I am trying to sort out the camouflage colors im "Measure 32" of the USS Iowa in late 1944, specifically if “Dull Black 82” or “Navy Blue 5-N” as the dark color and "Light Grey 5-L" or "Haze Grey 5-H" were used. It is completely confusing, as a lot of models show it either way. Unfortunately, no “pattern sheets” have, as far as I know, surfaced for the USS Iowa. To my credit, I have posted the same topic already on reddit.com, however, I thought to give it another try amongst you naval experts – maybe you can shed some light into this. This topic specifically for the USS Iowa, seems to be a complete mystery and I do not hope to open a can of worms. Here is where I stand:
Up to my knowledge, as ordererd by the "USN Bureau of Ships (BuShips)" in 1940, the typical color combination for Measure 32 were "Light Gray 5-L" and "Dull Black 82" ("Ocean Gray 5-O" seems to be not relevant for this discussion, at least I hope):
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_US_Navy_dazzle_camouflage_measures_31,_32_and_33:_battleships
In January 1944, when the USS Iowa entered the Pacific theatre, she was wearing the famous camouflage pattern “Measure 32 Design 1B” with the “feathered dark areas”:
Source: https://imgur.com/a/NKGjD
The only "pattern" I found (thx to "Tammyc6" on Reddit.com), which gets close to the " Measure 32/1B" of the Iowa Class, is for the "North Carolina Class (BB-55)".
"The drawing for Design 32/1B specifically drawn for the battleship USS Iowa (BB-61) has not yet been found. Norfolk Navy Yard sent the Bureau of Ships on January 13, 1944, photostat copies of the pattern applied to BB-61. Iowa must have used those drawings for Design 32/1B and Iowa was photographed in 32/1B in early 1944 [see above]. The specified vertical colors in this drawing were navy blue (5-N) and haze gray (5-H). Iowa's application of 1B is a very good match to this drawing. This is the only Design 1B drawing yet found." (Quote & picture: usndazzle)."
Thus, other than ordered by BuShips (see above) and also stated within other publications on USN camouflage patterns in WWII which foresee a “Dull Black 82” and "Light Grey 5-L" for Measure 32 , the colors call for "Navy Blue 5-N" and "Haze Gray 5-H".
In late 1944, the USS Iowa was showing the “Measure 32” pattern (see below). A photo (3rd below, if not a recoloring issue) late 1944 shows the USS Iowa potentially wearing a "Navy Blue (5-N)" and supposingly "Light Grey 5-L" (although it is a tough call). I do not believe it is a worn out black, as it is to bluish.
Source: https://imgur.com/a/NKGjD
Source: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/323370-uss-iowa-the-big-one/
To sum it up:
So, what were the colors of the USS Iowa in late 1944 in Measure 32?
Any idea, details and suggestions are more than welcome. Already a big thanks into the naval expert community.