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Everything posted by NicholasJ

  1. Thanks Kevin. I’m sure I’ll have many questions for you.
  2. Thanks so much for all the great responses and the warm welcome. People really went out of their way to help me and it’s very much appreciated. I feel I should reply to each individual but I’m in a rush right now. So sorry. I’m feeling a lot better about completing this now due to all the advice. I also just realised there is a step by step on the box! I was searching through all the paper work. I was feeling a bit lost without knowing what order to do things. It also states on the box: building a scale model is very easy. Just follow the photographs step by step. next step will be do order some tools 👍
  3. Hello everyone I recently purchased a model ship. The ‘Le Hussard’. I’ve always loved these models and tall ships in general. So i made this purchase of this second hand model as the previous owner gave up due to lack of time. I thought this would be like a complicated LEGO model with step by step instructions. However it seems I was wrong. There is so much more to it. Skills to learn and terminology I don’t know. I read through the forums here about all the new people that give up. I hope that won’t be me. So where should I start? What tools do i need? Which glue should I use? Im not sure where to start here. Thanks for any help, Nick
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