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Everything posted by llird

  1. Thanks Bjoern, will do. Andrew
  2. Thanks Klimi, I located a set of plans still need the instruction book. From who did you order yours from? I tried the company direct but no luckThanks again.
  3. I was given a old , circa 1985, Mantua/ Sergal kit for the "Bounty" 1:60 scale. All printed material is missing; parts list, instructions and the large sheet plans. Anyone out there that built this kit that I could buy the above from you? Thanks Andrew Cesari
  4. Enjoying the photos of your build, very nice work. I plan to build that kit someday and seeing it done through your fine photography will be most helpful. A 2D plan at times can not match a good photo with ithe light and shadows. I'm also trying to convice my wife how much she wants to go to Boston. Looking forward to the next post. Thanks Andrew
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