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Everything posted by cfwheeler

  1. I always thought I would build a glorious wooden tall masted ship one day. I never progressed past Revell's "Constitution" , Aurora's "Wanderer Whaler" and Revell's "Cutty Sark" I had the Model Shipways large Constitution and the Lauck shipyard guides, but sold them here under a previous ( and inaccessible ID ). My focus going forward will be figures, motorcycles, the occasional car and perhaps terrain. I am posting here now for a reason. I own several books and guides for model ship builders. I sold what I could on EBay, but would practically give the remainder away there. So I would like to give them away here. Perhaps they will be of use to some of your readers, especially during these trying times. Not looking for any money, just zero-profit postage from NJ. Claim in the thread or through private message. First come, first served. Obviously, I need to know at least zips so I know what postage will be. Sincerely, hope this does not violate any of your posting rules. Thanks for your attention and may all your masts stay straight and hard..... Kind Regards, Chris Wheeler EDIT: Remaining Books as Shown - 04/16/20 AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE
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