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I don't think there would have ever been any risk of problems in the magazine.  The magazine was always under armed guard and any movement of powder around the ship would have been strictly supervised by officers and/or senior petty officers.




I'm not sure if your model is of the specific time frame, but the gunpowder was changed around this time, to a more potent concoction.  The new powder was put into marked containers so they wouldn't blow up the guns using the same amount of the more powerful powder.  How this was marked escapes my memory at the moment.


I believe hazel was used in the bands of the powder casks.






Current build Trumpeter Arizona 1:200 with White Ensign PE and a Nautilus Wooden Deck.

Built Caldercraft Convulsion, HM Brig Badger and HMS Snake.

Awaiting - Zvelda HMS Dreadnought planning to get the Pontos Deck and PE Upgrades, Panart 1:23 Gun deck model and couple of the cannon kits Manatu - French siege mortar, and American coastal cannon.


Did a few minutes looking up withy.  All the definitions I found say withy was made of osier or other types of willow branches.


Can't wait for the Jeopardy game show to have powder kegs as a category and a clue on withy.  I am sure that will finally be one in which I can beat the admiral.....



PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU



Hi Guys

Just as aside ,Guy Fawkes was going to use 36 barrels of gun powder to blow up the house of parliament

with the King, the Prince of Wales,most of the Lords, and members of parliament in there !

That would have been one big bang, and changed the history of the world !



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