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Everything posted by 1943Mike

  1. Kats, I've been following your build with great interest. You're a marvelous modeler! I'm currently doing the best I can (which is not in the same league with your talents and model-building prowess) with my Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark and am (as I often find myself) CONFUSED! I'm attaching blocks to the yards and trying to make sense of where to rig the sheet and clew lines for my model. I'll be building her with sails stowed. I guess my question is best asked using the Revell instructions/diagrams so I'll try to attach them in this post. Essentially, where - AT WHAT POINT - does one attach the sheet line to the downhaul line? The instructions state: "(for W/O SAILS, tie SHEET LINE to EYE of CLEW BLOCK or to DOWNHAUL LINE)" I hope my question with the help of the section of the Revell diagram I'm attaching will be clear. I've looked at the pictures you've posted on this page and am still a bit confused. I guess my head just can't seem to disentangle one line from another in the images. If you find time to answer my question I'd be most appreciative. Mike
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