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Everything posted by TwelveInchFigures

  1. Hi Nigel, Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. I tried finding something with hardware cloth/rabbit fencing, but couldn't find anything myself small enough at the places I tried. A friend suggested I contact some machine shops and see if they might have something or be able to make something, so I'll try there next. I'd hate to have to make it by hand, though I know if I get some strips of bass wood and I already have carpenter glue, then it's just a matter of sawing and gluing... and patience. Then some metal colored paint. But that's last resort. Thanks again for all your help with this. Kind Regards, Ken
  2. Thank you for the ideas. Yes it is the flowforge flooring I'm trying to reproduce - Thank you Nigel for your detailed information so I know now at least what to call it and more about reproducing it. I emailed a place that makes wire meshes, so hopefully they'll have something the right size, but depending if its flat or weaved I may have to keep looking. Kind Regrds, Ken
  3. Hi, I'm new here, hoping this is the place to ask my question (if not, if someone can move this post to the right place or refer me where i should post, that is appreciated - thanks!). I'm building a diorama, and though it's not ship related someone suggested I try here as someone might have some ideas. Basically I need to build or find something to use for a 1/6 scale grated floor for a diorama, that can hold some weight as there will be some figures posed on it. I would prefer to find something I could adapt to this use, but if I can't, then ideas and tips on what to use to build it so that it's sturdy and matches (as closely as it can anyway) the grate pattern in the image below - which is pretty perfect as far as what I'm looking to make: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTEwMFgxNjAw/z/3X8AAOxy4dNS39Wi/$_57.JPG (Just in case that linke doesn't come through, I'll attach a pic as well - new here so not sure how all this works exactly - forgive newbie ignorance please). As you can see by the tape measure in the picture, it's a pretty small grate pattern, which is why I've had such a hard time finding anything. Since it has to hold some weight, I figured it would be best to post in this group. I don't care what it's made of - wood, metal, plastic - but the lighter the better. And the overall floor size I am looking to build of this grid pattern I need is a minimum of 1 foot by 2 feet - if it means gluing two or more parts together that's fine too. Any ideas are very much appreciated, as I've hit only dead ends so far. Thank you very much in advance for any ideas. Kind Regards, Ken
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