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Hi all, new member here.

I have digital copies of Fincham's 'A Treatise on Masting Ships and Mastmaking' that were scanned from University of Michigan library and from Harvard University library.  Neither of these scanned volumes seems to include the many Plates that were part of the original work.


I am darned if I can follow Fincham's description of construction details without the figures in the Plates to see what he's referring to.


Has anyone got a link to on-line copies of the Plates?

Alternately, several places will sell physical copies of the work - anybody can confirm that those re-prints typically include the plates?




  • 3 weeks later...



Are you still interested in the plates from Fincham's work? I have the scans from the third edition of 1854. They are not the best but are clear enough to read and are on 8 1/2 by 14 inch size. I copied the whole book MANY years ago from a copy of the Conway Maritime Print at Ohio State U. I can scan to pdf and then send them to you. I think there are about 24 pages. Several of them look to be straight from Steel's mast plates but I'm not sure as I haven't put them side by side.  Also from what I can tell, The Conway Maritime book print from 1982 is the only one that has the plates included. (The book with the red cover). Abebooks has several copies for sale. My scanner combined them into one pdf document so the file is rather big at 50 MEG. WETransfer would be able to handle that if you can. Let me know.




  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Dan,


I ordered a copy of Fincham from Amazon.ca a month ago, but it is still not here.  There are a lot of other things that I can attend to on my 'Beagle' model before the masts are actually needed, so it's not slowing me down as such.

But if the book arrives without plates, I would like to take you up on your offer!  I'll get back to you when it arrives.

Do you recall if the plates were bound into the book that you scanned, or were they separate?



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