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Everything posted by Marvic

  1. Dear Steven, Louie da fly and Mark, thank you for the very detailed feedback and reading material I will be reading and which is really a very interesting learning curve and appreciated. The questions I might still have is with the potential rudder or other that could be as something else due to the far starboard position. An other interesting part as a novice is the rigging and the captain in red seems to be steering by the mizzen lateen. I have attached the remainder of the painting to be fair and provide a whole picture. My pictures are a little out dated as the paintings date has now been revised to 1380 and 15th Century. While I agree with the reasoning I am still leaving the potential that this work could be evidence in the transition change of technology and early evidence in the case as the bascinet development, two masts lateen and square main and clothing and therefore even earlier than 1380. You guys are champions and knowledge is greatly appreciated. I will keep you updated as soon as I am ready to do whatever with thank you Marvic
  2. Dear all, I am an entusiast art historian and trying to make sense of the images from a maritime sense. I am trying to identify age and period of the vessel. The painting is being attributed to 14/15 century but for reasons of clothing and surroundings and the potential rigging and rudder position; I am thinking it is of the earlier period 1290 to 1313 and might be one of the initial combination of lateen mizzen and square main sail. The rudder is slowly making it's way to the centre of the vessel from a chronoligical techinical perspective. So this is possibily an archeological evidence of the evolution of technology. I am not a sailing expert with basic sailing skills, but from asking around from others it is interesting as the rigging is fairly clear and it is being steered out of harbour by handling the rigging. The rudder seems to be not centred but situated to the star board (steering side) it is to far to starboard to be a mistake. I have also now hypottecially attributed the full story to the 1282 period (not yet published) thus by the time the painting was commisioned it would have been 1290 to early 1300s. The dark ship wreck part on the right, seems to have a side rudder on port side and suggesting again the age. I have just retired and after a long period of study I am hoping to publish. If I do your comments with your permisson would be attributed to you in the discussion and might decide and be encouraged to build a model which I have never done from scratch. I have not added the full work of art here, for the reader to focus on the maritime section, but for those that will send comments and suggestions I will forward the full work of art always with the intention of not publishing the painting till permission is granted. I look forward to your input, suggestions and comments. Please at present I have permission to use images for research so please avoid publication other that on here or to investigate further with colleagues. Questions are welcome. I appreciate anyone that contributes and all ideas are welcome. Have fun Thank you
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