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    UdoK reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    My boatyard has completed 2nd layer planking(1mm) down to the wales - both sides.
    Picture - close up of the Starboard Bow is before a slight sand.
    Picture - Starboard side after I lightly sanded the planking. Came up pretty good I thought considering. Didn't pay any attention to position of light or dark planks, random as they came out of the stock.
    I did physically break each plank run at least once(1), and other breaks I will score the plank to indicate a join. Hope that is sufficient to indicate the joints. Joints bit add hock > at the start went a bit haywire, then started a 4 way pattern.
    Next task is to add the wales !
    1 x 1.5mm thick plank(thickstuff above the wales) then a series of 2mm to make up a 12mm wide band for the wales.
    So this will provide a 2 steps on the top of the wale and 2mm to 1mm step below.
    I've decided my boatyard will follow the AOTS by Marquardt as close as it can.

  2. Like
    UdoK reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Planking update - this will seem to go on forever. 
    Second layer:
    Now I have not done a lot of research to how to add plans onto a first layer. At the moment I am getting away with gluing and holding each on the side with drawing pins. On the bends is another matter and I either use my contraption(that help hold the cramps in place) or craps to hold the plank in place while the glue dries.
    Speaking of glue; I am using a 2 part Epoxy called "Compset 121 Gel". Gives me a 30min wet time then goes off semi-hard in 1 hour, but fully rigid in ~12 hours. I got it from a boat builder mate who uses it on full size boats. Works very well and the whole boat to date is glued/held with this glue.
    A pic. of how I use a small length of plank below a glued plank joint to get a good line for the next row below.
    Channel Slots:
    I created 3 slots in the Sheer Strake(rail) for the side channels. Picture below of how each will slide in. When glued each should hold really well. 
    It works for me !!

  3. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from kiwiron in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    First I want to express my deepest sadness about the Loss of our friend Mick (Micklen32).
    As we now all know it wasn't allowed to him to complete his Endeavour build, so I would like to dedicate my build to him!
    Rest in peace my friend!
    Building goes on..
    For the upper bulwark planking I have used again a Piece of a basswood sheet instead of single Planks.
    Soaked them in water for half hour and clamped it to the hull.

  4. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from maggsl_01 in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    Hi all, some further Progress.
    I did from scrap Wood some framing for the ruder opening and Stern port lids to support the planking around.
    Due to a carelessness the stempost felt down from my worktable and the tip of the keel joint broke off (Why does the bread always land on the butterside?)
    So I decided to make a all new Backbone from my favourite Wood according the drawings of the AotS book, the Stern post is already done and fitted.

  5. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    The Gaff. I did the entire thing from scratch as you can see the AL Yoke would have never worked. 5 to go.

  6. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    As I move on with the yards, the blocks are getting smaller, and essentially I'm not very good at stropping blocks. I had a bit of an idea how to do it better. I got a bit of offcut dowel that would suit the radius that I needed. I cut a notch in it. I then hand served about a foot of .25mm cord and wrapped it around, held with a small pair of self closing tweezers, tied it off 3 times (the block is 3.5mm so fiddly). Using a bit of brass wire to hold the block I affixed the served ring with some CA, then tied off the block with cord and a small touch of CA. It worked!

  7. Like
    UdoK reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Today is HAPPY ANNIVERSARY  day.
    One year, to the day, from the start of Confederacy.  Just over 650 hours in the log.
    This being a special occasion, I'll suspend my usual rule of not posting until a step is complete to show where we are as of today.  The majority of the gun deck has been planked (Swiss Pear).  No sanding or finish yet....just swept up to remove the in-process debris.

    Planking has been a slow process as I've been cutting hooked scarphs to butt up against the margin planks.  I hadn't done this in my previous models so it's been a learning curve.  Fortunately, it has been working out well and I have also bolstered my scrap pile in the process:

    I must say I'm pretty pleased with the outcome.  Pear is like working with cast iron when compared to basswood but it holds a good edge.
    I need to cut another dozen or so scarphs and fit the few remaining planks.  Then well do our treenailing, sanding and finishing.  Hope to have this all completed within the next few weeks.
  8. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from kiwiron in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    It's slowly taking shape!
    Upper Bulwark planking completed and sanded.
    Stern fascia fitted and the area below planked.
    For the planking I have used the kit supplied strips, I think it's Manzonia Wood, horrible stuff, very hard and brittle, starts splittering soon after touching.
    I will definetly not use this for hull planking.

  9. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from Captain Slog in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    Hi all, some further Progress.
    I did from scrap Wood some framing for the ruder opening and Stern port lids to support the planking around.
    Due to a carelessness the stempost felt down from my worktable and the tip of the keel joint broke off (Why does the bread always land on the butterside?)
    So I decided to make a all new Backbone from my favourite Wood according the drawings of the AotS book, the Stern post is already done and fitted.

  10. Like
    UdoK reacted to Mike Dowling in Bounty by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - OcCre - 1/45   
    Greetings all!
    An update for you. I have now completed all the masts and the yards complete with pulleys, blocks, foot ropes, spars etc. Sure was a long job, I don't find tapering one of my favourite tasks.
    The observant amongst you will notice that I have pre-threaded all the blocks etc under the foremast platform as I can't for the life of me see how they could be threaded once the shrouds and ratlines are in place.
    Do you think this is good idea and if so should I do the same for the other masts?
    My task now as I am sure you know is to knit this lot together! It's going to be a long haul!





