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Posts posted by rmitch2

  1. Hey everyone,


    Joined the forum looking for information.  I understand I am new here and do not have any other posts so you don't know if you can trust me or not but all I can do is ask.  A while back a one of my shipmates (I am a US Navy Submarine Veteran) passed.  We say he went on eternal patrol.  Anyway, I was entrusted with 2 model ships from him with the intention to sell and then have the proceeds go directly to the USSVI Charitable Foundation.  I really have no idea the value or best way to sell or find appropriate buyers for these ships.  One is on a stand and has a name Fragata Espanola 1780.  There is a paper tag on it indicating it was purchased in Spain in the 70's and it was made by prisoners and sold in the streets there.  The other is in a glass case about 3' long and 3' high.  By google searches I think it might be a whaler?  Charles Morgan?  It is not in the best of shape and certainly needs some care and attention.  If anyone can help me figure out a direction to go with this or has any info at all on these 2 ships please reply or PM me.  I read the note about sharing emails so after PMing maybe we can email or phone.   I assure you I am not trying to make a penny off this and only want to find a good home and get whatever value these might be worth.  I am going to try to attach a couple pictures.  Thank You

    ship 2.jpg

    ship 2 tag.jpg





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