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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 1 hour ago, king derelict said:

    Thank you very much OC. I got home at midnight last night. The procedure turned out to be a bigger deal than I expected but the doctor is pleased with the result. Lots of eye drops for the next two weeks and no driving but otherwise all good. Unfortunately my eyesight while healing is not going to be good enough for modelling and I am banned from anything dusty (eye infection risk) so the castle is stalled for a few weeks.


    Glad it all went well  mate,  no worries  with your  build  we are  all  here   and  not going anywhere  -  look after yourself  and  heal.



  2. Morning - evening all,    just another  small update  -  I am  still   brush  top coating  my stash  (I have about  80 to do)   what I do  is  to  work on as many  figures  for the  free  bottles  I have  that I used  to  stand them on,   them  in the  day light  I  give them a  quick coat  and leave  them for 24hrs  before  giving them a  second coat  -  then after  removing them off the  bottles  -  on to the  next group,     my phones  wasn't charged  so no pics.



  3. Just noticed  after giving them some time to dry  -  they will  need  another  brush over with my Mig Flat Acylic varnish,  airbrusing  was better  and a  one off  application,  brushing  it  on  seams  not  to cover aswel  and still  leave a  few shiny surfaces, think the  brush  may  move  some of the  varnish off areas  and not cover them so well.



  4. Evening all,   more progress  in-between  a  couple of chaotic days  with  the local water board  coming and going taking samples of our drinking water  as  its  developed a  metallic taste and smell,  they are  testing it in their labs  and  put us on supplied  bottled water  until they fix the problem.

    Anyway  here are  a  couple  of pics  of my Frenchies  after  flat coating.





  5. 48 minutes ago, king derelict said:

    I would love to try a Lightning. That was my first test aircraft at Boscombe Down. Watching the rate of climb following an AB take off was unforgettable. It would be a great bare metal challenge too. I've browsed kits but haven't formed an option on which is the superior offering. I need to try to find my Lightning reference book which is somewhere in my fathers attic in the UK. That may be a project for my December visit


    That  would  be  so cool Alan.



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