Like
    channell got a reaction from Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Well, you're getting a lot more done on the beast than me lately... I've been sadly short of free time for my (now 2) Bismarcks.
    Just my $.02 but it may help to change strategies... instead of taking the "shotgun approach", divide the ship up into sub-assemblies that you complete entirely 1 by one before going on to the next section... think of them as little complete models of the Bismarck's turret Cesar, funnel or admiral's staff quarters, ect.  that go together as a diorama which happens to be the complete ship. Luckily, Trumpeter's kit engineering makes this fairly easy. When one section is done, celebrate... call it finished and put it up on a display shelf or somewhere safe and move on to the next section.
    I say that because you WILL get overwhelmed eventually... a fully detailed 1/200  battleship isn't that far below a full-rigged wooden man o' war in difficulty or frustration potential. Don't forget to give yourself some victories along the way to keep the flame alive!
  13. Like
    channell got a reaction from docidle in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    It looks like a great effort so far! The KA MK1 detail set really takes the kit to the next level!
    Don't know if you know already but I'll add a couple of tips that may help your build...
    Liquid plastic cement melts and "welds" the plastic; there is no good way to clean it up other than old fashioned sanding (and putty if neccessary) after everything is dry.
    The KA set included porthole rings; it's the easiest way to improve the warped kit portholes.
    Plain old Elmer's white glue is the best stuff I've found to do tiny PE parts; it makes a surprisingly good bond and shrinks as it dries, leaving no residue... provided you use it sparingly. CA (superglue) works best for larger PE parts that require some strength to them.
    You can build an authentic Bismarck without the giant Swazticas on the deck; she didn't get them painted on until the early part of 1941. During Operation Rhineburg itself, the Swazticas were painted out with grey paint... so in reality, they weren't there for the majority of Bismarck's service life.
    When it's time to paint, remember Bismarck's hull was painted a slightly darker shade of grey than the superstructure. Doing likewise on the model really improves the look of it.
    Tamiya's Fine Surface Primer is expensive stuff but it is fairly close to the light grey color of Bismarck's superstructure and works well for spray-painting without obliterating detail.
    I'm getting close to starting my second 1/200 Bismarck; I'll be happy to help if you need it, just let me know!
  14. Like
    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    i can now restart my build, 

  15. Like
    channell got a reaction from moflea in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Stupid fat Nazis on nasty ship. Wicked! False! We Hates them!! *gollum* *gollum*

  16. Like
    channell got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Stupid fat Nazis on nasty ship. Wicked! False! We Hates them!! *gollum* *gollum*

  17. Like
    channell got a reaction from Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    That would all depend on whether Indiana Jones was on the Missouri or not.
    BTW, still looking good Kevin! I really like the display case idea!
  18. Like
    channell reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Good afternoon everyone
    i keep sneaking into the man cave and doing small changes to the build, a door here and another hatch there, surprising just how much extra can be put onto this build, but i do miss the victory
    the case is temporary, not deep enough by about 1/2 inch but would be a lot more when all the waiste extras (gangways etc) are added

  19. Like
    channell got a reaction from Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Careful Kevin... before you know it you'll be adding Admiral Lutjen's toothbrush and favorite Hitler picture in his perfectly scale rendered private head.   There is no end to the detail one can add to this kit!
    Great work so far!
  20. Like
    channell got a reaction from bcso7 in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I'd add another update; I am getting close to finishing this monster finally after almost a year...





    I am now in the process of addind the last details around the ship that I have missed . Gotta say I'm a bit scared of the rigging but this isn't the HMS Victory so I do feel lucky about that!
  21. Like
    channell got a reaction from freewheelinguy in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I'd add another update; I am getting close to finishing this monster finally after almost a year...





    I am now in the process of addind the last details around the ship that I have missed . Gotta say I'm a bit scared of the rigging but this isn't the HMS Victory so I do feel lucky about that!
  22. Like
    channell got a reaction from realworkingsailor in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I'd add another update; I am getting close to finishing this monster finally after almost a year...





    I am now in the process of addind the last details around the ship that I have missed . Gotta say I'm a bit scared of the rigging but this isn't the HMS Victory so I do feel lucky about that!
  23. Like
    channell got a reaction from Ray in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I'd add another update; I am getting close to finishing this monster finally after almost a year...





    I am now in the process of addind the last details around the ship that I have missed . Gotta say I'm a bit scared of the rigging but this isn't the HMS Victory so I do feel lucky about that!
  24. Like
    channell got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Thanks everyone for the comments!
    Kevin- I am using the KA Models Mk1 superset and Eduard PE; there are plently of duplicates but they do compliment each other fairly well; the Eduard set contains many details KA missed and vice-versa.
    Foremast- I am airbrushing the superstructure with Model Master "Lichtrgrau" acryl and steel decks with Tamiya medium grey. The hull above the waterline is rattlecan Model master "Navy agressor grey" and below is Tamiya Guards Red (I think).
    I have still been puttering along with her; I got the docking wings on along with may other details (with plenty more to go!)


    I also am about 2/3rds through building all the AA guns:



  25. Like
    channell got a reaction from Prinz Eugen in Bismarck by Channell - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    I thought I'd add another update; I am getting close to finishing this monster finally after almost a year...





    I am now in the process of addind the last details around the ship that I have missed . Gotta say I'm a bit scared of the rigging but this isn't the HMS Victory so I do feel lucky about that!
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