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Reneke Roodt

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Posts posted by Reneke Roodt

  1. Hi Tim,


    I'm new to this forum but I sure wish I'd come across this website a long time ago, especially your log.  I bought the exact model like yours of The Bounty in 2008 and have been working on and off on it ever since (very slowly obviously, but only in my spare time).  In 2018 I finished the main body (photograph 47 in the booklet), and then nothing happened for the next two years.  Then the pandemic struck the world and I suddenly sat without any work.  I started on the model again in April of this year and have done the whole body (including the interior) since then.


    Then, as you well know, and commented in your log, came to the end of the manual without any further instructions.  I was so frustrated I started doing some research on the internet.  That's where I came across this website and especially your very beautiful model.  It is such a pity that I've progressed so far before I saw the color scheme you used on your model, as well as the changes you have made to the A.L model.  Mine looks like a freight ship with all the paraphernalia that I have stuffed into the interior!  So it is in no way as accurate as your model, but I still had a lot of fun doing it...


    Thank you for inspiring me to new heights.  Your photographs of the masts are helping me tremendously.


    Kind regards,



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