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Everything posted by TheDukeOfWybourne

  1. Hello there! The wreck Steven referred above is called Osmundvraket (Osmund iron wreck) and it is different than the Okänt Skepp (Unknown ship). The Osmundvraket in itself is rather interesting of course, it was probably made or atleast repaired in Finland at some point, which then sparked my interest in it (I'm Finnish), more info on it can be found on the Vrak - museum of wreks -site: https://www.vrak.se/en/wrecks-and-remains/osmundvraket/ (Vrak being of course the Swedish word for wrek). The museum site also has lots of information on other Swedish wreks. From the Okänt Skepp I've not managed to find anything since the initial press release in 2019, the original press release was fron the University of Southampton (found here: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2019/07/unknown-ship.page ) and all news stories seem to be referring that. Dr Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz also has a youtube page with some lovely footage of the ship. They were supposed to go back the next year to gather more information, but the next year was of course the infernal 2020 so I think it just didn't happen
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