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Everything posted by asimon

  1. Does anyone use the Northwest Shortline Chopper? Is it worth it? I'm having a horrible time cutting small pieces of wood identical lengths for things like hatch covers. Other suggestions? Thanks!
  2. I would love the corresponding Vallejo paint numbers - thanks!
  3. I have the kit by Artesania Latina. The kit doesn't list any specific colors or manufacturers, but has pictures. That's what I'm going off of. The photos in the kit seem to match the colors of the full size replicas I've seen.
  4. I'm building the La Fayette Hermoine and am trying to find the right red/orange color for the trim, railings, etc. Any suggestions? I looked for the right color in model master acrylics at the local hobby store and everything is too red or too orange. I'm guessing I'll need to mix my own. Just wondering if anyone has done this ship before and found a combination that works. Thanks!
  5. Do you always use wood stain on your models? If so, at what point in the construction process do you stain the parts? A problem I ran into is that if I build first and then stain, if there is any little tiny bit of glue on the exposed wood, the stain won't soak in at that spot and looks horrible. Do I need to just be really careful about not getting any glue on exposed parts? Or stain before gluing? Or don't use stain at all? Just varnish at the end? I use wood glue usually, sometimes CA. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hello! I'm new to the forum and new to ship modeling. My husband and 2 teens build plastic models (mainly ships). I've never had an interest in joining them in the world of plastic, but have always liked the idea of working with wooden models. I grew up in New England around sailing ships. (Mystic Seaport, anyone?) Last summer, my hubby finally convinced me to give a wooden model a go. I homeschool our kids so tthe summer was the best time to try. I built a Titanic lifeboat. It's definitely not perfect, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Then I tried a Constructo model of the HMS Bounty. It was a fairly simplified kit, but good for a beginner. It gave me good experience with rigging. Now I'm working on an old Artesania Latina whaleboat. The fact that it's an old kit (1970s?) makes it a little more challenging. Modeling technology has come a long way! For my birthday, hubby got me the Artesania Latina L'Hermione. I'm looking forward to learning from you all! Amy
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