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Wasa by maltbyguy - Billings / Corel

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Hi here we go again

I saw this Billings kit on E bay at what I thought was a very reasonable price but unfortunately it was an older kit with no fittings

:o :o

After an internet search nothing seemed to be available to buy so I thought I had bought some expensive firewood or paint stirrers

On a whim I E mailed the seller to see if he had any bits he might have tucked away , he replied that he had a full Coral fittings kit that he would send me for free :) :)


So the mongrel has started


I didn't like the printed deck so I used some 1/16 ply as a false deck and then planked with Tanganika (I think) using Nigel's (NMBROOK) method of using black tissue paper to simulate caulking


pace is a bit slow as time is at a premium at the moment

any comments from any of the other Wasa builders here would be appreciated








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Hello Andy & welcome to the Vasa builders club. I am not that familiar with the Billings kit but if you check out Matti`s (Nazgul) build it is one of the best from a Billings kit. I also tried to find the Billings fitting kit to use the figures on my Corel build but but could not get it :(.It looks like you are off to a good start.I have built the Sergal kit & found that the galleries were the most difficult part of the construction to get to look right.The Billing Boats USA web sight actually shows the fitting kit available but when I tried to order it they sent my order to the U.S.distributor - Ages of Sail - & they said it was not available :huh:.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all

I thought I had better post an update on progress

when I last was on I had just started on some of the deck furniture doors and ladders etc.

These are all now made fitted and painted so I have made a start with the planking so far it has been quite straight forward with no really nasty bends that a 10 minute soak in hot water won't cure

I have now realised that there needs to be a method of supporting the dummy cannons so work has stopped and my thinking cap has been dug out again

I have been looking at the excellent build logs thanks guys for all your help and pictures I will post more pictures when I have sorted the cannon problem out










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I just noticed your log. welcome to the group Vasa builders. I am building the Corel kit both are indead the same scale although the Billing Boats kit apears to be more accurate and based on newer information.

Jan V. 

current build: Vasa-1628 Corel / Battle Station Mantua/Panart,

previous: Statenjacht / Cross section HMS Victory / diorama shipyard



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Thanks Jan

the newer Billings kits might have more up to date information but mine is an early one and there seems to be a lack of information on anything to do with the building of the kit

I am struggling with the gunports at the moment everywhere I think there should be one there seems to be a bulkhead !


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  • 6 months later...

Hi all sorry I haven't posted for a while but things have been a bit busy at work and with family and as I have said before I tend to be a bit of a lurker often on the site but not very often posting . I guess we are all our own worst critics but I never feel that my work stands up to criticism compared to the excellent work shown on the site.

But here goes with a few pictures of my work so far   







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  • 3 years later...

How are you coming along with this model.  Havent seen you on the forum in a bit.  Any progress? 😊

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Hi Chuck thanks for getting in touch

Unfortunately the model is at the moment on the top of the wardrobe gathering dust like a lot of others I suspect ?

I hope to one day re start maybe when the weather turns bad it has been much too nice a spring and summer here in the UK to be sat in the workshop 

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  • 11 months later...

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