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Posts posted by FlotsamFerno

  1. Hi Brian -

    after reading your response to my post in the New Members forum I couldn't resist reading through your Carmen build log. Can I just say it puts my effort to shame even though I'm still ridiculously proud to have actually finished the build without ceremonially torching the thing at numerous points..

    So much in your construction rang true with my experiences, although your determination to put right your mistakes is inspiring. I too was of the mindset that this was my first build and any mistakes were all part of the learning process - but that's where the similarities end. I made a mistake and ploughed on, way too timorous to even contemplate veering from the instructions.

    Your finished model is a beauty and I only wish you'd decided to have a crack at the Endeavour next so I could follow your lead..

    Good luck with the Virginia Sloop.



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