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James Flynn

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Everything posted by James Flynn

  1. Anyone know where I can get a set of build plans to the Uss Pennsylvania?
  2. Those look cool but a little out of my price range
  3. No, it doesn't half to be this ship I just really liked all the detail in the plans I'm wanting to build a large model as complete and as exact as posable that I can open up and show the Compleat inside of with its cargo not just a section. My plan was one side with no planking and the other complete and then I planned to make some of the canon remotely push out and fire but mainly I want a large ship and a decent challenge. From reading all your posts I think maybe you all have run me off this build I may need to rethink my choice of planes again. I thank all of you for all your advice I will repost when I chose a new set of plans. I'm disabled and live on a fixed income the Montebello was a free set of plans may take me a bit to be able to get another set.
  4. Ok maybe my idea of POF is a little confused any chance you could explain it to me in a little more detail. My idea is keeping it framed inside and out so I could fill the interior with everything seen on the plans so as to keep things as authentic as posable, but you guy's attempt in steering me away from the attempt is becoming a little concerning
  5. I wish I could find better pictures of this ship or one as close to it as posable
  6. would you by chance know of a POF I could take a look at in regard to your quote?
  7. would you by chance know of a POF I could take a look at in regard to your quote?
  8. I'm definitely hoping for a substantial challenge, but I challenge myself like this all the time I don't foresee to much difficulty once I get all the information I need again I thank you for your help
  9. Oh, that's cool thank you for that that helps a lot
  10. I'm hoping to do a (POF) it's my plan to build it as authentic as I possibly can and then fix it so I can open it up for viewing and make some of it remote controlled. I understand I have a lot of research ahead of me this is just my beginning. Thank you for your post
  11. Thank you for translating that it helped allot
  12. I thank you for your response and I completely agree with your suggestions and from the beginning planed on doing just that I don't plan on starting this build until I feel I have a decent grasp on what I need to do. This is just the beginning of my research I appreciate the time you took in responding to my post and I plan on doing everything I can to try to read this before I start, all though its written so small it's hard to figure out some of the lettering, but I am working on it. The plans I got online have no scale per say so I simply printed them off and took them to a print shop and had them blown up until the hull was 4ft. long from some of the research I have done I was thinking it to be some were around 1 to 80 scale what I was shooing for any way. Wanting to build a model around 4-5 foot long and about 4-5ft. tall and then try and make some of it remote controlled.
  13. you can see a full set of the plans I'm using here French 120-gun Ship-of-the-Line Montebello – The Model Shipwright
  14. Hello all. I am new to this forum and kind of new to ship building I have built many different speed boats, and my latest build was a 5'' long Skipjack sailing shrimping boat. Now I'm wonting to dive headlong into a big 4'' long war ship scratch build I'm wanting to build the 1812 120-gun Montebello first rate triple decker war ship. However, I am struggling with the plans I have downloaded from French 120-gun Ship-of-the-Line Montebello – The Model Shipwright but there written in French and I can't read them, and being my first time working with line plans I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the front and the back of the ship I can see how the ribs cut out for the most part from the image on the left top front and back views but why are there two sets of front and back one with high walls and one without and how do I get the front rounded into what looks like a D shape when looking at the top view?
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