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Best spring clamps

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There are indeed many choices for clamps. I would steer clear of wasting money on the "planking clamps" sold by MicroMark and similar hobby outlets. They are of dubious value and extremely expensive. If one properly spiles and bends their planks, there should be little, if any, need to clamp them much, in any event. 


I'd suggest buying a box or two of standard binder clips in suitable sizes, large and small, at the stationery store. They are inexpensive and very handy. After that, buy a few clamps in styles that you find attractive and see how they work. If they do the trick for you, then invest in a few more. Most serious modelers end up with boxes full of assorted clamps. Once your clamp box reaches "critical mass," you'll find they breed quite successfully without any attention. Lay in a supply of push pins while you're at the stationery store. They also will be found useful. (Drill a hole for a plank fastening and secure the plank with a push pin. When the adhesive dries, remove the push pin and insert a treenail.)





Binder clips can be disassembled and one of the bent wire "arms" inserted in the inside of the spring of another clip to produce a planking clamp as illustrated below:



Or suitable pieces of wood can be inserted in the inside of the binder clip spring to achieve a similar result. I find pieces of "popsickle" (craft) sticks inserted in small size (1/4" - 1/2" capacity) binder clips work well for this application. 







Edited by Bob Cleek
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