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David Baker

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Posts posted by David Baker

  1. Hi, I'm in the process of hull triple planking on this Panart Launch, having (like so many of us) picked up the model where I left off some 30 years ago.  On the outer planking layer, I've run into an interesting question.  Unlike the two inner plank layers, which I'd given little thought to so long ago, it occurred to me as a large scale woodworker in addition to modeler that it would be difficult bordering on inconceivable that these planks would have consisted of a single piece ranging the entire length of the vessel (let alone planking on a very large ship such as a first rate ship of the line, ec.).  However, my research has not uncovered any reference or best practice regarding what a typical, manageable board length would be for planking that is also considerate of where its anchor points need to fall in order to secure it to hull framing for strength.  Any thoughts on this?  Thanks!

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