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Everything posted by TGHill

  1. My error, apologies Mr. Taylor. I did think it a strange moniker but totally missed the name in the header in nice large type, kinda like looking in the fridge and shouting to my wife "Where'd you put the milk?" "Right in front of your nose...". Thank you Mark for the link, I shall follow it up sir.
  2. Thank you Bilge Rat, so, that said, one could argue for black or white hull paint and not be too far off the mark.
  3. Thank you for your insight Wayne, appreciated.
  4. I am in the process of building a POF model of a Provincial Marine brig, Netley. It was originally built, circa 1812, at the York, Upper Canada, ship yards as a schooner and named Prince Regent, refitted a year later and renamed General Beresford and finally refitted as the brig Netley. Other than finding her named on a list of British ships on the Great Lakes during the war of 1812, I have uncovered little else but a mention of her rig and armament. (I believe I have the naming sequence in the correct order) I think I am correct in assuming copper plate was not used on the hulls of fresh water vessels so I am curious as to whether anyone might know what material and or paint colour might typically have been used on British ship's hulls during this period? Thanks, Tim
  5. Thank you Jaager for your information. Interestingly, I had pretty much settled on a 24' length as being reasonable. Based on what you have shared, I see I am in the right ballpark. I had found plenty of information on widths and thicknesses but had no luck on length. I gathered the length would depend on the material at hand but wasn't sure if there was an admiralty decree determining plank length. Thanks to you and Roger, I can continue with confidence.
  6. Thank you Roger. I am familiar with the Tecumseh but was in aware of the website you mention. Thank you very much!
  7. I am in the midst of scratch building a POF model of the 1814 HM Brig Netley built in York on Lake Ontario. My research of marine archives both in Ontario and Greenwich turned up no drawings on the ship so I have done all the lines drawings myself based on similar sized ships of the era. I am now about to begin planking and cannot locate an answer to: "What is the typical length of plank used to sheath the hull of an 1814 Brig of War?" Any suggestions on this issue would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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