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Everything posted by JackSilver

  1. Thank you for the insight and suggestions! @mtaylor My confusion stemmed from part #27 having two slots. @Jaager- I agree with your assessment. CCoyle pointed me to some pictures by Stuglo and the bowsprit went to a similar post in his build, but not at the base of the post. The first reply has a link to the picture. CCoyle jogged a memory for me- I have Lennarth Peterson's book "Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft". I wonder if the kit manufacturer was attempting to emulate that structure. It would allow the bowsprit to be at a good angle as per Jaager's comment, and I feel that, in a real schooner, it would better transmit the stresses of the foresails to the hull better. The gammoning is a fulcrum, and the heel of the bowsprit would tend to be pushed to windward by the foresails. Peter's illustration also shows the pin rail that the kit has.
  2. Chris- thanks you for your reply. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be fabricating, either. In the instructions, they call the cross piece a "trenailrail". I'm to use nails for "treenails". I suppose it is a belaying pin rail. Later in the build, they call for some braces for the fore topsail, and downhauls for the jib & flying jib, to be lead to this rail. The other parts in the kit make sense, and I'm hesitant to cut up parts until I'm sure that I'm supposed to do so. What threw me off is they cut two slots in the part, and it is much larger than needed. As you noted, other builds don't have that rail, which confused me more. Again, thanks for your help! ->Jack
  3. Please see my images below. It seems I should cut part #27 to produce the item is step 12? It seems to go in front of #15 in the deck plans. The last image is my progress thus far. Thanks for any advice!
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