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Everything posted by Pak75

  1. Please read post #9 Here is link provided by Dr PR Thanks Thanks
  2. Thanks Henry and Dr PR for replies. I asked qsn re unhooking tackles before firing as this was suggested on another forum... I was hoping for some secondary references rather than recycling internet blogs so thanks for link to US document. If tackles were angled to any extent as in diagram in linked blog, then they would intrude on living/eating space of gun crews between guns. Therefore, having hooks in ends of hoists means they could be easily detached and stowed. Thanks Stephen
  3. Hi there I plan to build a Heller Victory and as the 12 Pounder guns are most visible i would like to get this right. Two follow up questions if you don’t mind: 1, There are various images on www of HMS Victory’s 12 pounder guns. Some show outhaul tackle hooked on to ring on side of gun carriage, others show tackle hooked on to ring at rear and on top of carriage. Which is correct? All other guns below have tackle hooked to side of carriage. 2. Once loaded and the gun run out, was the tackle unhooked from the gun prior to firing and flaked on the deck? Thanks
  4. Hi While I was in Uk in Noughties I bought two antique pond yachts to restore one day... The Vintage Model Yacht Group published several booklets printed by Curved Air Press based on articles going back to 1920’s. Titles include: Jack’s Guide to Restoration of Older Model Yachts Your Model Yacht - how to sail it Tuning up a Model Yacht These are now available from Sailsetc but their website appears to be down. http://www.vmyg.org.uk/pages/resources/books/caplist 2003.htm Techniques and suppliers have obviously progressed or changed in last 100 years but some advice is as relevant today as then. From restoration manual p1 first line: “Some important Don’ts Don’t bring boats, tools, work in progress from workshop into kitchen without an express invitation.” Cheers
  5. Hi Helen I am renovating an Airfix Bountyband have lots of parts left over. If Raklein5 does not want I would be happy to take it off your hands and pay postage to Sydney, NSW. Thanks
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