  11. Like
    UdoK reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Minor milepost... aft half-frames are installed.  I need to trim a bit and then rough fair them before moving to fore half-frames.

  12. Like
    UdoK reacted to Nightquest1000 in L'Artesien 1764 by Nightquest1000 - 1:48   
    tracing, cutting, tracing cutting... it gets a bit tedious after a while. I am making progress with the frames, but decided to entertein myself with something more interesting for a while.
    I've build one of the galleys. I made the base shape from a piece of scrap wood, sanded for a good smoothness. Then this block has been covered with self-adhessive copper foil. The same stuff you use for coppering a hull.
    The fittings are made from brass and I carved the stand from basswood.

  13. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Main and Fore yards complete. I have not yet attched the tackle as I will use two of them to be lowering a ship's boat and the other will be slung with the tricing lines to the stays. These are hopefully the most difficult of the lot with so many blocks to attach. Only 9 to go!

  14. Like
    UdoK reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Planking 2nd Layer:
    So I made this crane jig up so I can use clamps to hold the planks onto the hull whilst the glue dries. A combination of pins and the clamps(I use packing to protect the hull) seems to work ok. 

  15. Like
    UdoK reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    1st Planking:
    All 1st planks glued onto the framing, sanded smooth ready for the 2nd planking. Fun begins on the more important, and visual planks.
    I learnt a lot fitting the first layer. Found some information on "planking rules" which I practiced on some of the final planks.
    I was pretty happy that I got a fair shape in the end. A few mistakes on the way, but hey got to learn.

  16. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from WackoWolf in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    Hi all, some further Progress.
    I did from scrap Wood some framing for the ruder opening and Stern port lids to support the planking around.
    Due to a carelessness the stempost felt down from my worktable and the tip of the keel joint broke off (Why does the bread always land on the butterside?)
    So I decided to make a all new Backbone from my favourite Wood according the drawings of the AotS book, the Stern post is already done and fitted.

  17. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from kiwiron in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    First planking completed!
    It looks (it is) a bit rough on the Bow and Stern but filler and sanding will do the Job. The missing fore bulwarks will be added after sanding to prevent damage on it.
    Will start sanding pretty soon

  18. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    A productive weekend so far, blocks attached to both the fore and main yard, and footropes attached and dampened with diluted white glue to get them to fall properly. One they have set to the stirrups i will lash them. Once dry I can re paint.

  19. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from robin b in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Hi Greg,
    Nice work on the Yards, your blocks are looking exellent.
  20. Like
    UdoK reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Haven't gotten much done of late.  But I did manage to line out the deck where the bulkheads are.  The decking planks will end on these lines.

    In addition, I prepared some sample decks as I'm not familiar with Swiss Pear.  Here is what I've settled on:

    These are 1/8 x 1/16" planks supplied by Jeff @ Hobbymill.  Beautiful stuff.  The planks were lined on one edge with #2 pencil (ends also).  The simulated treenails were drilled with a #75 bit and filled with dyed filler to almost match the plank color.  The finish sequence was Minwax Pre-stain, one coat of Minwax Natural stain and a coat of Testor's Clear Acrylic Dull lacquer.  I'll be using a 3 butt shift on the deck.
    Work will commence next week and may take a little time    .
    You all stay the course !!
  21. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Ok, stirrup time. I used a needle to thread some 1.5mm line around a needle then glued it to form the base of the stirrup, then trimmed it when dry. i then set 15mm of length with CA to set it hard. The using some plastic strip to keep the distances correct at 15mm, slung them underneath the yard and lashed them. i can't actually attach the footropes until I lash the blocks on. A bit of black paint to hide the sins will follow.

  22. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from WackoWolf in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    The Endeavour continues....
    most of the hull sanding has been completed, only a few more spots require some minor filling and sanding
    the stempost in just dryfitted so far but will be subject to the next Installation followed by the keel and sternpost.
    I'am very happy to have finished the hull fairing orgy.

  23. Like
    UdoK got a reaction from kiwiron in HM Bark Endeavour by UdoK - Caldercraft   
    A Update on the first planking, slowly but steady.

  24. Like
    UdoK reacted to RGL in HMB Endeavour by RGL -FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    The fore and main yards. Several days to strop all the blocks required. Now I have to get the Stirrups and footropes right before lashing them. I think I intend to finish all the yards (11 of them) first so I can work from Bow to stern, low to high. The only blocks missing here are the lower tackle block. 

  25. Like
    UdoK reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Thank you Popeye,
    I`ll leave the decision for stowing the capstan bars to a later Point, due to finding the best place..
    the hammocks (47) are all in place now...

    47 hammocks fit into the nettings
    I am now studying masts and bowsprit rigging
    to begin with an easy one, here are the foresail tack bumpkins with their blocks....


    the ropes through the blocks are just to secure the dowels a bit untill they get permanently rigged
    Build log part 52 to follow...
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