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    North Georgia
  • Interests
    Golf and Archery. Looking to re-ignite my passion to resume a build of a wooden Spanish galleon that I started some 35 years ago.

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  1. Yes the ship kit was made in Italy and I'm glad I asked first, I would definitely have messed it up with my torch. Mr. Tadeusz if I run into issues, I'll need to follow up on your comment. It reads to me that I would need to acquire silicone (like in caulking tubes?) and resin ( don't know anything about resins) and then cast the piece, then bend it and paint it. With a little more information it sound doable, but for now I won't bother you for the details. Thanks Guys. Tom
  2. Thanks for taking my question. When I scrapped off a little of the paint on the backside, the metal appears very shiny like maybe zinc. The piece feels very light but rigid like it would snap if I were to try to bend it with a pliers. The paint was hard to scrape off, like it was electrode-stacitcly applied or some process like that. I'm concerned if I was to heat it up with my homedepot Bernomatic torch, the paint would discolor, which is why I'm reaching out before I attempt anything. Tom
  3. I'm building my first ship called the Frederich Wilhelm from a kit I bought 33 years ago. It is a wooden planked hull ship that requires a bulge on both sides near the back where the captain can look out a window. This bulge is rounded and looking at photos on the internet, the figurines on this bulge appear curved backwards to conform to the curvature of the bulge. I have the figurines in my kit but they are straight. I don't know what kind of metal they are but they are bronze in color. How should I go about bending them. Thanks Tom
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