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Posts posted by ibrowne

  1. Hello Beef Wellington,


    I have been following the two "Snake" builds by yourself and Jim which both look great. As a general question has any modeller chosen to make their vessel look like its endured the trials of time and appropriately "weathered" their craft. Copper plate would of course have a green oxidised coating and may look quite attractive and ...well almost "real". I haven't found any article much yet on weathering historic sailboats and copper for instance, but I would be interested in your thoughts. The convention seems to be to keep finished models like they have just been launched ...waiting for their crew.. Thanks Ian.

  2. hello Jim,


    I just started logging on to this site a few days back as a newbie and the workmanship in the postings including yours is impressive. I have just purchased the Amati Xebec kit so I am getting sort of nervous hoping that I can get to this standard ..well staight away....!! How many kits does it take to reach the skill levels that I see in your own kit bash? When I see various models I keep thinking gee that looks good..so I understand that the secret is patience perhaps? I can also guess perhaps that assembling the parts in the right order is critical to a good finish are there any rule of thumb guides in that regard? I also notice there are lots of learned tricks  in getting details right which I presume means the model kit instuctions can be vague at times and especially if they are translated from another language? Anyway your Snake looks terrific.



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